- Neck sciatica - a painful violation
- Treatment
Treatment of cervical sciatica
Typically, to relieve pain and reduce inflammation in the cervical radiculitis doctors prescribe nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Typically patients take medications is enough for 10-14 days, followed by a significant relief.
Sometimes doctors prescribe oral steroids in patients that reduce inflammation more effectively, but often cause serious side effects. Although there have been no more or less qualitative study to assess the effectiveness of the use of steroids in cervical radiculitis, in practice, these drugs produce very good results. Usually they take for only 5-7 days; for longer use increases the risk of various side effects. For fast pain relief can be administered an injection of steroids. In some cases, for control of symptoms of cervical sciatica, in addition to other drugs, tricyclic antidepressants may be used.
Opioid analgesics are used only in cases when other painkillers are not effective enough. It is important that the patient was taking them so as recommended by a doctor, do not exceed the designated doses, and without increasing the duration of treatment on their own - even if the pain is not yet over. The fact that this type of analgesics can be addictive, and keep it off is very difficult.
When the pain and inflammation are effectively controlled drugs, it is necessary to start taking measures to restore full range of motion and flexibility of the neck, which in varying degrees, always suffer from sciatica. Typically, patients referred to a physical therapist who shows them how to do special stretching exercises
Stretching exercises - Be careful
. They need to make one or two times a day, for a couple of weeks. Then, stretching can be done several times a week and included in the schedule of training exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back, neck and hands. Regular performance of the exercises recommended by the physiotherapist allows to avoid further occurrence associated with sciatica
Sciatica - ask for help in a timely manner
pain. These exercises may be done, for example, in the morning - as charging (first necessary to warm up for at least five minutes) or during their exercise routine.
As a rule, doctors are advised to be sure to warm up before stretching; for this example, you can ride a bike or walk briskly. Perform the exercises should be long enough, but avoid severe pain (at the same time, strong pressure during exercise is normal and even desirable).
If cervical sciatica led to the weakness of certain muscle groups to exercise the power you need to start very cautiously; it is strongly recommended that before you perform these exercises, consult a physical therapist or an experienced coach. Usually, experts recommend starting with a small weight and a large number of repetitions (15-20), and to increase the weight very slowly. The need to observe such precautions did not mean that in the treatment of cervical sciatica would be better to do without power exercises. Rather, they are required to prevent or at least reduce the risk of back problems in the future.
Patients who take analgesics and follow the recommendations of a physiotherapist, improvement usually occurs no more than six to eight weeks after the start of treatment. If during this time there is a noticeable improvement can be assigned to surgery.
Some injuries that lead to the development of cervical sciatica, can be avoided by using the right technique when carrying heavy loads and to perform a variety of exercises. Avoid stress, which people obviously are not ready - to exercise does not harm, their intensity should be increased gradually.
Correct posture is one of the important factors in the prevention of various types of sciatica. If you have problems with posture
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It is strongly recommended to talk to an expert about how you can fix it.
Being overweight is one of the factors that increase the likelihood of developing sciatica. Those who have the extra weight is worth the effort to get rid of them - this will help prevent not only the sciatica, but also many other more dangerous diseases.
Finally, addictions and chronic stress
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also increase the risk of developing any type of sciatica. Get rid of them, and learn to control stress, you can protect yourself from many health problems.