8th week of pregnancy: mother - the main man

December 9, 2010

 8 Weeks Pregnant
 The first eight weeks of fetal development are called human embryonic or embryonic period. The period from the ninth week of pregnancy until the end called fetal or fetal. Accordingly, the developing utero man called first an embryo or embryo and then fetus.

 8th week of pregnancy: mother - the main man

What characterizes the development of the embryonic period

Embryonic period - the most crucial development in utero, because at that time, and begins an intensive development of all the structures of the human body. The resulting three germ layers during this time differentiate into various tissues and organs. For example, the outer layer (ectoderm) gives rise to the placenta and fetal membranes, the inner (endoderm) - is the basis of all the internal organs, the middle piece (mesoderm), located between the ecto- and endoderm develops into the skin, bones and muscles.

By the end of the embryonic period (8th week of pregnancy) the major organs of the embryo are already functioning. In the development of human embryonic period is critical. The fetus is particularly vulnerable to the influence of various environmental factors and depends on the condition of the mother's body.

By the end of the eighth week of pregnancy, fetal length is 2, 5-3 cm, weight - about 5 By this time he is already well formed facial features, limbs, external genitalia. Sharply reduced tail, limbs planned division into three parts, and the skin has a reddish - yellow color. Eyes embryo large and widely spaced, there is a nose and ears beginnings.

In an embryo is almost formed the stomach, intestines, pancreas Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know  Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know
   and liver, nervous, circulatory and respiratory systems. In a week it will not be the embryo and fetus.

 8th week of pregnancy: mother - the main man

The state of health of women at the eighth week of pregnancy

Since there is a very rapid development of the embryo, while the placenta has not yet formed, a woman can increase the phenomenon of toxicity. She was harder to get up in the morning (sick and dizzy), and during the day may appear in moments of weakness and malaise. But very soon all this will pass.

Join us and other symptoms: frequent urination (the result of the influence of progesterone and the growing pressure of the uterus), heartburn, constipation and flatulence. Violations of the gastrointestinal tract can be overcome with the help of diet: frequent smaller meals, with the exception of fatty, fried, spicy and salty foods. Constipation well help dairy drinks and dried fruit (dried plums, figs, apricots).

Still growing nagrubayut and mammary glands. At this time, it is recommended to wear a bra made from natural fabrics with wide shoulder straps.

 8th week of pregnancy: mother - the main man

A survey of women at the eighth week of pregnancy

The eighth week of pregnancy - a crucial period. If the woman had not planned the pregnancy and not previously surveyed, it must pass all the examinations during pregnancy.

First of all, identify hidden inflammation of the female genital organs and infection. This is very important because in the future they can go to the child and make him a uterine infection or various malformations. Do not be afraid to detect these infections, you know that the vast majority of women have any pathological microflora. But be sure to treat it. To do this, an obstetrician-gynecologist has specially designed for pregnant women a safe procedure. Treatment is also made in terms of safety for the child.

Another must study is to determine blood hormones. Primary hormone that allows maturation of the embryo and uterus inhibits muscle contraction (i.e. prevent miscarriage) - is progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
 . If it is not enough, then it is prescribed supplementation. From receiving progesterone in any case should not be abandoned, as it supports the natural development of pregnancy.

The next type of examination - fetal ultrasound (US). In the early stages can be seen on the ultrasound, the fetus was attached where needed (in the womb, that is, to exclude ectopic pregnancy), as well as eliminate missed abortion Missed abortion - do not lose faith in yourself  Missed abortion - do not lose faith in yourself
 Which hereinafter will not develop.

Finally, determined the blood group and Rh factor Rh factor - still medical mystery  Rh factor - still medical mystery
   a pregnant woman in order to quickly identify the blood incompatibility of mother and fetus. In addition, it is possible such a conflict, you need to be prepared: women with Rh negative blood are under particular scrutiny and can not give birth in every maternity hospital, and only where there are conditions for it.

Finally, the therapist examines a pregnant woman prenatal, which reveals her all chronic diseases and foci of infection and heals them. This specialist can not replace a regular physician, as it passes special training on monitoring of pregnant women with chronic diseases. In addition, women's clinic therapist knows exactly what medicines you can use a pregnant woman, and what can not.

Pregnancy - is a big responsibility in front of their unborn child.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • first trimester of pregnancy

35th week of pregnancy: it's time to gather

March 13, 2011

 35 Weeks Pregnant
 At the thirty-fifth week it's time to make a birth plan, if you have not done before. Of course, labor is very unpredictable, and perhaps not everything goes the way you planned, but having a plan will be useful even from a psychological point of view.

 35th week of pregnancy: it's time to gather

What happens to a child

Now that the baby's body length is about 45 cm, weight - about 2, 5 kg, it can not move in the uterus as active as before. Because of the closeness he can not do somersaults in your stomach, but it is unlikely to be less than kicked. By the 35th week of pregnancy, his kidneys are fully developed and have his liver can process some waste products. Most of his basic physical development so far completed and for the next few weeks, he mostly will gain weight.

 35th week of pregnancy: it's time to gather

What happens to the future mom

The top edge of your uterus is now almost reaches the chest. Amniotic fluid was significantly less - a child takes up most of the space in the uterus. Increased uterus presses on other organs; Because of this, women in the last weeks of pregnancy, frequent urination, in addition, it often complain of heartburn and other gastrointestinal disorders. Only a few women pregnancy passes without such physical symptoms.

Starting from the 35th week, you will need to go to the doctor every week. Between the 35th and 37th weeks of pregnancy, the doctor will make the analysis of a smear to detect the presence of cervical mucus streptococcus group B (GBS). GBS is generally safe for adults, but if at the time of birth, he passed to the child, it can cause serious complications such as pneumonia, meningitis Meningitis - an inflammation of the meninges  Meningitis - an inflammation of the meninges
   or blood infection. Since 10-30% of pregnant women, these bacteria are present, although the women themselves do not know about it, such an analysis could prove vital. (These bacteria occasionally appear and disappear without apparent reason, which is why the analysis has not been done before) Women who are carriers of GBS during labor are given antibiotics, which significantly reduces the risk of infecting the baby.

We draw up a birth plan and shall indicate: whether you want to use painkillers (if so, what), whether at birth to attend one of your loved ones (it does not necessarily have to be the child's father, a close friend or your mother, which is already I had to give birth - in general, any person, next to which you feel good and whose exposure does not cause you doubt) whether you want to just put the baby to the breast, and so on.

The practice of scheduling delivery is not very widespread in our country, but in any case the doctor is obliged to listen to the wishes of the patient. If you have not made a written plan, state your wishes orally. Your loved ones to be with you at birth, also need to aware of your birth plan.

 35th week of pregnancy: it's time to gather

Status of women in the 35th week of pregnancy

Starting this week, pregnant women attending antenatal clinics are usually weekly, since so requires constant monitoring of her and the child. At this time there may well be such unpleasant phenomena as the increase in swelling and high blood pressure Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?  Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?
 That can significantly complicate delivery. Therefore, the appearance of signs of a pregnant woman often hospitalized. But this does not mean that she bude bad doctors have long learned to cope with signs of toxemia of pregnancy, do not just run them.

In the hospital, you'll take with you:

  • Three nightgown and robe (preferably all made of natural fabrics); the woman in the hospital usually give sick stuff, but they are at the time of delivery may get dirty, so after birth, most likely, it will be possible to change their clothes and better, if you have always in stock will clean shirt;
  • slippers on a stable heel and non-slip soles; they should wash well and do not deteriorate by disinfectants (sneaker suit their skin or artificial leather);
  • hygiene items - disposable diapers (in maternity hospitals traditionally small lingerie), gaskets Feminine pads - talk about wings  Feminine pads - talk about wings
   maximum absorbency, wet refreshing wipes, soap, toothpaste, a toothbrush Toothbrushes - make no mistake in choosing  Toothbrushes - make no mistake in choosing
 ; You can also take a couple of small towels.

To prepare the baby:

  • two vests - thin and warm, better flannel;
  • two diapers - thin and warm, flannel;
  • two hats - thin and flannel or jersey;
  • flannel blanket with the area; if the birth will take place in the winter, the wool or quilt;
  • disposable diapers (nappies) small.

Clothes for the baby should be washed with soap and water or a child with a special agent for washing baby clothes, to dry in the fresh air and ironed on both sides with a hot iron. We should not forget about the documents - to the hospital with a need to take your passport and exchange card of the women's clinic.

Women are also always want to be beautiful and well-groomed, even in the hospital. This is a sign of fighting spirit that she needs during labor. A woman must pre-configure itself to the fact that the maternity need to go on holiday - a holiday meeting with the long-awaited baby. To his mother, he saw a beautiful, a woman must be beautiful practical hairstyle, manicured hands and feet and a minimum of makeup (kids do not like foreign odors, they are attracted by the smell of my mother's only true).

Special hair needs to be done, but the hair should be trimmed nicely (something that can not be cut - superstition) and washed. That paint them and do perm really not worth it. If your hair is long, you can nicely put in a ponytail or knot.

 35th week of pregnancy: it's time to gather

Condition of the fetus in the 35th week of pregnancy

Starting this week, the baby begins to gain 200 grams per week, the weight of the end of the 35th week is 2100-2200 g, body length - 43-44 cm, the amount of amniotic fluid around 850-900 mL. But this week is already considerable variation in the weight and height of a child who is dependent on the individual characteristics of pregnant women - all these options are the norm. If a woman gains weight very quickly, it is likely, its own weight - fat tissue or fluid. During this period, such a pregnancy weight gain is harmful to both the mother (as well as any extra load on the cardiovascular system) and child (circulatory system works with high load and can not cope with the delivery of oxygen to child).

The child is well developed subcutaneous fat and there is no more threat of violation of thermoregulation in the case of premature birth. Partly disappear vellus hairs on the body, and his hair grow longer. Grow nogotochki - they are almost the same length as an adult, but in some children and longer.

All the organs and systems of the child have been formed and it is ready to be born. But the brain, which is commanded by birth, is more visible when they occur - means that something in the body of the child still needs maturation.

At this stage, in spite of the full maturity of the child outside, it's better to wait in the wings in my mother's belly, at this time actively ripen his nervous, endocrine and immune systems.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • the third trimester of pregnancy
