Amitriptyline - an overdose can be dangerous

May 13, 2012

 amitriptyline overdose
 Amitriptyline - a drug with marked psychotropic action. He has a lot of contraindications for the appointment, and side effects, so appoint a doctor. Self-administration of amitriptyline can lead to overdose, and it is life-threatening.

 Amitriptyline - an overdose can be dangerous

Why is dangerous overdose of amitriptyline

Amitriptyline increases or inhibits the action of different mediators - biologically active substances that transmit information through the nervous system arousal. How to increase and decrease the action of these substances have a significant effect on the body and especially on the vital organs - the brain and the cardiovascular system.

Amitriptalin one of the first antidepressants, so he has a lot of side effects and even a small overdose can cause drug poisoning. Today the pharmaceutical industry produces predominantly selective antidepressants which do not have such a large number of side effects and are therefore safer.

 Amitriptyline - an overdose can be dangerous

How to take amitriptyline

Amitriptyline is used only on a doctor's prescription, which must take into account all the indications and contraindications for its use.

Take amitriptyline inside during or after eating. First appointed by a small dose of the drug, as the body has to adapt to its reception. At the beginning of taking this drug is its anticholinergic (inhibitory effect of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine) action in the form of a stable mydriasis and related blurred vision, increased intraocular pressure, dry mouth, suppression of motor activity of smooth muscles of internal organs (it appears constipation and urinary retention) , fever.

But over time, all these phenomena (or most of them) are what allows you to gradually increase the dose to 150-200 mg per day. In this day the drug is taken at a lower dose, and at night - more. Sometimes, treatment is initiated with intramuscular administration of amitriptyline, and then move on to welcome him inside. The course of treatment is usually long-term, lasting antidepressant effect appears not earlier than two weeks after starting the drug, but if within a month the patient's condition does not improve, drug overturned. The duration of treatment is determined by your doctor.

Cancel amitriptyline gradually, otherwise may develop withdrawal symptoms of headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
 , Passing sometimes in aggressiveness, the appearance of frightening dreams Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
   and so on.

 Amitriptyline - an overdose can be dangerous

As may be signs of an overdose of amitriptyline

Tolerated dose of amitriptyline for each individual patient. In the outpatient setting may be receiving 150 mg daily (6 tablets of 25 mg), and in the hospital where the patient is under surveillance around the clock - 300 mg per day.

At higher daily doses may be signs of an overdose, which appear lethargy, drowsiness, confusion (but sometimes it is combined with bouts of emotional and motor excitation), persistent mydriasis, disturbance of thermoregulation in the form of fever, vomiting.

There may be respiratory failure as its oppression, violation of the pronunciation of individual sounds, syllables and words (dysarthria), hallucinations (patients see, hear and feel what is actually there), seizures, persistent tension (stiffness) of the skeletal muscles, impaired consciousness until Tuesday. With increasing signs of an overdose of growing changes in the cardiovascular system in the form of cardiac arrhythmias, lowering blood pressure to alarming numbers and signs of heart failure Heart failure - when the heart is unable to cope with the work  Heart failure - when the heart is unable to cope with the work

What if I overdose

Very dangerous overdose of amitriptyline in the outpatient setting. In such cases, you should immediately call an ambulance. In the meantime, the ambulance rides, the patient must be flushed through the stomach and give a few tablets of activated charcoal Activated carbon - old but indispensable  Activated carbon - old but indispensable
 Which adsorbs onto the surface drug residues and remove them from the body naturally.

Most often, these patients have to be hospitalized and to provide medical care in a hospital: intravenously injected a large amount of liquid with which amitriptyline gradually washed out of the body. At the same time monitor the state of the patient and, if necessary, symptomatic treatment.

Amitriptyline dangerous taken alone, especially at high doses and for a long time.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • amitriptyline

Amitriptyline: side effects are common

May 13, 2012

 amitriptyline side effects
 Amitriptyline - one of the first antidepressants, it relates to drugs with significant side effects. However, amitriptyline, and today is the most widely used in emotional disorders, anxiety-depressive character.

 Amitriptyline: side effects are common

Why amitriptyline has many side effects

Aminotriptilin - a group of tricyclic antidepressant compounds. Its mechanism of action is based on the fact that it prevents re-entrainment of some neurotransmitters (substances that transmit nerve impulses in neurons), whose number in the brain increases. These include neurotransmitters norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin. The main action and some of the side effects associated with an excess of these neurotransmitters. The action of the neurotransmitter atsitelholina amitriptyline blocks and most of the side effects associated with this.

In order to reduce the side effects to a minimum amitritilina, for administration of the drug is necessary to consider all the features of the mechanism of its action and its associated contraindications for receiving the drug. Therefore, amitriptyline appoint a doctor and refers to drug prescription at the pharmacy.

 Amitriptyline: side effects are common

Adverse effects of amitriptyline associated with the suppression action of acetylcholine

Acetylcholine - a neurotransmitter that causes a number of physiological effects, its termination (anticholinergic effect) has the opposite effect.

Anticholinergic effects of amitriptyline is most often seen at the beginning of treatment. Over time the body adapts to the drug (it is prescribed long courses for a few weeks) and associated with a deficiency of acetylcholine side effects normally reduced or completely tested. These side effects include, for example, paresis of accommodation of the eye - it ceases to shrink the iris and the pupil does not react to light, while remaining at all times of expansion, because of what the vision becomes blurred, as the eyes after instillation solution of atropine. At the same time may increase intraocular pressure.

From the gastrointestinal tract blocking the action of acetylcholine results in a decrease of saliva secretion and occurrence of dry mouth. Also inhibits motor activity of smooth muscles of the intestines, leading to constipation, in some cases (rarely) passing in bowel obstruction. For the same reason (reduction of motor activity of smooth muscles of the urinary tract) is a delay urination (amitriptyline therefore contraindicated in atony of the bladder). Sometimes the background of amitriptyline increased body temperature - a consequence of the lack of influence of acetylcholine on the temperature center in the brain.

 Amitriptyline: side effects are common

Adverse effects of the central and peripheral nervous system

Amitriptyline - a medication with psychotropic action, ie, has a significant effect on the nervous system, so the part of the central and peripheral nervous system in its admission may appear in a variety of side effects.

These side effects include drowsiness, weakness, fatigue, sleep disturbances Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
   and sleep (sleep may be accompanied by nightmares), headache, dizziness, tinnitus. Patients may become irritable, increased anxiety Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?  Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?
 And fears.

In some cases, there is a breakdown in the consistency reduction of individual muscles during voluntary movement (ataxia), resulting in significant traffic disruption. Often this is accompanied by motor excitation.

Disturbed coordination of movements and concentration, it is difficult to pronounce certain sounds, syllables and words (dysarthria). Disturbed sensitivity - a feeling of pins and needles in the body. Sometimes there is confusion, disturbed orientation of a person in space, develop hallucinations - patients see, hear and feel what is actually there. There may be convulsions.

 Amitriptyline: side effects are common

Side effects of other organs and systems

Significant side effects may occur on the part of the circulatory system. It attacks palpitations and cardiac arrhythmias, heart block, "jumps" blood pressure, symptoms of heart failure Heart failure - when the heart is unable to cope with the work  Heart failure - when the heart is unable to cope with the work
 , loss of consciousness.

Gastrointestinal tract can respond to amitriptyline, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, stomach pains, constipation or diarrhea, sometimes alternating. Develop stomatitis, disturbed sense of taste. There may be transient liver function abnormalities.

Sometimes develop hormonal disorders Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous  Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous
   in the form of an increase in mammary glands in men and women and the appearance of these secretions, sexual dysfunction, changes in the amount of blood sugar.

The blood may decrease the total number of leukocytes and platelets, which leads to reduced immunity and increased bleeding. At the same time it increased the number of eosinophils, indicating that the body's allergic mood.

There are also hair loss, swollen lymph nodes, weight gain, increased sweating, and allergic reactions.

Amitriptyline - a drug which may produce many side effects.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • amitriptyline
