Troxevasin - instruction: how to use the drug

September 30, 2012

 troksevazin guide
 Troxevasin - a drug which is used to reduce permeability and fragility of the walls of small blood vessels - capillaries. Apply troksevazin Troxevasin - will help if there are problems with veins  Troxevasin - will help if there are problems with veins
   diseases of veins, removal of edema of different origin, for bruises, sprains, household injuries.

 Troxevasin - instruction: how to use the drug

The mechanism of action troksevazin

Troxevasin (active substance - Troxerutin) is a bioflavonoid. Bioflavonoids - a substance of natural origin, which are found mainly in plants and colorless yellow shades, belong to the group of vitamin F and exhibit venotonic and antioxidant properties. Produced troksevazin capsules of 300 mg and a 2% gel Balkanfarma Bulgarian pharmaceutical company.

Troxevasin is derivative of rutin, it participates in the oxidation-vosstanovitelnyhreaktsiyah intracellularly. It also inhibits the action of hyaluronidase - an enzyme that breaks down hyaluronic acid. Under its influence, hyaluronic acid cell membranes of particular stability. This leads to a strengthening of the capillary walls, reduces their permeability and fragility, and positively affects the inflammatory processes in the walls of the veins.

This improves blood flow in the capillaries, reduces swelling of soft tissues, and pain associated with malnutrition tissue. Suppression of inflammation in the walls of veins leads to a reduction of aggregation (the ability to gather in groups and stick together - such conglomerates are the backbone of blood clots) and prevention of platelet thrombus formation.

With regular use troksevazin patients are swelling and a feeling of heaviness in the legs, improves tissue nutrition, scarring sores. Capillary permeability is disturbed in some childhood diseases (measles, scarlet fever), flu, allergies - in all these cases troksevazin also help. Troxevasin enhances the positive effect of vitamin C on the structure and permeability of the vascular wall, so these two drugs are often prescribed together.

If ingestion troksevazin absorbed slowly and incompletely, valid for eight hours and then decomposed into products of metabolism in the liver and excreted in the urine and feces.

 Troxevasin - instruction: how to use the drug

Indications and contraindications

Troxevasin apply under the following conditions and diseases:

  • in chronic venous insufficiency Venous insufficiency - rapidly Youthful disease  Venous insufficiency - rapidly Youthful disease
   with varicose superficial and deep veins, heavy legs, pain and swelling;
  • in inflammation and thrombosis of the veins (thrombophlebitis) and surrounding soft tissue, as well as for pain after thrombophlebitis;
  • If skin irritation and trophic ulcers on the background of varicose veins;
  • acute and chronic hemorrhoids;
  • in the complex therapy in the surgical treatment of varicose veins after sclerotherapy of veins, varicose veins and altered hemorrhoids;
  • after injuries to relieve swelling and rapid resorption of hemorrhages;
  • a tendency to bleeding (hemorrhagic diathesis), which is accompanied by changes in the walls of small blood vessels (capillaries) and increased permeability;
  • in some acute infectious diseases, which are accompanied by toxic lesion of the capillary walls (such as the flu, measles Measles in children - may cause serious complications  Measles in children - may cause serious complications
 , Scarlet fever);
  • at night cramps in the muscles of the lower leg and numbness in the lower extremities;
  • vascular disorders and diabetes mellitus Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
  • with the defeat of the walls of the capillaries during radiotherapy.

Contraindications for use troksevazin are:

  • individual intolerance of components;
  • erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute phase (capsule);
  • first trimester (first 12 weeks) of pregnancy.

Since the data on the clinical trials of the drug in pregnant women and nursing mothers not, this group of patients troksevazin should be used with caution. With caution and short courses troksevazin prescribed for kidney function.

 Troxevasin - instruction: how to use the drug

Side effects and possible overdose

In most cases toksevazin well tolerated. But in some cases it can cause erosion and ulceration of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. It is also possible allergic reactions such as itchy skin rash or hives. In this case, the drug should be discontinued.

No cases of overdose were reported troksevazin.

Troxevasin - it is a safe and effective drug for strengthening the walls of the veins in chronic venous insufficiency. Particularly effective is the application troksevazin with ascorbic acid.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • troksevazin

Aescusan - drops for the treatment of venous insufficiency

December 23, 2012

 Aescusan drops
 Aescusan drops widely spread in outpatient treatment of varicose veins, hemorrhoids and thrombophlebitis Hemorrhoids - a shameful disease  Hemorrhoids - a shameful disease
 . Apply these drops as after injuries and operations when necessary to remove tissue swelling. Aescusan is a herbal preparation, it is non-toxic and has a few contraindications for use.


How do droplets Aescusan

Drops Aescusan used as the drug that improves the venous circulation. They are composed of dry extract of horse chestnut seeds and thiamine hydrochloride, which are the active substance. Auxiliaries are 96% ethyl alcohol, purified water, lactose monohydrate and colloidal silicon dioxide. Issued drops in dark glass bottles of 20 ml with dropper cap.

Upon receiving the droplets are absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract into the blood and carried out to a vein tonic, anti-inflammatory, antithrombotic action, relieve swelling and improve the general condition of the patient.

The main active ingredient in the dry extract of horse chestnut seed is escin - a biologically active substance, which has full effect on the venous, capillary and lymphatic system.

Under the influence of the walls of veins estsina reduced lumen veins decreases, and venous blood begins to circulate more actively in the right direction. It reduces the permeability of the walls of veins and this helps to relieve swelling caused by venous insufficiency. Partially or completely exempt from venous blood venous components, and it also helps to improve the patient's condition and its appearance.

Active influence estsin has on capillaries due to this Aescusan considered capillary protector - a substance which has all-round beneficial effect on the capillaries. Increased blood circulation in the capillaries causes. Which prevents platelets from sticking together (aggregation) and blood clots, which is especially important for patients who have suffered a thrombophlebitis and have increased rates of blood clotting.

Improved under the influence of Aescusan and lymph flow, which also helps relieve swelling.


Who and how to take

Drops Aescusan remove any manifestations of venous insufficiency, but the very venous insufficiency Venous insufficiency - rapidly Youthful disease  Venous insufficiency - rapidly Youthful disease
   they can not be eliminated, so take medication more often as part of a treatment prescribed by a doctor and after the survey.

When varicose veins Varicose veins - the operation is inevitable?  Varicose veins - the operation is inevitable?
   after treatment eskuzanom Aescusan - help with venous insufficiency  Aescusan - help with venous insufficiency
   significantly reduced heavy legs, tired of walking, jerking the calf muscles, go swelling in the legs caused by venous stasis.

When thrombophlebitis and after a drop Aescusan improve blood circulation in the capillaries, thus preventing the formation of new blood clots and foci of inflammation in the veins - thrombophlebitis.

Hemorrhoids can also be treated using Aescusan. Acting on the venous and capillary network, Aescusan helps to reduce congestion in the rectal area, a reduction of hemorrhoids and prevent them from their infringement by improving blood circulation. It also relieves swelling, inflammation, pain and itching that accompany hemorrhoids.

For injuries and after surgery, when there is a pronounced swelling of the soft tissues, Aescusan help relieve the swelling that will contribute to the rapid recovery of the patient.

Take Aescusan drops before meals, washed down with a small amount of liquid. Usual dose - 12-25 drops three times a day for three months. Such courses may be repeated twice a year.


Contraindications and side effects

Aescusan - it is herbal, which has a very low toxicity, and hence very few contraindications. The absolute contraindication to the use of this drug is the only idiosyncrasy of its components, the body of the patient.

It does not take a drop Aescusan pregnant women and nursing mothers, as these drops on alcohol and can have negative effects on the fetus or infant.

Side effects drops only known allergic reactions and irritating drug on the gastrointestinal tract, which may be manifested as nausea, vomiting and pain in the upper abdomen. In this case, it is recommended to take a drop during the meal.

Drops Aescusan - a time-tested medication that is able to greatly reduce the symptoms of venous insufficiency.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Aescusan
