It is easy to learn meditation and how to begin
May 26, 2012
Meditation is not just for hippies and yogis. It is a tool that can help and guide each of us through life. Meditation is an art - and the presence of the present, as in the technique that helps us to feel this presence. Meditation focuses us on the present time. At the same time all the unwanted thoughts disappear and we get the opportunity to simply feel their existence.
Why meditation?
Meditation produces a wonderful effect. The benefits of meditation classes reduces stress
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, The rhythm of palpitations, deeper breathing and relieves internal stress. Moreover, meditation helps us to free ourselves from thinking about the problems and conflicts, irritation, anger and bad mood, allowing us to just be in the present moment. Freed from the negative emotions
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, We open ourselves to positive emotions and feelings, such as joy and kindness. Meditation helps in general to feel better and get in touch with what we really represent.
People have come up with meditation, because they need it. She also adds that meditation has a direct positive effect on our attitude towards the future, helping to make wise decisions and activates the energy of the person. All these factors help us to lead a more productive life and is easier to cope with emerging challenges.
How to start meditation?
The most important thing - to form the habit of meditation. Thus the main goal should be the duration and regularity of meditation. This practice should be given at least 5-10 minutes daily. It is better to hold classes in the morning when our brain is still fresh. On the other hand, the best time for meditation - this time, the most convenient, both for you and for your family.
What's next? Just sit down, according to the yogic traditions, for meditation to take a comfortable position, sitting with a straight back - preferably in a pose with his legs crossed on a cushion propse for yoga or on a chair that allows you to sit up straight and do not slouch. Close your eyes and just observe your thoughts as they arise. Breathe easy and free.
Another meditation technique offers to focus on your breathing. Breathe naturally, inhale and exhale without tension, without shortening or lengthening the exhalation breath go. If you are distracted, then consider myself at the end of each breath. Breathe in, out, again. Inhale, exhale, two. Inhale, exhale, three. Count to five and start to score again. This practice helps to be aware of its presence in the present.
Secrets of Successful Meditation
Meditation requires effort. We'll have to try and find the time, and let go of the idea of an infinite number of future cases, and relax. The key to successful meditation
Meditation - treats the body and the spirit
- A determination and regularity. The more you meditate, the better feel.
But what is most important? Do not evaluate yourself or your thought processes. Do not let yourself be distracted and each time return to the starting point. Our brain is so constituted as not to be inactive. If you are again beginning to overcome thoughts, focus on your breathing. Part of the whole process - to learn how to monitor the state of his mind, but to completely eliminate his reaction. Develop the ability to observe your thoughts without making fruitless attempts to stop their flow. Say to yourself: now my brain is thinking about domestic affairs, he now recalls the sad event from my past, and so on.
Among other things, it does not need anything complicated. Meditate - then just be in peace and quiet. And nothing more. Being in peace and quiet, we see ourselves as we really are.
Hypochondria - when fear suddenly rolled
December 10, 2013
Most of the people from time to time begin to worry about their health, but some worry it does not pass in and of itself a problem. Hypochondria - is obsessive anxiety about health, which can lead to severe stress and an inability to function normally.
Some people suffering from hypochondria, for unclear reasons, there are physical symptoms such as chest pain
Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases
and headaches that they take for signs of serious illness, even if the doctors convince them otherwise. Other hypochondriacs just constantly worried about what may develop in the future; They ask questions like - What if I find a cancer that, if I die of a heart attack, and so on.
Causes of hypochondria
There are many reasons why people start to worry about their health. It can start during a stressful period in my life. Hypochondria are often triggers the illness or death of a loved one. Are of great importance and characteristics of human personality: for example, people who are prone to anxiety
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, Increased susceptibility to hypochondria. People who are particularly difficult to cope with conflicts, negative emotions and stress
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May exaggerate the significance of any problems, as well as minor symptoms, such as back pain or abdominal pain, which occasionally appear almost everyone.
Sometimes, hypochondriasis is a symptom of mental disorders such as depression, anxiety disorder, and others.
Why hypochondria - a vicious circle
It is known that such violations as back pain, irritable bowel syndrome, or eczema may be caused or exacerbated by the influence of psychological problems, such as stress or anxiety. When physical symptoms due to stress become more pronounced, this anxiety increases, because of which, in turn, exacerbated the symptoms again. In severe cases, a strong health concerns can lead to panic attacks
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and depression. However, hypochondria is called a vicious circle for another reason.
If you look around yourself constantly looking for any signs of the disease - such as a rash or pimple, sooner or later you'll find something. In many cases this will not be a sign of serious health problems - such as pimples at times can appear in any a person and cause heart palpitations may be all the same anxiety. But hypochondriac made the discovery raises the level of anxiety, and leads to the fact that it starts to carry out their "inspections" more frequently than before. He also asked to look at the symptoms found not only a doctor, but also family members and friends. If they say that nothing serious, a person experiences a temporary relief, but then again replaced by anxiety. Sometimes hypochondriacs generally stop believing comforting words - because they sure are seriously ill, and surrounding them do not understand.
In general, people suffering from hypochondria inclined to one of two extremes:
- The constant search for information and reassurance. Finding a symptom, they constantly search for information about him on the Internet, visit doctors, but not calm, even when they are told that there is no disease.
- Avoidance. Man avoids any medical information orientation, doctors, and anything else that can become a cause of concern. In addition, it can avoid any activity that, in his opinion, can aggravate the disease.
Both strategies are unhealthy behavior, and they need to change in order to break the vicious circle of hypochondria.
The doctor can help
If you suspect that you have hypochondria, should seek medical advice. If your hypothesis is confirmed, and it turns out that you have no disease, which can cause certain physical symptoms, the doctor will refer you to a specialist who can diagnose mental disorders such as depression and anxiety. If such violations are found, you will be assigned psychotherapy and possibly treatment with antidepressants. If you find that you only have hypochondria, drug treatment is not required. As a rule, hypochondria prescribed psychotherapy by which man must gradually learn to adequately treat their own health.
Most often used this type of therapy is cognitive-behavioral therapy. The therapist during therapy reveal the thoughts and emotions that are often most concerned about a hypochondriac, and teach him to cope with them. One of their examples of unhealthy behavior hypochondriacs: after the test person concludes that if the doctor prescribed him additional diagnostic procedures, then he has a serious cause for concern. After a course of psychotherapy hypochondriac must learn to make other conclusions, for example, that a doctor needs more information about his health, to make a diagnosis. In addition, the patient must understand that it aggravates the symptoms, and stop to change their way of life (for example, to give up the sport) although it is not disturbing symptoms.
In some cases, for the treatment of hypochondria use other forms of psychotherapy, such as body-oriented psychotherapy. To determine which type of treatment is ideally suited a particular patient, you first need to conduct a thorough examination.