Representatives of show business all over the world are increasingly pampered audience: plastic side effects of the stars became a frequent phenomenon. There are many cases, when they gave a positive result. But it all depends on a sense of proportion. For example, neuemnost Michael Jackson led to the most negative consequences, and the restraint of Paris Hilton made her a little more attractive. With the start of use of Botox spoiled the whole epoch of female lips. From this hit Maria Malinovskaya, Nicole Kidman, Kylie Minogue and others. Constantly detected problems with breast implants. The most popular rhinoplasty can change facial features so that fans would be hard to find his idol, as was the case with Joan Rivers.

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Michael Jackson was truly a unique person: he will be remembered not only as mankind amazing singer and dancer, but also as a person, to completely change their appearance, which resulted into a tragedy for him and for his many fans.
The first operation of the King of Pop was a rhinoplasty. The desire to do it was the result of an accident at a concert in nineteen seventy-ninth year, when he fell awkwardly on the stage. Immediately after the first required operation followed by a second, which adjusted the aesthetic result of the fall. This was followed by many more attempts to improve this part of the body. As a result, with the nose of the king began to have serious problems. In the media flashed pictures, where Jackson was Fallen nose or nose without tip. Also, the color of the skin of the singer gradually began to lighten. However, these changes did not pay attention because of the increasing popularity and the title of the King of Pop at its peak. Next was the ultimate skin lightening. There are several theories about the reasons for the decision. Sam Michael said that this was caused by the disease, namely vitiligo
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. But it was true or not, no one knows, as Dr. Jackson are required to maintain patient confidentiality.
Another victim of plastic surgery has become an actor in the present and the past, a boxer, a sex symbol of the eighties Mickey Rourke. He achieved unprecedented fame after the movie "Nine and a half weeks," but after that the number of roles he has always declined. It is possible that this was the cause of uncontrollable craving for a change in their appearance. The actor made countless rhinoplasty, cheek implants inserted and held a facelift. However, after all these manipulations attractive Mickey did not, but rather the opposite. One former idol of millions of women was so bad on the plane that it was necessary to do surgery after an emergency landing vehicle.
Because of the abuse of surgical treatment in an attempt to rejuvenate could end career of one of the most successful actors - Sylvester Stallone. He, like many of his colleagues in show business, does not want to grow old. Hence the numerous operations. The changes primarily affected persons but the actor: it is a large number of leather suspenders. But since 2003, began to show adverse effects: the face of the star was vague and formless. Perhaps this is due to the intolerance of the family because the mother Stallone had the same reaction to a surgical intervention. Such change was the reason because of which the actor is willing to part with a blue screen.

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A vivid example of unsuccessful plastic surgery is Donatella Versace. The first concerned the interference of her lips. As a result, they began to look unnatural, that did not stop Donatella by further experiments on their appearance. Now overinflated lips only detract from the appearance, emphasizing wrinkles. She also experimented with increased nose and chest.
The use of Botox in plastic caused the whole epidemic. He began to work hard uncontrollably, without thinking about the consequences. For example, Kylie Minogue has become dependent on the injection of Botox. In 39 years on her face no audio lines. But we should remember. Botox - a poison. Hence, the side effects: nervous twitches, involuntary and unnatural smile.
One of the most striking examples is clearly a failed plastic Jocelyn Vildenshtayn. Due to its specific appearance it is called "female lion from New York." Until such a state, it has brought itself in an attempt to get closer to the ideal of beauty. All these works were to return to her husband
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. But after such a result it would never happen. She suffered a brow lift and the person making the injection into the lips and eyelids, increased chin, cheek implants put in, and more.
Fans of Joan Rivers might not know his idol. A woman holds the record in the world of plastic surgery she underwent 739 procedures. Some were successful, some, after which the star went with a swollen red face, no. Especially proved unsuccessful rhinoplasty
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That simply spoiled Joan nose. At the age of 77 years the face of the actress looks like a fixed mask, which, of course, adds to her appeal.

East vs. West
Stars of Russian show business do not want to keep up with their Western counterparts, even if it is a failed plastic surgery.
Many Russian beauty succumbed to the fashion for lip augmentation. Participant in the show "Star Factory 4" Alex ruined his gentle maiden appearance unsuccessful plastics. She wanted to be like his idol, Angelina Jolie, but went the opposite effect.
Another victim of this commitment was Maria Malinowska, which spoiled his handsome face the strange shape of the upper lip. However, some time after the failed experiment mistake has been corrected.
Do not fall behind and Russian men. Very much has changed appearance once courageous Sergei Zverev. He explains this by accident, in which he got in 1995. However, this fact does not explain the increased cheeks, dimpled chin and feminine lips. His face was completely unrecognizable and almost feminine.
Another victim of fashion for plastic was Boris Moiseev. He underwent several operations, one of which almost cost him his life. The fact is that during the intervention the singer has clinical death.
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- the effects of plastic surgery