Mastopexy - breast lift - Indications and complications

February 7, 2010

  • Mastopexy - breast lift
  • Indications and Complications

 mastopexy breast testimony

Features of the breast tissue of women

Mammary gland - a cluster of glandular (select a secret - milk) fabric, which is divided by partitions of connective tissue and is enclosed in a capsule of connective tissue. The mammary gland is no audio muscle, however, no exercise Myths about exercise: do not believe  Myths about exercise: do not believe
   not able to recover its shape.

Often with age or after childbirth breast falls, and loses its shape, it can only be restored with the help of plastic surgery or wearing underwear, hides figure flaws.


Mastopexy: indications and contraindications to it

Mastopexy - breast lift it. During surgery, the breast rises, which improves its appearance, restoring the original appearance of her breasts. Mastopexy is often combined with plastic surgery the nipple and surrounding areola. This is necessary in cases where the modified form of the nipple (he flattened or inverted) or too enlarged areola.

Mastopexy shows:

  • if the woman dropped the chest, but the amount of it does not hurt (often it happens after childbirth);
  • descended at a small chest - after surgery visually (by eye), it will increase in volume.

Contraindications for mastopexy are:

  • obesity (mastopexy is not removed when the fat, and the operation will be ineffective);
  • any acute illness and exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • bleeding disorders (may be bleeding during the operation);
  • diabetes Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
   (impaired immunity Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults  Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults
 May occur postoperative suppuration);
  • severe diseases of the internal organs in violation of their functions;
  • breast disease;
  • Lower the chest is too big.



Any surgery - it is risk to life. Even if it is very insignificant and is of a percent, however, it is, because no one does not know exactly how your body will react to the surgery. Three most important danger - bleeding, infection and the formation of rough scars. The first two complications can be overcome with regard to the formation of scars, there is significant not only to the art of the surgeon, but also the individual characteristics of a person.

The results of mastopexy are long, a second operation is usually required if the mastopexy performed on large breasts. After mastopexy scars are small, hidden in the folds of the skin. Six weeks later pinkish scars are thin and almost invisible, which allows a woman to wear open dresses and swimsuits.

In order to reduce complications to a minimum, you must carefully choose the plastic surgery clinic. This clinic, first of all, must have a license to practice medical activities.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • breast surgery

Anti-aging surgery: scalpel-winner - Face & Neck

November 4, 2010

  • Anti-aging surgery: scalpel-winner
  • Face and neck

Types of anti-aging operations

There are different types of anti-aging operations. This operation improves the condition of certain parts of the face (forehead, cheeks, lips, nasolabial folds, eyelids, and so on), circular lifting the soft tissues of the face and neck, removing, or, on the contrary, the implantation of fat in some parts of the face, plastic surgery in the body ( plastic breasts, abdomen, thighs, buttocks), liposuction when the wrong distribution in certain areas of the body (liposuction) and so on. As a result, anti-aging operations increased self-esteem of man, his self-confidence and psychological comfort.

A feature of anti-aging operations is that they have to change the appearance of the person is not too much, so that catches the eye does not change, and youth and health. It is not easy, as the patients themselves often do not realize that their demands can not make them beautiful and funny. Therefore, anti-aging operations require special tact and professionalism of the plastic surgeon.

 Face and neck | Anti-aging surgery: scalpel-winner

Anti-aging surgery on the face and neck

Anti-aging face surgery - the most common way of rejuvenation. At the same time the skin peels off, stretched and excess - is removed. It turns out the effect of youthful skin that lasts several years.

In the early stages of skin aging Aging Skin: The three most common problems and their solutions  Aging Skin: The three most common problems and their solutions
   persons can be carried out the filling operation in the field of skin wrinkles or introduce a special gel to wrinkle drugs (eg, Botox), which have on the muscles that form wrinkles by paralyzing effect.

There is a circular facelift (face lift), at which the lifting and removal of excess skin on the face, in which the intervention takes place through incisions in enclosed areas (for example, in the area of ​​the scalp, behind the ears, and so on), which allows further hide minor postoperative scars. The rehabilitation period after such an operation takes place for approximately six weeks, and the effect lasts from 5 to 7 years, and then the plastic face can be repeated.

In some cases, a circular tightening do with the capture of dense tissue lying under the skin (muscles, tendons, etc.). At the same oval face tightened. The effect of such a plastic face keeps longer, up to 10 years. In recent years, a facelift in the early stages of aging is often carried out using special yarns APTOS.

To get rid of wrinkles and other signs of aging skin can be carried out and the plastic parts of the face. For example, the plastic skin of the forehead (stretched skin of the forehead and wrinkles are removed), eyelids (blepharoplasty), during which you can get rid of the overhanging upper eyelids, from the "bags" under the eyes and on the "crow's feet around the eyes, plastic lips, neck. Furthermore, it may be carried out liposuction - fat suction from a particular area of ​​the face (e.g., cheekbone, chin region of, and so on).

 Face and neck | Anti-aging surgery: scalpel-winner

Anti-aging surgery on the body

There may also be carried out a variety of anti-aging surgery. Surgical correction of the figure - a change in the shape of the body with the help of various surgical operations. The indications for surgical correction are the misallocation of fat, excess body fat, loss of skin elasticity, aging and sagging abdomen, thighs, buttocks, underdevelopment and irregular shape of the buttocks is too large (small) or saggy breast, soft tissue defects of various localization, postoperative scars, post-traumatic, post-burn defects and more.

Surgical correction of the figure can be carried out by liposuction (removal of excess fat) or with plastic surgery. These operations include breast surgery Breast plastic surgery: to perfect?  Breast plastic surgery: to perfect?
 , Abdomen, buttocks, and liposuction (liposuction) from separate areas of the body. Before the surgical correction, whatever method it is not carried out, the physician, using computer simulations, showing the patient what will be the result of operation and, if necessary, corrects it.

Plastic breast surgery called mammoplasty Breast Implants - what types are the most popular?  Breast Implants - what types are the most popular?
 . Implants can be carried out in order to increase, reduce, or lift the full restoration of the breast. Abdominoplasty or tummy tuck - a reconstruction of the anterior abdominal wall (removal of excess fat and toning), which is one method of surgical correction Correction figures: options to fight obesity  Correction figures: options to fight obesity
 . While plastic surgery on her buttocks increase (decrease) their volume and give the correct aesthetic form.

Today there is a large variety of anti-aging operations, which allows to reduce the signs of aging at any person.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • rejuvenation
