Sarcoidosis of the lungs - the most common form of the disease - Symptoms

October 18, 2013

  • Sarcoidosis of the lungs - the most common form of the disease
  • Symptoms
  • Diagnosis and treatment

 pulmonary sarcoidosis symptoms


The course of sarcoidosis is unpredictable. Exacerbation and remission of the disease may suddenly begin and end suddenly. Also, there may come a sudden spontaneous spontaneous cure. Onset of the disease can be asymptomatic, gradual or sharp.

Intrathoracic form of sarcoidosis, ie lymph nodes of the mediastinum, bronchus, lung, often asymptomatic, especially early in the disease, and only occasional (on another occasion) X-ray examination reveals sarcoidosis.

 Symptoms | Sarcoidosis of the lungs - the most common form of the disease

What can we expect?

The disease develops more gradually. The patient appears general weakness, fatigue, sweating, decreased appetite (and therefore the weight of the body), muscle and joint pain. Characteristically mismatch satisfactory general condition and extensive damage lung tissue and hilar lymph nodes.

But sometimes (quite rare) disease begins acutely with high fever, pain in the joints Joint pain - how to understand what is going on?  Joint pain - how to understand what is going on?
 . In some cases, there are signs of arthritis (joint inflammation) and dry cough. With increasing cough sputum appears. However, the cough is usually dry in sarcoidosis. With an increase of intrathoracic lymph nodes, it can be caused by compartment syndrome. At the same time, in the later stages of coughing is a consequence of extensive interstitial lung changes, and relatively rarely - a consequence of the pleura lesions.

To join cough chest pain Chest pain: look for the cause  Chest pain: look for the cause

Chest pain in sarcoidosis has no direct connection to the nature and scope of change identified.

You may receive a feeling of discomfort in the back, burning in the interscapular region, heaviness in the chest.

 Symptoms | Sarcoidosis of the lungs - the most common form of the disease


One of the signs of pulmonary sarcoidosis is also increasing shortness of breath.

Shortness of breath on exertion increases, the patient has cyanosis (blue) lips and nail phalanxes of hands. Shortness of breath can have various causes - due to decrease in lung function, dysfunction of the respiratory center in the central nervous system, metabolic disorders in the body involved in the arrest. The patient explains the shortness of breath, as a feeling of lack of air.

In cases where the granulomas in the lungs for a long time do not undergo the reverse process, there is an intensive development of connective tissue and the development of respiratory insufficiency. At stage IV sarcoidosis half of patients with sarcoidosis Sarcoidosis - how to protect themselves?  Sarcoidosis - how to protect themselves?
   easy to combine with other organ and tissue or becomes generalized. Patients with the complain of general weakness, pain in the chest and around the heart, poor appetite, weight loss. Coughing often with the release of muco-purulent sputum. Growing shortness of breath, especially during physical exertion.

When radiographic stage IV sarcoidosis is characterized by the presence of significant sclerotic changes in the lungs. Sclerotic processes typically distributed over the entire surface of the lungs and are combined with the sealing portions of lung tissue.

At the same time it revealed emphysema - a persistent expansion of the pulmonary alveoli, which are no longer actively involved in the act of breathing. Emphysema can be spread to all parts of the lungs. The roots of the lungs (the place of entry into the lungs bronchi nerves and blood vessels) are sealed, they also grows connective tissue, merge with sclerotic changes in the root zone of the lungs, sometimes shifting toward areas of sclerotic changes, and therefore a reduction in the size of the lungs. In some cases, an exacerbation of the lymph nodes Lymph nodes - what keeps our immune system  Lymph nodes - what keeps our immune system
   acquire the same form as in the early forms of the disease, but many patients in this stage they are not defined.

Sometimes granulomas appear in the upper respiratory tract - in the nasal cavity, on the tonsils, trachea and bronchi. In this case, in the nasal cavity may receive thickening, sometimes purulent crusts in deeper layers - typically granulomatous changes. Patients appear shortness of nasal breathing, dry nose and mouth, sometimes purulent discharge, nasal bleeding.

At the beginning of vulgar century it was discovered and characteristic lesions of the tonsils. It often affects the bronchi - by squeezing the walls of the surrounding tissues swell, thicken and become less passable. The walls of the bronchi develop granulomas.

Sarcoidosis of the lungs - the most common form of the disease - Diagnosis and treatment

October 18, 2013

  • Sarcoidosis of the lungs - the most common form of the disease
  • Symptoms
  • Diagnosis and treatment

 pulmonary sarcoidosis diagnosis treatment


Diagnosis of sarcoidosis - not an easy task. The first patients received laboratory tests (common blood and urine tests, liver function tests and kidney), x-ray of the chest. In identifying pathology are assigned additional study.

Total blood sarcoidosis lungs may be normal. In acute and subacute process can be increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate, increase the number of leukocytes in peripheral blood (and possibly, on the contrary, decrease the number of white blood cells). Reducing the number of white blood cells occurs in lesions of the liver, spleen and bone marrow, which requires corresponding surveys.

To eliminate the renal lesion is performed urinalysis, determination of functional tests (creatinine, blood urea nitrogen).

The content of serum angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) in sarcoidosis lung can be significantly increased (norm 18-67 units in 1 liter (u / l). With active sarcoidosis ACE is a marker of activity of the process.

Determine the level of calcium in the blood (nome: common 2, 0-2, 5 mmol / l, ionized 1, 05-1, 30 mmol / l) and urine (normal: 2, 5-7, 5 mmol / day). Increase of calcium in blood and urine are considered to be a complication of sarcoidosis, due to increased production of the active form of vitamin D by macrophages in granulomas.

To eliminate tuberculosis tuberculin test carried out - Mantoux test. When active sarcoidosis Mantoux test, in most cases negative.

A crucial role in the diagnosis of sarcoidosis lung x-ray, computed and magnetic resonance imaging (CT and MRI), radionuclide techniques, ultrasonography (US). Work is also in sarcoidosis lung biopsy and endoscopic ultrasound with fine needle biopsy of lymph nodes.

 Diagnosis and treatment | Sarcoidosis of the lungs - the most common form of the disease


How to treat sarcoidosis Sarcoidosis - how to protect themselves?  Sarcoidosis - how to protect themselves?
   lung, and whether to do it depends on the patient and thorough examination of data. If the patient's condition is satisfactory, minor changes in the lung and is not progressive, the treatment is not carried out, the sick just watching. Very often it ends for spontaneous recovery.

In acute or progressive course of the disease treatment is prescribed. The main treatment for sarcoidosis Sarcoidosis - treatment of systemic disease  Sarcoidosis - treatment of systemic disease
   Lung is the appointment of glucocorticosteroid (glucocorticoid) hormones - corticosteroids (prednisone, dexamethasone, and others). Indications for use of GCS is expressed lung large extent.

When intolerance prednisolone Prednisolone - against inflammation, allergy and pain, but with complications  Prednisolone - against inflammation, allergy and pain, but with complications
   prescribe nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) - diclofenac, indomethacin, nimesulide Nimesulide - promising Analgesic drug  Nimesulide - promising Analgesic drug
   and so on.

 Diagnosis and treatment | Sarcoidosis of the lungs - the most common form of the disease


The prognosis of pulmonary sarcoidosis, in most cases favorable - if not there were significant changes in the sclerotic pulmonary respiratory failure, there is a full recovery from the resorption of granulomas in the lungs and restore the health of the lymph nodes.

However, recurrences are found in almost half of patients, so they need a doctor's dispensary observation and periodic inspection.

Irreversible changes in the lungs with persistent decline in their function observed mainly in late diagnosis and inadequate treatment of the disease in about every tenth patient. Progressive respiratory failure leads to violations on the part of the cardiovascular system, which can cause the patient's death.

Sarcoidosis of the lungs - a disease that requires timely detection, proper care and treatment.

Galina Romanenko

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  • sarcoidosis
