Malocclusion: fix is ​​never too late

June 12, 2011

 More than half of children are different forms of abnormal development of dentition. Among these anomalies is one of the main places occupied by malocclusion, ie contact dentition. Malocclusion may impair chewing, speech, and even to the wrong formation of facial bones.

 Malocclusion: fix is ​​never too late

What is malocclusion and its species

Bite - is correct contact dentition of the upper and lower jaw. Characteristics of malocclusion is conducted to assess the type of closure indigenous and anterior teeth on both sides of the jaw. Overbite are always accompanied by the violation of the masticatory muscles, and some groups of facial muscles.

Types of malocclusion Malocclusion - what if the mouth is not so as it is necessary?  Malocclusion - what if the mouth is not so as it is necessary?
   considered in three directions: sagittal (front to back), transverse (right) and vertical (top to bottom). Malocclusion in sagittal direction and called progenicheskim prognathic bite in the vertical direction - open and deep bite, in the transverse direction - cross-bite. The diagnosis is confirmed by the presence of malocclusion analogical bite close relatives, anthropometric and radiological studies.

A feature of the correction of malocclusion is that they have eliminated the complex, using orthodontic treatments, special exercises, and if necessary - surgery. The most frequent violations are the progeny of bite and prognathism.

 Malocclusion: fix is ​​never too late

Progenichesky bite

When progenicheskom bite the lower jaw pushed forward, while there is a contact of the upper first molar (molar) not only of the same tooth of the lower jaw, but also to stand behind the tooth. The front of the first upper molar bumps are located posterior to the lateral cleft of the first lower molars and front teeth of the lower jaw are arranged in front of the top. In some cases, the progeny is formed only in the region of the front teeth, the lateral teeth interlock properly.

When progeny broken processes of biting off food, chewing and speaking the individual sounds, correct swallowing and changes the profile of the person (the lower jaw protrudes).

Treatment progenicheskogo bite depends on the age at which it is held. Thus, during the deciduous teeth Milk teeth - how they are formed?  Milk teeth - how they are formed?
   External applied orthodontic appliances, retard the growth of the lower jaw and stimulate the growth of the upper jaw. Basically it is a different kind of hats that are put on your child at night. Child trying to wean from such bad habits as sucking nipples, finger time to heal all diseases of the teeth and nasopharynx, rickets Rickets - all about vitamins  Rickets - all about vitamins
   (it can cause deformities of the facial bones of the skull).

During the change of teeth to correct bite progenicheskogo use special orthodontic devices of various designs. When to establish a permanent bite progeny treated much more difficult, however, there are modern orthodontic appliances that allow you to adjust small progeny, even in adults. When expressed in the progeny after the age of 16 years are carried out corrective surgery, and then assigned a treatment Apparatus and special gymnastics classes.

 Malocclusion: fix is ​​never too late

Prognathic bite

Prognathic bite (prognathism) - is the opposite of progeria, pushed forward when the upper jaw. This first molar of the upper jaw in contact with the same standing and in front of the teeth, the front of the first upper molar bumps are located anterior to the lateral cleft of the first lower molars and the front upper teeth protrude and are not in contact with the bottom, forming a gap between the teeth of the upper and lower jaw.

When prognathism disturbed function of biting food, chewing, pronunciation of individual sounds and even breathing. During the meal and speeches lower lip can be continuously exposed under the protruding upper front teeth and injured. The maximum load occurs on the upper front teeth, which are pushed forward, while the lower teeth are pushed back, which may lead to changes in the periodontal tissues (for prognathism characterized gingivitis and periodontitis).

If you look at a man in profile, it is evident that much ahead stands the upper lip, teeth, and sometimes completely the upper jaw. The lower jaw is set back, his lips always slightly parted.

Treatment prognathism particularly needed when disrupted other organ systems (respiratory, speech, chewing), it is carried out in different ways at different ages. At an early age, when a child has baby teeth, trying to restore the development of the jaws, remove all obstacles to this process factors carious teeth, ENT diseases, all kinds of bad habits. The child is assigned to a special gymnastics, firming chewy and some facial muscles and wearing orthodontic appliances. After all the baby teeth will be replaced by permanent, small prognathism can also be eliminated by using orthodontic appliances, but chances are reduced when expressed correction of malocclusion in this case will only combination treatment: a combination of surgery with the orthopedic correction.

Malocclusion is better to treat in childhood, when exactly when or how Mr. abuse, tell the orthodontist.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • bite

Complications after prosthesis: Allergy - not the worst

September 7, 2008

  • Complications after prosthesis: Allergy - not the worst
  • Inflammation, allergy

 complications after prosthesis
 Fortunately, most patients prosthetics goes without complications, but sometimes there are problems. What could they be?

 Complications after prosthesis: Allergy - not the worst

Infection of dental implants

This is a serious complication requiring immediate treatment. The cause of infection could be a violation of safety regulations for the operation on prosthetics Fundamentals of prosthetics - not just for the elderly  Fundamentals of prosthetics - not just for the elderly
 . In developed countries, however, it happens very rarely.

Manufacturers of dental implants are doing everything possible to avoid getting bacteria on their products. However, even in the human mouth is home to many bacteria that can be infectious agents. For the treatment of this complication can be assigned to antibiotics Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?  Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
 ; in some cases, to eliminate the infection need surgery.

 Complications after prosthesis: Allergy - not the worst

Rejection of dental implants

Our body is for our own protection rejects what he considers alien. This can occur in various cases, including - after prosthetics. Typically, the first sign of this complication is inflammation of the gums Gum disease - do not treat lightly  Gum disease - do not treat lightly
   around the implant - which means that the immune system The immune system - how it works?  The immune system - how it works?
   It attacks these tissues. In most cases, a dental implant, rejected by the body, it is necessary to remove.

 Complications after prosthesis: Allergy - not the worst

Overloading of dental implants

Overload of dental implants say when the prosthesis represented a disproportionate burden. This may occur, for example, if the patient has no teeth somewhat but replacing implants are just some of them. Typically, this is done for financial reasons. In any case, the implant is overloaded and sooner or later to solve the problem would require additional dental procedures.

Overloading of dental implants can occur in the event that at the time of prosthetic mistakes were made - for example, the implant is made is not entirely successful, or not installed correctly. So can occur if the prosthesis to the patient has lost a significant part of the tooth, or if the dentist is professional enough.

 Complications after prosthesis: Allergy - not the worst

Damage to the dental implant

Prosthesis, independent of whether the material from which it is made, can be seriously damaged, because of which will suffer its functionality. Despite the fact that today make dentures maximally strong, the probability of damage still exists. With this complication should be treated as soon as possible to the dentist.

 Complications after prosthesis: Allergy - not the worst

Inflammation after denture

Inflammatory processes in the field of fixed prosthesis can start for various reasons, not only as a result of prosthetics. However, signs of inflammation it is necessary to consult a doctor.
