The structure of the tooth: the main decoration - Permanent teeth

May 12, 2011

  • The structure of the tooth: the main decoration
  • Permanent teeth

The appearance and the "inner meaning" tooth

A tooth is comprised of crown and root neck. Crowns are located above the gum, and come in two forms: chewing surface (side teeth) without chewing surfaces (front teeth).

The root of the tooth located in the jaw bone cell and attached to it a special bundle - periodontitis. Between the crown and the root is the neck of the tooth - a slight narrowing of the space, with tight adjacent gum.

The crown of the tooth is composed of two layers of hard tissue - the enamel (which is on the surface) and dentin. Inside the hollow crown, it is a tooth with a cavity located inside the soft tissue (pulp). The cavity of the tooth passes into the tooth root canal (root canal), which also contain pulp and open at the top of the tooth root opening. On top of the tooth root is also covered by the hard tissue, called cement.

Total human tooth 32 (16 on upper and lower jaw). Various functionally teeth differ form crowns and the number of roots. In addition to the actual tooth to tooth body includes hole and the surrounding jaw bone, covered with mucous membrane of the gums, ligament that holds the tooth in the hole, blood vessels and nerves.

 Permanent teeth | tooth structure: the main decoration

How does tooth

Each tooth has four surfaces:

  • vestibular - she turned to her lips and cheeks;
  • lingual - turned to the language;
  • contact - facing the adjacent teeth;
  • chewing - it is the surface directed to the teeth of the opposite number; or the cutting edge of incisors and canines; This is also called the occlusal surface (ie the surface of the clamping).

The teeth of the upper and lower jaw, which are in contact with each other, are called antagonists. In normal occlusion at the tooth has two antagonists. The like teeth of the upper and lower jaw called the principal antagonists, adjacent - side. The like teeth of the left and right jaws differ.

 Permanent teeth | tooth structure: the main decoration

The structure of permanent teeth

Eight cutters are arranged in the middle of the dental arch, four on the upper and lower jaw. Distinguish medial (near the center) and lateral (the sides of them) cutters. The upper central incisors medial or larger than other cutters. The crown has a chisel shape cutters, it is convex to the vestibular surface. The root cutters have one. The lower incisors are less than the upper.

Canines disposed two on each jaw (total of four), the upper lower larger. Crown rhombic shape, the cutting edge in the form of a claw. On the lingual surface of the crown visible edge ridges, separated by a recess. The root of a long, strongly compressed laterally.

The small molars (premolars) are arranged four on each jaw, two on the left and two to the right. The upper premolars are larger lower. The roots of the premolars are usually solitary, but are sometimes divided into two.

Molars (molars) twelve, they are located at six of the top and bottom jaws (three on each side), the third molar called wisdom tooth Wisdom Tooth - remove and not to suffer  Wisdom Tooth - remove and not to suffer
 . Large molars have a massive crown and a few roots. Crowns first upper molars rectangular shape with rounded kroyami. Buccal surfaces of molars has four hillocks, separated by a groove, has three roots. The second upper molars are somewhat different from the first, their crowns are compressed and often instead of four cusps on the chewing surface there are only three or even two roots of the second upper molars usually two. Wisdom teeth are variable in shape and size, but they are usually smaller than the first and second molars of the upper and lower wisdom teeth. The most common form of the chewing surfaces of their trehbugorkovaya, has three roots, but sometimes there may be two or even one, fused.

Lower large molars of the upper and lower some have two roots - medial (toward the center) and distal (directed in the opposite direction). Crowns first lower molars rectangular chewing surface comprises five hillocks, three of them - on the buccal side of the crowns and two on the lingual. Second lower molars are cube-shaped crown on the chewing surfaces have four tubercles. The third lower molars (wisdom teeth), as well as the top, very variable in shape and size. They are smaller than the rest of the lower molars, but most of the upper molars. On the chewing surfaces of the crown has four tubercles, sometimes five or three.

All teeth have a good blood supply and innervation, blood vessels and nerves are located in the pulp and periodontal.

The structure of each tooth is different from the structure of other teeth, and it must take into account the treatment, disposal and prosthetics Fundamentals of prosthetics - not just for the elderly  Fundamentals of prosthetics - not just for the elderly

Galina Romanenko

Aesthetic filling - like new teeth - Modern Materials

October 14, 2010

  • Aesthetic filling - like new teeth
  • Modern materials

What is the aesthetic fillings

Aesthetic fillings - it is filling, in which the restored tooth is no different from the surrounding healthy teeth. Aesthetic filling is carried out at the destruction of tooth caries More about caries - take care of your teeth until it's too late  More about caries - take care of your teeth until it's too late
 After injuries or fractures of the tooth, as well as to hide certain defects in the area of ​​the tooth (e.g., spots, crevices between the teeth, and so on).

For carrying out the aesthetic tooth filling, there are special techniques and filling materials. Restore can be both front and side (chewy) teeth.

 Modern materials | Aesthetic filling - like new teeth

How is

In order to carry out the aesthetic tooth filling, it must first be treated. If the carious tooth, with the help of boron removed all the decayed hard tissues (enamel and dentin) and applied seal. At a deep caries Deep caries: the consequences of irresponsibility  Deep caries: the consequences of irresponsibility
 If the changes affected tooth cavity and containing the soft tissue (pulp), is first treated pulpitis Pulpit: what to do to not get on the table of the surgeon?  Pulpit: what to do to not get on the table of the surgeon?
 Impose temporary filling, and only after all the phenomena of inflammation subside, conduct aesthetic filling.

Aesthetic filling is carried out by using modern filling materials or use the tabs (polukoronok).

 Modern materials | Aesthetic filling - like new teeth

Aesthetic filling teeth with modern filling materials

Sealing materials used for aesthetic filling, must have properties such as strength, good adhesion to the tooth (adhesiveness) and appearance is no different from a natural tooth tissue.

Such requirements are met two kinds of filling materials - composites and compomers.

Composites - a suspension of inorganic material (filler) in a viscous organic medium (matrix). Other fillers give plombiroochnym material certain properties. All composites divided into curable by chemical reaction and curable with a special halogen lamp (fotokompozity). For aesthetic filling increasingly used fotokompozity. The size of the filler particles of the composite, they are divided into the following types:

  • Composites with large filler particles (makrofily) - it makes them stronger, but reduces the adhesiveness; such composites for aesthetic dental fillings Tooth filling - do not fear the dentist  Tooth filling - do not fear the dentist
   usually does not apply;
  • Composites with fine filler particles (mikrofily) - they are less durable, but well polished; such composites are frequently used for aesthetic fillings in the front teeth when small defects;
  • composites, filler which is a combination of large particles of barium glass and silica fine particles (hybrids); These composites are often used for aesthetic filling, as its properties are close to the hard tissues of the tooth, characterized by high hardness and increased adhesiveness.

The best filling material is a composite resins (compomers), which combines the qualities of a hybrid composite and glass ionomer cement (cement the new generation, which has high strength and resistance to various influences and a high cosmetic effect). Compomers have good adhesivity, excellent biocompatibility with body tissues, are capable of concentrating fluorine, have increased aesthetic properties such as color and transparency, and are therefore suitable for the sealing of all teeth.

Using svetopolimernyh filling materials allows you to set the seal on a variety of surfaces of the teeth on the front and back teeth, restore cleaved fragments of teeth, forming a seal flush with the surface of the tooth, just select the desired color.

 Modern materials | Aesthetic filling - like new teeth

Aesthetic fillings using tabs

Tabs or polukoronki restore the lost part of a tooth in a situation where it is impossible to simulate the quality seal. Replace defective parts of the tooth, not only of the tooth as a whole. They are made in the dental laboratory tabs on individual impressions.

Tabs are indicated for restoration of large cavities on the chewing (rear) teeth. Restoring large cavities tabs more reliable than seals. There are ceramic and composite inlays used for aesthetic filling.

As a method of installing the tab is divided by the modeled directly in the mouth and are made on the model. In the latter case, the patient dissected tooth, remove mold, and then to make the model tab.

Aesthetic fillings - is a great way to make an attractive smile.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • aesthetic dentistry
