Additional personal oral hygiene - whether they are necessary?

April 27, 2008

 additional personal oral hygiene
 In addition to basic personal hygiene, there are additional, which include dental floss (dental floss), toothpicks, Hydro, interdental stimulants and toothpaste. Why do they need?

 Additional personal oral hygiene - whether they are necessary?

Dental floss (dental floss)

Dental floss is used for cleaning hard surfaces of teeth, which are made of synthetic fibers and have a length of about 40 cm. The filaments is wound on the middle fingers and pull the thumb and right index finger of the left hand, then introduced into the interdental space, is pressed against the tooth surface and produce several movements in different directions, pushing the thread without effort not to damage the gums. Flossie impregnated with a solution of sodium fluoride, are used for the prevention of dental caries.

 Additional personal oral hygiene - whether they are necessary?


Toothpicks are used to clean the teeth around the gums, between the teeth and tooth surfaces in contact with each other. Toothpick made of wood or plastic, in the form they are flat, triangular, round. Before the mirror put a toothpick at a 45º angle to the tooth surface and pressed to enamel, advanced along the interdental spaces by removing food debris.

 Additional personal oral hygiene - whether they are necessary?

Irrigators (Hydro - massage gums and teeth washing water)

Irrigators used to remove food debris and massage the gums in particular, their use is recommended for prophylaxis of periodontal tissues (periodontal); Irrigation can be performed 2-3 times per day for 5-7 minutes after brushing.

 Additional personal oral hygiene - whether they are necessary?

Interdental stimulators

Interdental stimulators may be of rubber and plastic, they are used to clean between the teeth and gum massage. Interdental stimulator is a head that goes into a cone-shaped protrusion penetrating between the teeth.

 Additional personal oral hygiene - whether they are necessary?


Mouthwash - a water-alcohol solution containing an antiseptic, deodorant, binders (aromatic oil, menthol, Herbal tinctures). There are refreshing (hygiene - "Mint", "freshness", etc.), Elixirs and prophylactic, which is used for any diseases of the mouth. Elixirs applied 4-5 times a day after meals 15-20 drops to 0, 5 cups of water (rinse for 3 minutes and baths for the mouth). If you have a mouth fixed prosthesis is better to use the elixir of "Ideal" for deodorization - "freshness", "Peppermint" for the prevention of caries - elixirs, stands out in enamel fluoride ("Special", "Flyukaril"), for the treatment of inflammation of the gums - "Eucalyptus", "Health", "Forest".

 Additional personal oral hygiene - whether they are necessary?

Types of therapeutic and prophylactic toothpaste:

  • "Forest" - contains chlorophyll, vitamins E and C, has an antibacterial effect, improves metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
   in the tissues of the oral cavity;
  • "Health" - contains an infusion of hypericum, astringent, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties;
  • "Bioeliksir" - contains propolis has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, deodorant, regenerating (regenerating tissue) action;
  • "Eucalyptus" - contains extracts of eucalyptus, hypericum, pine cones Pine cones in stroke - what is the miraculous power  Pine cones in stroke - what is the miraculous power
 , Has a cleaning, deodorizing effect;
  • "Enzyme" - contains enzymes and citric acid, which contributes to increased salivation, anti-inflammatory effect, promotes restoration of the oral mucosa;
  • "Special" - contains vitamin B1, and sodium fluoride, increases the ability of tooth enamel The enamel of the teeth: protection, this Nature  The enamel of the teeth: protection, this Nature
   resist various influences.

 Additional personal oral hygiene - whether they are necessary?

How to keep your teeth healthy

Prevention of dental disease need to deal with childhood, then your teeth will be healthy for a long time. A person can do a lot for the health of their teeth. To do this:

  • regularly (at least once a year) to visit a dentist to detect early manifestations of caries and periodontal disease tissues;
  • brush your teeth twice a day, after breakfast and dinner;
  • finger rub toothpaste in the enamel surface of teeth for two minutes (after brushing);
  • after each meal rinse your mouth with water, better mineral or soda solution, between meals - salt solution (2-3 times a day);
  • I do not have a lot of sweet and starchy foods;
  • thoroughly chew a lot, often to eat hard fruits and vegetables;
  • drink slowly, holding the most liquid in the mouth;
  • conduct training of teeth and jaws: turn weakly and strongly compress the teeth, mouth and shut easily and with great force, placing the lower jaw to the right and to the left to slide mounds mounds of molars teeth opposing jaw;
  • strengthen the immune system, doing gymnastics and hardening.

Are you ready to proceed with the implementation of all the rules of personal oral hygiene Oral hygiene - not only in the dentist's chair  Oral hygiene - not only in the dentist's chair
   now? Then for your teeth, you can not worry about.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • dental care

Granuloma of the tooth to tooth decay which may bring

May 26, 2011

 granuloma tooth
 Granuloma - a hotbed of inflammation, surrounded by a capsule. Granuloma can be formed in different tissues, there is usually a result of chronic inflammation. For example, dental granuloma formed in periodontal - ligament that holds the tooth in the cell.

 Granuloma of the tooth to tooth decay which may bring

Periodontitis, its causes and types

Periodontium - a connective ligament, filling the gap between the root of the tooth and the wall of the dental alveoli and hold the root of the tooth in the tooth alveoli jaw. Inflammation of periodontal (periodontitis) may occur in contact with infection (eg, at a pulpitis Pulpit: what to do to not get on the table of the surgeon?  Pulpit: what to do to not get on the table of the surgeon?
 That emerged from the background of caries), trauma, toxic effects of drugs. Inflammation can occur in contact with infection from the outbreak of inflammation in the jaw during its inflammation (osteomyelitis) of the maxillary sinus, because of inflamed periodontal tissue (with periodontitis).

There are apical (apical - inflammation develops between the apex and the wall of the dental alveoli) and the edge (marginal - inflammation begins with the gingival margin) periodontitis.

Periodontitis can be acute (serous or purulent) and chronic (granulating, granulomatous, fibrotic).

 Granuloma of the tooth to tooth decay which may bring

What is tooth granuloma

Tooth granuloma develops in chronic granulomatous apical periodontitis Periodontitis - a serious complication of pulpitis  Periodontitis - a serious complication of pulpitis
 . This tumor formation near the apex of the granulation tissue surrounded the capsule, resulting from chronic inflammation in contact with infection from periodontal canal. Granulomatous periodontitis divided into simple tooth granuloma, dental granuloma complex and kistogranulemu.

Externally dental granulomas are spherical or oval formation, surrounded by dense connective tissue sheath, usually with a smooth surface, is soldered to the top of the tooth root, because of what granuloma is often recovered with remote root of the tooth. Painting dental granulomas varies - from light yellow to dark red.

Simple tooth granuloma microscopically characterized by the formation of granulation tissue maturing center, delimited connective capsule of varying thickness. In the complex dental granuloma formation center accompanied by the growth of granulation tissue in her strands of epithelium. Kistogranulema (radicular cyst) is formed from a complex dental granulomas in the collapse of the epithelial strands and the formation of small slit-like gaps, at the confluence of which gradually formed a cavity, usually lined with epithelium inside. Connective wall kistogranulemy soldered with periodontitis affected tooth.

 Granuloma of the tooth to tooth decay which may bring

Signs of dental granulomas

Types of granulomatous periodontitis (tooth granuloma simple, complex, kistogranulema) difficult-to. During their often asymptomatic, sometimes patients complain of aching pain and nasty little pain when biting. The tooth crown can be color changes, poorly lead sealed channels or a cavity with the collapse of the soft tissues of the tooth (the pulp) in the root canal of a tooth.

When tapping a tooth often no pain, while probing the gums can usually detect small painful bone bulging walls of the alveoli with a tooth buccolabial surface.

 Granuloma of the tooth to tooth decay which may bring

Treatment and prevention of tooth granuloma

Treatment of apical periodontitis includes endodontic (intracanal) fiziotrapevticheskie and operational methods.

Instrumental endodontic treatment of root canal (its expansion, removal of decayed tissue) is an important step in the treatment. To influence the microflora of root canal carried its antimicrobial treatment. Then seal up the root canal of the tooth - it is regarded as the most important stage of treatment.

Chronic foci of infection in the field of single rooted teeth better to eliminate surgically. For this purpose methods radiectomy (apikotomiya) replantation (tooth extraction with the processing of dental cell and then install it in place) tooth koronoradikulyarnaya separation (cut the tooth into pieces, followed by a compound of the roots of the tooth under a common crown), hemisection (removal one of the roots and crowns using half as the basis for the rest of the bridge), amputation of the tooth root (complete removal of the tooth root). Multirooted teeth with granulomas usually removed.

Prevention of tooth granuloma is a thorough oral hygiene Oral hygiene - not only in the dentist's chair  Oral hygiene - not only in the dentist's chair
   and early treatment of carious teeth. Keep in mind that the initial stages of tooth decay More about caries - take care of your teeth until it's too late  More about caries - take care of your teeth until it's too late
   They can not give complications periodontal as this occurs disclosure tooth cavity. Therefore, it is important to treat caries in the beginning.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • granuloma tooth
