How to increase the probability of conception: the first steps to improve the reproductive function - Diet for conception

October 1, 2011

  • How to increase the probability of conception: the first steps to improve reproductive function
  • Herbal preparations, vitamins
  • Eat right
  • Diet for conception
  • Plants improving fertility

Diet for conception

Power - this is the cornerstone of a healthy lifestyle. No matter how much you exercise, and take any medications and supplements - if you are malnourished, all your efforts will be fruitless. Many health problems arise due to lack of essential nutrients in our diet. Nutritional deficiencies can lead to a complete or partial infertility.

But a surplus of some artificial (synthetic) vitamins and minerals, especially those that accumulate in the body, such as A and D, may do more harm than good. It is especially important to avoid excessive amounts of vitamin A, as it is associated with birth defects. The level of vitamin A in the body of women taking hormone drugs increased by 30-80%. It takes three months to the level of vitamin A is back to normal.



Hormonal contraceptives impair the comprehensibility of vitamin B. If you wish to become pregnant, follow the diet to be sure that you get all the necessary vitamins. They are contained in the red fish, brown rice, walnuts, liver, peanuts, wheat grains, whole grain products, yeast, molasses.

Women who use hormonal drugs are also poorly absorb vitamin C. This may impair the absorption of iron and inhibit the synthesis of some natural hormones. The best source of vitamin C - fresh fruit and raw vegetables, and potatoes. All the herbs, including dill Dill: benefits and harms of fragrant spices  Dill: benefits and harms of fragrant spices
 Basil, parsley, cilantro, broccoli, bell peppers and citrus - is also a good source.

Unsaturated fatty acids are necessary for any living organism cells for their normal life. Unfortunately, the body does not produce such acids. They reduce cholesterol, boost the immune system and contribute to the proper development of the fetus' brain. In addition, these acids play a key role in ovulation, particularly during release of the egg and ready for fertilization. The desired acid found in fish (especially sea), vegetable oils of cold extraction, eggs, soy food, raw nuts and seeds.

Omega-3 fatty acids support hormonal balance and, consequently, regulate ovarian cycle of the woman, which helps in recovering reproductive function. The best source of omega-3 fatty acids - nuts (almonds, walnuts and cashews). Even seeds, such as pumpkin seeds, which are used in cooking, contain large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. Zinc, which has already been mentioned above, it is necessary to maintain the normal menstrual cycle. The best sources of zinc are oysters.



Antioxidants - universal substances that help almost any health problems. Foods rich in antioxidants are needed to repair damaged cells. Antioxidants are especially needed for women of mature age, reproductive function is reduced. The sources of antioxidants: mangosteen, raspberry, blueberry Benefits and harms of blueberries: the health of the forest  Benefits and harms of blueberries: the health of the forest
   and green leafy vegetables. Decaffeinated green tea - one of the best sources of antioxidants.

Vitamin A, which is found in cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli), is involved in regulating the metabolism of estrogen and prevents menstrual irregularities. It has antioxidant properties, and vitamin A deficiency may have dire consequences for the development of pregnancy, including birth defects and disease in children. However, vitamin A in the form of retinol (vitamin A of animal origin) in high doses can be very dangerous if taken for a long time, more than 10 000 IU (international units) per day of retinol can disrupt fetal development. But beta-carotene (vitamin A of vegetable origin) is completely harmless and has no side effects.


Folic acid

Folic acid - indispensable for a woman nutrient that, along with vitamins C and B6, it provides reproductive health. Iams contains a sufficient amount of folic acid and other vitamins that promote regular maturation of the egg.

Include in your daily diet foods rich in folic acid: spinach, bran, whole grains, dried beans of any type of yeast. It is contained in any of the products from whole wheat, fresh vegetables, especially peas.

One of the best sources of folic acid and many other vitamins needed during pregnancy - is a fresh herbs.

Folic acid in sufficient quantity is contained in green tea, peanuts (groundnuts), liver and kidney, yellow and orange vegetables, fresh juices of vegetables (an excellent source of folic acid and other nutrients). Particular attention of vitamins and minerals should be given to those who take hormones because their use violates the metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
 . Folic acid levels in the body in this case can be reduced. Sometimes taking hormones is low and magnesium levels. Magnesium is found in milk, nuts and whole grain products.



Selenium is known as the main element of fertility: the ability of men and women to conceive depends on the availability of the body selenium. Selenium plays a key role in maintaining women's and men's health in particular (in men more than 50% of selenium found in the testes and spermatic cords), is extremely important for the pregnancy and the birth of healthy offspring (eg, sudden death syndrome infants have few signs of selenium deficiency).



Bee Pollen has a tonic and regenerating effect, strengthens the immune system, regulates the menstrual cycle, in men increases the production of sperm. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, nukleidnymi acids, enzymes and steroid hormones. Propolis - this is the same bee pollen, but processed to feed the queen bee. Propolis helps bee queen lays millions of eggs and live much longer than a simple bee. It contains the same active ingredients as bee pollen, but to a much greater extent, and has long been used for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of women.



L-arginine is the major component of which hormones are synthesized. Deficiency of this amino acid can lead to reproductive disorders in both men and women. Women L-arginine prevents diseases of the female reproductive system: uterine fibroids, breast, polycystic ovaries, polyps, cysts, cervical erosion, breast cancer Breast cancer: what every woman needs to know  Breast cancer: what every woman needs to know
 , Uterine cancer, certain types of infertility, delay in puberty; postpones early menopause, it smoothes the come menopause symptoms, menstrual cycle stabilizes, increases sexuality and sensitivity of women.

L-arginine helps normalize the function Bartholin glands that produce grease. Constant updating of grease does not allow reproduction of microorganisms in the vagina, thereby preventing discharge (leucorrhoea, smearing, thrush), disappears itching, unpleasant odor. In men, L-arginine increases the number of active sperms and increases their mobility. However, L-arginine is strictly contraindicated in people with hepatitis C, since this amino acid stimulates the development of the virus.

L-carnitine - an amino acid, a natural substance, related to B vitamins, the body performs a number of important functions, including ensures the normal functioning of sex cells. The higher the content of L-carnitine in men, more active, more mobile and better sperm.

In order to increase fertility with great success used natural methods. This is due to the fact that fertility depends on many factors, which means that fertility problems can be caused by not one but several reasons. Thus, according to one study, 80% of couples for a long time unable to conceive a child, after a change in lifestyle and diet managed to realize this dream. Given that the probability of success in artificial insemination is only 20%, natural methods should not be neglected.

Treatment programs are very diverse natural resources, so they should be adjusted according to your individual needs. Keep in mind that the maturation of immature eggs (oocytes) requires a minimum of three months. About the same time is required for sperm formation and preparation for a fertilized egg. This means that to start planning a pregnancy should be at least four months before the alleged conception.
