Fracture brush - Keep hands

July 11, 2010

  • Fracture brush - Keep hands
  • The structure of the brush

 broken wrist
 Fractures wrist fractures treated as phalanges and the metacarpal bone fractures. Often, at the turn of the cyst can not squeeze his hand into a fist; sometimes, on the contrary, not a fist expands - it happens when the fracture occurred during a punch.

Symptoms fracture brushes are:

  • Swelling of the hands;
  • Pain in the area of ​​the fracture;
  • The deformation of the brush;
  • Inability to move fingers or toes;
  • Reducing the length of one of the fingers.

 Fracture brush - Keep hands


The primary diagnosis is carried out by means of palpation - broken bones shifted and often can be felt through the skin. During the examination the doctor checked the range of mobility of the hand and the sensitivity of the fingers - it avoids damage to the nerves, which could occur as a result of the fracture. Then, with the help of X-rays determine the exact location and type of fracture.

 Fracture brush - Keep hands


In most cases, the brush fractures heal without surgical intervention. To the bone can grow together, its fragments are fixed with a bandage (usually a bandage reaches almost to the elbow).

After about a week to make the new X-ray images of the brush to make sure that the bone fragments are fixed properly and is not shifted.

Usually they wear a bandage for three to six weeks. Three weeks after the injury, you need to start to perform simple exercises to gradually develop hand. Sometimes some fingers after breaking wrist getting a little shorter, but it does not violate the hand function.

Sometimes fractures wrist required surgery to stabilize the bone. As a rule, it is an open fracture. They are adjusted by means of special bolts and staples.

After srastetsja bone, metal brackets and bolts can be removed, but it is not always necessary.

 Fracture brush - Keep hands


Usually fractured wrist heals quickly and does not cause any complications. Some patients, however, the fingers after treatment become flexible and obedient. Sometimes the fracture site bulge appear solid - a build-up of bone tissue, which is formed by the healing process.

Reduced flexibility of fingers, generally can be prevented during start developing arm. Sometimes, to regain the flexibility of the fingers requires professional help.

Chronic pain in joints Joint pain - how to understand what is going on?  Joint pain - how to understand what is going on?
   Brush is a rare complication of a fracture.

In some patients, the fracture brush increases the likelihood of developing arthritis Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications  Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications
   in old age.

Fracture of the talus: Caution - Danger!

August 1st, 2010

  • Fracture of the talus: Caution - Danger!
  • Causes and symptoms

 fracture of the talus
 Astragalus - a small bone located between the heel, the tibia and fibula. Most fractures of the talus is the result of traffic accidents, as well as a fall from a height. Often broken talus occurs simultaneously with damage to the lumbar spine. Open fractures of the talus associated with increased risk of infection.

Today, the talus fracture rate increases due to the increasing popularity of snowboarding - shoes that used by athletes, tough enough to prevent fracture and other injuries.

 Fracture of the talus: Caution - Danger!


Symptoms of a fracture of the talus are:

  • Sharp pain;
  • Failure to transfer the body weight on the affected leg;
  • Swelling in the area of ​​the fracture.

 Fracture of the talus: Caution - Danger!


Diagnosis of fracture of the talus is usually carried out by means of X-rays - the photographs are usually clearly visible damage to the bone. To get a clearer and more detailed image can be used computed tomography. These diagnostic procedures allow to determine the exact location of the fracture, as well as its (in particular, fracture is shifted or not). The pictures are also visible in the breakaway any fragments of bone tissue, which doctor is usually removed.

Moreover, the physician has to make sure that the patient is not damaged nerves and / or blood vessels.

 Fracture of the talus: Caution - Danger!


If untreated or not properly treated fracture of the talus may lead to various problems. In particular, it can degrade the functionality of the foot, cause arthritis Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications  Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications
   and chronic pain. Therefore fracture of the talus as soon as possible to see a doctor.

In rare cases, if the x-ray shows the absence of displacement of bone fragments, it is possible to do without surgery. For at least six to eight weeks, the patient will have to wear a plaster and to avoid any stress on the affected leg. Then need to undergo physical therapy to gradually and gently restore mobility, joint flexibility and leg muscles.

However, in most cases, the fracture of the talus require treatment by surgical methods that can prevent many complications.

After the operation as the leg remains in a cast for approximately six to eight weeks. When the bones begin to coalesce, the doctor will do an exam with the help of X-rays or magnetic resonance imaging. This ensures that the blood flow to the leg is fully recovered, or to notice of violation.

Even if the recovery will take place without complications after the fracture of the talus is maintained an increased likelihood of developing arthritis in the elderly.

Polydactyly - kinship with evil spirits?

July 11, 2010

 Polydactyly - a condition in which the number of fingers or toes is greater than normal. There are many different forms of polydactyly; for example, on the one hand, next to the other fingers may be very small bulge; one finger can be split in two at the end. Sometimes the brush looks generally normal, except for one: in addition to the big toe on her five fingers. Variations polydactyly almost innumerable.

 Polydactyly - kinship with evil spirits?


Polydactyly is even in utero - formed when the hand. Sometimes the fetus appears too many fingers and sometimes the fingers are not separated properly - this condition is called syndactyly. Polydactyly and syndactyly distributed about equally; According to statistics, one out of 500 infants born with extra toes on the hands or feet. Sometimes one person present features of both disorders - such as an extra finger can be fused to an adjacent finger. It is unclear why this occurs. In some cases, the development of polydactyly may influence genetic factors - sometimes it occurs in representatives of several generations of one family.

 Polydactyly - kinship with evil spirits?


First of all, the patient or the parents need to resolve the question of the need for treatment. Polydactyly itself is not a serious offense. Children with polydactyly successfully perform hands the same tasks as their peers with five fingers on each hand. But since Polydactyly may cause some psychological problems, it seems appropriate treatment.

Sometimes having extra fingers or toes is a sign of other disorders in the body, so a child with polydactyly should be examined with great care.

Cure polydactyly is possible only surgically. The objective of surgeons is not only the removal of excess finger, but, more importantly, the restoration of the brush after removing it. Brush in a transaction should not only look better How to look better: the secrets of the natural charm  How to look better: the secrets of the natural charm
 But also to maintain their functionality. Depending on where the optional finger (or fingers) and how it is related to other finger, the operation may be relatively simple or very complex.

Recovery after surgery takes several weeks to several months. The most satisfactory operations are achieved when it is carried out at an early age.

 Polydactyly - kinship with evil spirits?

Why is there

One of the causes of polydactyly is heredity. In some families, such a defect is passed from generation to generation (familial forms of polydactyly).

Polydactyly may be innate, ie occurred during fetal development Fetal development - week after week  Fetal development - week after week
 . Often this occurs when in the early stages of pregnancy the fetus had some toxic effects (for example, taking certain drugs that have teratogenic properties, ie the ability to cause a violation of the formation of organs and tissues). Such effects on the child's body leads to the fact that there is a delay programmed death of some cells and excessive production of other cells that are used for the formation of additional fingers.

Finally, polydactyly may be due to the formation within the shell surrounding the fetus (amniotic) adhesions that can mechanically interfere with the proper development of the child.

Polydactyly is often observed in certain chromosomal diseases, combined with a number of other features.

 Polydactyly - kinship with evil spirits?

Forms and types of polydactyly

The most common sign of polydactyly is an extra sixth finger. It may be located for the little finger (postaksialnaya polydactyly) or before (preaxial polydactyly), and found a combination of these types, ie, a combination preaxial postaksialnoy and polydactyly. Different types polydactyly in turn are divided into several types.

Postaksialnaya polydactyly can be of three types:

  • type A - an extra finger fully developed and articulated head V metacarpal bone; Most often, this type of polydactyly is hereditary;
  • Type B - complementary pin is not fully developed, it can be in the form of a skin appendage, and sufficiently formed, with slight defects in one or two phalanges (normally three); this type of polydactyly may be congenital;
  • Type M - mixed form of polydactyly - a combination postaksialnoy polydactyly type A and B have the same rights; It can be caused by hereditary and congenital factors.

Preaxial polydactyly (polydactyly I - IV fingers) can be of four types:

  • Type I - polydactyly I (big) finger - doubling dvuhfalangovogo bones (ie normal) of the thumb; found different degrees of the defect: the splitting of the terminal phalanges to complete the doubling of the thumb; hereditary defect;
  • Type II - trehfalangovogo polydactyly (ie abnormal) I finger; reflected in a doubling of the terminal phalanx; such a defect is usually congenital;
  • Type III - polydactyly finger II; the origin can be different;
  • Type IV - preaxial polydactyly in combination with syndactyly (fusion of the fingers); found incomplete doubling or sometimes only the shortening and thickening of the I toe and syndactyly of fingers III-IV; hereditary defect.

 Polydactyly - kinship with evil spirits?


Treatment of polydactyly - is surgical removal of the additional fingers. Most often this is done at one time, even if a few more fingers. In most cases, surgery is performed in early childhood. This is especially important when polydactyly of the foot: the correct form of the foot must be in a child before he starts walking. Methods and volume of operation in each case are selected individually, since polydactyly frequently present and other small, sometimes inconspicuous limb defects.

After the operation, prescribe a course of rehabilitation treatment (physiotherapy, therapeutic exercises, massage, and so on). This is necessary in order to prevent complications, eliminate postoperative edema Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause  Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
   and restore normal blood flow to the area.

Galina Romanenko
