Diet for high cholesterol - good cholesterol against harmful - What is cholesterol

July 25, 2010

  • Diet for high cholesterol - good cholesterol against harmful
  • What is cholesterol

What is it and cholesterol metabolism in humans

Cholesterol - a natural biologically active substance belonging to the group of steroids, which is involved in metabolism Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
 . From cholesterol in the body formed bile acids, certain types of hormones (e.g., sex), vitamin D. These substances necessary for the proper functioning of the human body, which regulate entry into cells of tissues of various substances, stimulate the activity of enzymes (i.e., accelerate metabolism) excrete metabolic products and toxins, and so forth.

But cholesterol can be different. In human blood, cholesterol is composed of protein and fat (lipoprotein) complex - so he transferred to the organs and tissues. Lipoprotein complexes may have low density (LDL) - they have a "harmful" cholesterol, from which the blood vessels are formed atherosclerotic plaques. In further such plaques cause various circulatory disorders (myocardial infarction, ischemic stroke, blockage of arteries of the remote, and so on). The source of cholesterol are animal fats, when consumed frequently formed cholesterol that clogs our blood vessels.

High-density lipoprotein complexes (HDL) help to transfer excess cholesterol to the liver for its decomposition into separate components (metabolites) and excretion from the body - that is, have anti-sclerotic properties. HDL contains vegetable fats.

Increasing the amount of cholesterol in the blood is found in some diseases. For example, diabetes, and metabolic disorders with a sharp increase in weight (obesity), abuse (reduction) of the thyroid gland The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones  The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones
 , Gout, high blood pressure, liver and biliary tract and other.

On examination of blood it is determined not only total cholesterol (norm - 3, 0-6, 0 mg / dL), but the number of LDL (norm - 1, 92-4, 82 mmol / L) and HDL (norm - 0, 7-2, 28 mmol / l).

 What is Cholesterol | Diet for high cholesterol - good cholesterol against harmful

Features protivoateroskleroticheskim diet

To reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood and to suspend the deposition of cholesterol in the blood vessels, a special diet number 10C. The indication for such a diet is coronary atherosclerosis (supplying the heart muscle), cerebral (supplying the brain), and peripheral blood vessels, the aorta atherosclerosis, atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis (metabolic changes in the heart muscle that evolved during its insufficient blood supply).

Diet number 10C slows the progression of the atherosclerotic process, restoration of impaired lipid metabolism, and normalization of the general metabolic processes in the human body.

The diet has a low cholesterol content and salt. However, it is enriched with lipotropic (involved in the normalization of fat metabolism) substances (methionine, choline, lecithin), polyunsaturated fatty acids (containing HDL - sunflower, corn oil) and dietary fiber (output all the poisons and toxins from the bowel).

 What is Cholesterol | Diet for high cholesterol - good cholesterol against harmful

Chemical composition and energy content of the diet number 10C

Diet number 10C has the following chemical composition: protein - 100g (one animal - half), fat - 70 grams (one-third of the plant), carbohydrates - 350 g (digestible, ie sweets and pastries are limited). Vitamins: vitamin A (found in foods of animal origin) - 0, 3 mg, carotene (found in vegetable food and in the body is converted to vitamin A) - 20 5 mg vitamin B1 - 1, 7 mg vitamin B2 - 2 5 mg nicotinic acid Nicotinic acid: what is its benefit to man?  Nicotinic acid: what is its benefit to man?
   - 22 mg of ascorbic acid - 250 mg. Mineral substances: sodium - 2, 3 g of potassium - 4, 2 g of calcium - 1 g of magnesium - 0, 5 g of phosphorus - 1, 8 g of iron - 30 mg. Energy value of the diet number 10C - 2500 kcal.

All meals are in accordance with this diet are boiled and then baked. Salt during cooking is not added, salting food (no more than the established norm - 2-3 g per day) is carried out directly to patients. Power fractional, small portions, six times a day.

 What is Cholesterol | Diet for high cholesterol - good cholesterol against harmful

What you can and can not have in atherosclerosis

Recommended products: any bread (prefer - bread from wheat flour), biscuits, pastry without salt, cereals (buckwheat, oats, wheat), vegetable and cereal soups, borscht, milk soups, lean poultry, meat and fish (only boiled and baked, can be soaked in milk herring), low-fat varieties of sausage and ham, seafood, low-fat dairy products, eggs (no more than three a week in the form of an omelette of egg whites or boiled), butter and vegetable oil, vegetables (all kinds of cabbage , beets, carrots, squash, potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, leafy greens), fruits, berries (fresh, as compote), weak tea and coffee, coffee drinks, fresh vegetables, fruit, berry juice, infusion of rose hips.

You should be excluded from the menu: pastries (including products with cream), sweets (including chocolate), broths and sauces (meat, fish, mushroom, beans), fatty meat, poultry, fish, fish roe, liver, kidney, brain, meats, spices (pepper, mustard), animals and cooking oils, mushrooms, canned foods, fatty dairy products, semolina, pasta, radish Radish: useful properties and rules of use  Radish: useful properties and rules of use
 , Radish, spinach, sweet fruits and dried fruits, strong tea and coffee, cocoa.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Therapeutic diets

Anticancer Diet: Myth or Reality? - Against Bladder Cancer

February 17, 2008

  • Anticancer Diet: Myth or Reality?
  • Cancer of the esophagus
  • Against Bladder Cancer

Vegetables, prevents the development of bladder cancer

According to scientists of the Institute of Cancer Research Roswell Park in Buffalo, New York, consumption of raw cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, asparagus, cabbage and cauliflower) lower the risk of developing bladder cancer by about 40%. According to them, this is due to the content in these vegetables compounds isothiocyanates, or ITC, which supposedly protect the body from cancer of the bladder Bladder Cancer: Signs and Diagnosis  Bladder Cancer: Signs and Diagnosis

"The raw cruciferous vegetables are more useful than boiled or fried, because cooking vegetables lose approximately 30% of isothiocyanates" - says Li Tang, MD, working in Roswell Park and headed one of the areas of study.

A group of scientists under her leadership was engaged in comparative analysis of the eating habits of 275 people with a diagnosis of "bladder cancer" and 825 healthy people. Researchers interviewed participants in the study of how often and how much they consumed raw and cooked vegetables to make a diagnosis, recognized that if they smoke, and other risk factors.

It turned out that the likelihood of developing bladder cancer in nonsmokers study participants who ate cruciferous vegetables at least three times a month, 73% lower than the smoking participants, practically consuming cruciferous vegetables in any whatsoever form.

"Broccoli prevents the development of bladder cancer Urinary bladder - structure and function  Urinary bladder - structure and function
   even better than the cabbage, - says Yuesheng Zhang, MD, professor of oncology at the Institute of Cancer Research Roswell Park, has been studying the effect of broccoli consumption in animals. One group of animals fed with a solution that causes bladder cancer and fed frozen broccoli extract; and the other groups were fed only the broccoli extract or carcinogenic fed only saline.

"In 96% of the animals within 10 months of taking only carcinogenic solution, observed the development of bladder cancer, - says Yuesheng Zhang. - A 100 animals treated with carcinogenic solution in combination with an extract of broccoli, cancer developed in only 37 individuals. "

Scientists emphasize that such an amazing protective effect is due to the content of isothiocyanates. Action broccoli is based on the activation of two enzymes that play an important role in the withdrawal from the body of carcinogens.

Article Tags:
  • Therapeutic diets
