- Vasculitis - when blood vessels refuse to work
- What is vasculitis
What is vasculitis
Vasculitis - an inflammation of the blood vessel walls, which can result from various causes. Vasculitis divided depending on the type and caliber of the blood vessels in the arteritis (inflammation of the walls of the arteries), arteriolity (inflammation of the walls of the arterioles - the smaller arteries) kapillyarity (inflammation of the walls of the capillaries - the smallest blood vessels), phlebitis (inflammation of the walls of the veins). Often inflammatory process captures vessels of several types and sizes. The common or generalized loss of blood vessels called a systemic vasculitis
Systemic vasculitis: the disease may be different
Vasculitis can be primary or independent diseases or arise against any other disease - are called secondary vasculitis.
The cause of primary vasculitis in most cases remains unclear.
It can be acute or chronic (bacterial and viral) infection, effects on the different chemical and biological poisons, drugs, serums, vaccines, the influence of physical influences (overheating, burns, including solar, colds, injuries), and genetic features.
All of these factors can change the antigenic structure of the blood vessel wall tissue and the body begins to perceive these tissues as a foreign substance (the enemy), by producing antibodies that can destroy the tissue.
The reason for the limited (segmental) vasculitis may be the introduction of infection into the blood vessel wall.
Signs of systemic vasculitis
All systemic vasculitis characterized by certain common features. First of all, it's fever, which is often in waves, with peaks of temperatures corresponding to fresh outbreaks of vascular lesions.
Another constant companion vasculitis is the appearance of the skin punctate hemorrhages involved in the muscles, joints and nerves. With all the systemic vasculitis affects the internal organs as well as in the heart can be affected coronary (heart muscle supply) vessels or the heart muscle itself, kidney - renal tissue (renal infarction, nephritis).
In those cases where systemic vasculitis accompanied by arthritis, the disease usually begins acute or subacute. First, there are general phenomena of inflammation, and in a few weeks or months, a period of generalization of the disease. Affected joints in systemic vasculitis occur:
- joint pain without any visible changes in the joints;
- transient arthritis of large joints with a benign course and reverse development without a permanent change;
- arthritis
Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications
with symmetrical lesions of the small joints of the hands and often long-term or chronic course, but without joint deformity.
The course of systemic vasculitis is usually long, with frequent exacerbations, progressive and difficult to treat. Prognosis depends on the form of the disease, the prevalence of vascular changes, and internal organ involvement.
Diagnosis of systemic vasculitis
Diagnosis of systemic vasculitis is based primarily on the fact that both are involved in the pathological process of many organs and systems, and the clearly expressed in the vascular component, cyclical trends and direct or indirect signs of sensitization (hypersensitivity).
Confirm the diagnosis of systemic vasculitis is possible by means of laboratory tests (signs of inflammatory and allergic process in the blood), these radiological and ultrasound of the blood vessels and internal organs.
Treatment of systemic vasculitis
The treatment is always administered individually depending on the clinical manifestations of the disease and the type of vasculitis.
The goal of treatment is to achieve remission reduce the risk of exacerbations, prevent irreversible destruction of vital organs, increasing life expectancy
The main drugs used in systemic vasculitis, are those that reduce the production of an additional quantity of antibodies
Antibodies - "soldiers' immunity
hypersensitivity and reduced tissue. This glucocorticoids cytostatics (drugs to prevent cell proliferation, including antibodies). With some forms of systemic vasculitis are used methods of blood purification (hemosorbtion, plasmapheresis).
The remission in patients with mild treatment of vasculitis limited to the appointment of NSAIDs (Voltaren, indomethacin) in combination with drugs that reduce vascular permeability and lowers blood clotting (prevention of blood clots).
Prevention of vasculitis
Prevention of vasculitis - a healthier environment, hardening of the body, with the exception of immunological overload unreasonable appointment of medicines and vaccines.