Obsessions - eliminate stress and stress - What is obsessive-compulsive disorder and its types
June 27, 2010
- Obsessive thoughts - to exclude the load and stress
- What is obsessive-compulsive disorder and its types
What is obsessive-compulsive disorder and its types
Obsessive-compulsive disorder manifests the appearance of a variety of obsessive-compulsive disorder (obsessions) - thoughts, fears or actions. Obsessions arise independently and against the will of man, though compelling and different consistency. Patients are obsessions critically understand their nature and the senselessness of painful, but get rid of them can not.
At first the plan may act or obsessive thoughts, doubts, fears, memories or obsessive fears (eg, fear of open or closed spaces, fear of blush, and so on), or compulsive actions (hand washing, nail obkusyvaniya, hair pulling, scratching, rubbing skin, and so on).
People predisposed to this type of neuroses are thinking type of higher nervous activity and specific anxiety-suspicious traits and have increased timidity in front of all the new and unfamiliar. They believe in omens for themselves and create clear rules of behavior that protects them from trouble. They have a morbid passion for perfection that makes them great difficulties in work and in their personal lives, since they pay much attention to minor details, without grasping the main task. They are also characterized by traits such as straightness, stubbornness, greed, excessive conscientiousness, indecision. This so-called psychasthenic personality type.

Obsessive thoughts as a kind of obsessional neurosis
Obsessive thoughts can have different meanings, for example, thought criminal, blasphemous, sacrilegious, do not meet the standard of morality, in the form of remorse for the act of shame for the body (for completeness, growth, clumsiness, etc.), various assumptions, explanations and so on . When obsessions patient ever present sense of their violent, but he knows that the obsessions originate in itself (as opposed to schizophrenia
Schizophrenia - to blame civilization
Who believes that thought in his head, or places "leads" by someone else). Since the content of obsessions difficult for a sick or just does not make sense, he is trying to deal with them.
Obsessions manifest primarily in barren or morbid philosophizing, to indicate that there is a psychiatric term "emotional or mental chewing gum." Barren sophistication evident in the obsession and again allow useless and even meaningless questions, such as why the sun shines, why the table stands on four legs, why chalk white, and her right arm is called the right and so on. Sometimes the obsessions are not the first violent and alien to the patient, they appear periodically and do not cause an alarm. Over time, these thoughts become permanent, it is impossible to get rid of them.
One kind of obsessive thoughts is haunting score, which is expressed in an effort to accurately count obsessive and hold in memory the number of steps passed, buildings or poles in the street, passing cars, and so on. Some patients are laid out in the syllables of words and whole phrases and words in these phrases are selected so that they contain an even or, conversely, an odd number of syllables.
May appear intrusive recall, which are expressed in the obsession to remember, for example, it is unnecessary terms, names of the characters in works of art.
Obsessive thoughts can be indifferent in its content (barren sophistication, haunting score, intrusive recollection, the decomposition of words into syllables, etc.) and shaped, characterized by painful for the patient content (eg, unpleasant thoughts and memories).

How is obsessive-compulsive disorder
Flow-compulsive disorder is characterized by fluctuations from near extinction to a significant increase. Disappeared obsessions can at long intervals occur again. In some cases, obsessive thoughts may become nonsense - a set of ideas and beliefs are not true.
Obsessions can be a symptom not only of neuroses, but also in other diseases, such as creeping schizophrenia, manic-depressive psychosis
Manic-depressive illness - which phases are the most dangerous?
In this case they are called neurosis.
Very seldom intrusive thoughts on the background of depressed mood in senile dementia, which manifest themselves in the form of intrusive memories of very heavy content.

How to get rid of obsessive thoughts
First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the physical and mental stress, conflict, stress. If obsessions become permanent, it will definitely need to see a specialist - psychiatrist. It is not necessary to be afraid, we must remember that the earlier the treatment is started, the more effective it will be.
For the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder used complex treatment: medication (in the form of various combinations of psychotropic drugs), psychotherapy (using various techniques), physiotherapy (electrophoresis with medicines, electric, water treatment, etc.), gymnastics.
Luvox - a cure for the crisis? - A bad mood prevents live
May 24, 2009
- Luvox - a cure for the crisis?
- A bad mood prevents live
A bad mood prevents live
Depressed mental state, mental depression, in which everything around seems a man in a dark world, can bring a lot of troubles. In a state of depression
Depression - a little more than a bad mood
man loses the meaning of life, self-confidence and hope for a brighter future. Severe depression can result in suicide.
For the treatment of depression using special drugs - antidepressants. Every year, pharmaceutical companies produce new drugs in this group have their own, different from other antidepressant properties.

What fevarin
Luvox (international non-proprietary name - fluvoxamine maleate) - is an antidepressant mechanism of action is to inhibit reuptake of serotonin by neurons of the brain. Serotonin - substance (or neurotransmitter), via which information is transmitted from one nerve cell (neuron) to another. The more serotonin, the better and faster the nerve impulses are transmitted and the better mood, so also called serotonin "happiness hormone". On another neurotransmitter, norepinephrine, which activates the sympathetic nervous system (which is activated in an emergency and causes our body in a state of readiness in the face of danger) fevarin virtually no effect, and thus its side effects are not as great.
After oral administration the maximum concentration of drug in the blood achieved through 3-5-8 hours, a constant concentration is achieved taking the medication for two weeks. Drug absorption may be impaired in liver disease.

Who can receive Luvox
Admission Luvox shown at echenii and prevention of depressive disorders. Recently, drug commonly used to treat internal diseases that are accompanied by low mood background.
Luvox is used in the treatment of obsessive-compulsive anxiety disorders (a combination of patient-resistant, do not coincide with the reality of thoughts and uncontrollable desires and actions that seem to be "protected" from the patient's feelings of anxiety).

Contraindications Luvox
Luvox as any antidepressant, has a number of contraindications, it can not be accepted:
- in case of hypersensitivity to the drug;
- if the patient is already taking any antidepressants or tranquilizers;
- in combination with alcohol;
- with severe hepatic dysfunction;
- children up to 8 years;
- pregnant and lactating women.
Caution should be exercised when taking medication for the elderly, hepatic and renal failure
Kidney failure - when treatment is vital
, Seizures (even if such attacks were in the past), frequent bleeding against the backdrop of blood clotting. It is better not to use Luvox driving transport or any other activity that requires concentration.

The side effects of Luvox
Luvox, like most antidepressants, has a number of side effects:
- on the part of the brain: lethargy, weakness, drowsiness, dizziness, headache, insomnia, anxiety, motor and mental excitement, fear, trembling of the limbs;
- from the gastrointestinal tract: nausea, vomiting, constipation (or diarrhea), loss of appetite, discomfort in the stomach, dry mouth, abnormal liver function;
- on the part of the endocrine system: inadequate secretion of antidiuretic hormone, which affects in increased urine output, and with it - sodium and potassium; increase or decrease in body weight;
- with the skin: increased sweating;
- on the part of the cardiovascular system: heart rate, low blood pressure;
- Allergic reactions: rash, pruritus, angioedema, sometimes - an allergic reaction to sun exposure;
- on the part of the musculoskeletal system: pain in the muscles and joints;
- on the part of the reproductive system: sexual dysfunction.
Chronic administration can appear withdrawal syndrome: headache, nausea, dizziness,
Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
and a sense of fear.

What to do if an overdose of Luvox
When Luvox overdose may be nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, drowsiness, dizziness, palpitations, low blood pressure, seizures. Extreme poverty - loss of consciousness and coma.
In all cases, poisoning carried out as soon as possible gastric lavage, adsorbing (absorbing and deducing poisons) drugs, such as activated carbon
Activated carbon - old but indispensable
. Severe poisoning should be treated in a hospital.
Luvox - one of the modern antidepressants, has minimal side effects. It may be indispensable in the treatment, but the uncontrolled intake of this drug development is fraught with complications. To avoid such complications will help the doctor.