3 week of pregnancy: signs - it's time for the reception to the gynecologist

May 14, 2013

 signs of pregnancy in the third week
 Starting with the third week after conception, many women are already clearly felt the signs of pregnancy. This term obstetricians agree with women and support their point of view in the manifestation of signs of pregnancy. The third week is very important during pregnancy, it is on the one hand is very dangerous in terms of possible complications, but on the other, on the other hand, is perfectly safe. It is time the expectant mother to flee to the reception to the gynecologist, it is registered and to receive the first and very important recommendations regarding their status. Still, the proportion of women is still unaware of her pregnancy, and increasingly it is not their fault.

 3 week of pregnancy: signs - it's time for the reception to the gynecologist

What happens in the third week of pregnancy

After the egg landed and successfully implanted in the uterine lining, it is that is heavily fertilized egg continues to divide and grow. At this time, a woman's body is trying by all means to deprive "outsider" as the embryo genes is not only the mother, but the father, which are alien to the female body. To prevent this, suppress the immune system of women, that is going on so-called immunosuppression.

As the dividing cells of the embryo had in this period there is a bookmark to vital organs such as the heart and neural tube. Begins to form the placenta. From the third week of pregnancy, embryo reaches sixteen millimeters in length, and its weight is one gram. It is the third week of pregnancy (after conception), you can visualize the unborn child in the US (the heart of the embryo is already reduced in the study of data reduction are clearly defined). It was during this period of the fetus can reveal the place of formation of hands and feet, eyes, ears, mouth. In the first twenty-one days after fertilization, the law of "all or nothing". Therefore, in the first three weeks of pregnancy, a woman should behave with caution, otherwise there will be a miscarriage.

 3 week of pregnancy: signs - it's time for the reception to the gynecologist


  • Menoschesis

This feature is the most common symptom of pregnancy and refers to a group of possible symptoms. Delayed menstruation occurs in almost 90% of cases in the three-week period of pregnancy. If the average menstrual cycle is 28 days, ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
 And fertilization takes place on the fourteenth day. Thus, the first two weeks of pregnancy occur before the expected menstrual period, and the third is already from the moment has not come menstruation.

  • Positive pregnancy test

In the third week of pregnancy the woman is already quite unaware of their condition (monthly not come) and carries out the test. Of course, a pregnancy test is positive, except for a number of reasons (for example, the threat of termination of pregnancy).

  • Changing tastes and appetite

The third week of pregnancy takes place under the slogan: "I want what previously could not stand." This feature is associated with increased production of progesterone, which is responsible for the growth and development of pregnancy. In addition, in this period, many women report that they have increased appetite, and wants always something to eat. This phenomenon is absolutely normal, because the body goes hormonal changes, and he is preparing for the long process of gestation.

  • Increased basal body temperature

Of course, the basal temperature Basal temperature - try to move less  Basal temperature - try to move less
   will be above the mark of 37 degrees, which is also indicative of a normal pregnancy. If the temperature in the rectum suddenly drops to 37 degrees or below, should sound the alarm.

  • Mood swings

It is in the first three weeks of pregnancy, a woman prone to frequent mood swings and unjustified Mood swings in women - bad character or a disease?  Mood swings in women - bad character or a disease?
 . From laughter to tears and vice versa. Also, many pregnant women in this period are sentimental, crying over the sad book, a movie or listening to a sad song.

  • The feeling of weakness and malaise

Many, if not almost all pregnant women in the period of three weeks of pregnancy feel weakness, fatigue, malaise, and a slight rise in body temperature. All these phenomena are again associated with the production of progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
 Which suppresses the immune system and influences the thermoregulatory center.

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • first trimester of pregnancy

The first signs of pregnancy - significant and questionable

August 23, 2011

 the first signs of pregnancy
 In early pregnancy can occur quite easily, and as a surprise for a woman. But there are times when a woman almost from the first day of conception appear nausea and vomiting. Most Yet such extremes does not happen, and the first signs of pregnancy The first signs of pregnancy to delay: Eyes on intuition?  The first signs of pregnancy to delay: Eyes on intuition?
   are present, but they are not so noticeable.

 The first signs of pregnancy - significant and questionable

Types of signs of pregnancy

Some women immediately, instinctively, even without overt signs realize that you are pregnant. Another is it is not given and the pregnancy is a surprise for them, sometimes late, because in some cases, women have little menstrualnopodobnoe bleeding, they are mistaken for menstruation.

Yet there is both subjective and objective signs of pregnancy. Obstetricians divide all the signs of pregnancy for doubtful (mostly different sensations woman), probable (this is what you can see or feel out) and reliable (confirming pregnancy or clearly indicate its presence). Already in early pregnancy can be found all three of these kinds of symptoms.

 The first signs of pregnancy - significant and questionable

Doubtful (subjective) signs of pregnancy

Doubtful symptoms can be very different. Most often in the first weeks of pregnancy, a woman simply feels that it is something wrong. These symptoms are called questionable because, in some cases, or catch or a woman (especially if she really wants the baby) just think she has such features. By doubtful signs of pregnancy include:

  • changes in mental status of women - the fickleness of mood (irritability and tears are often replaced by mood increased up to exaltation); it's all of sudden hormonal changes;
  • fatigue - that previously could be done very quickly, is now given to the work;
  • Sometimes attacks can occur weakness, dizziness and nausea, which after some time pass without a trace;
  • changes in taste - dishes that were once loved can cause aversion and unloved - like;
  • there are special addiction or an aversion to certain smells;
  • Brown spots appear on the face and through the middle of the abdomen;
  • can appear frequent urination;
  • the emergence of a more intense color of nipples and areola;
  • the appearance of mucus Mucus - what is the norm for a healthy woman  Mucus - what is the norm for a healthy woman
   from the vagina.

Sometimes, from the first weeks of pregnancy begin signs of toxicity - nausea, vomiting, drooling. These features can be easily expressed or may heavily. It reaches a state of the first twelve - fourteen weeks, and then, when the placenta begins to function passes.

 The first signs of pregnancy - significant and questionable

Probable (objective) signs of pregnancy

Probable signs of pregnancy - are objective changes in the genitals and breasts of pregnant woman. Possible signs - these are signs that always accompany pregnancy, but they can also occur in some gynecological diseases, including changes in the hormonal levels. By the probable signs of pregnancy include:

  • next menstrual period at the time does not come; but with an irregular menstrual cycle, or with a heavy load on the first time, a woman can not give the value of the delay;
  • nagrubayut breasts;
  • an obstetrician-gynecologist at survey sees cyanotic mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix, a small increase and softening of the uterus;
  • positive pregnancy test (if it has a high sensitivity) could be a week;
  • increased basal temperature Basal temperature - try to move less  Basal temperature - try to move less
   the body (it is measured in the rectum).

 The first signs of pregnancy - significant and questionable

Credible (confirming) the signs of pregnancy

Significant signs of pregnancy is confirmed pregnant. In the early stages these are signs that can be seen on ultrasound (US). After about three weeks in the uterus can be seen fertilized egg, to introduce in the uterine wall, and seven weeks is already determined by the heartbeat of the fetus.

For reliable signs of pregnancy Significant signs of pregnancy when there is no doubt  Significant signs of pregnancy when there is no doubt
   include laboratory and research. This definition of a pregnant woman's blood concentrations of hCG (quantitative indicator which rises up to the tenth week of pregnancy) and trophoblastic gamma globulin (it only appears in the blood during pregnancy).

Set exactly, pregnant or not, you can already in the early stages. The earliest symptoms usually reveals the woman to confirm her hunch pregnancy test, but what makes the final conclusion has an obstetrician-gynecologist, after ultrasound and laboratory examinations.

Every woman should know the signs of pregnancy, and where and by what research they can be confirmed.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • the first signs of pregnancy
