Tangerine diet - delicious food handling

September 26, 2014

 tangerine Diet
 Tangerine diet is often used as a discharge, it is quite effective, as the body of excess fluid removed How to withdraw excess fluid from the body - all sorts of ways  How to withdraw excess fluid from the body - all sorts of ways
   and toxic metabolic products. At the same time activates the metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
 And if after unloading follow the rules of healthy eating and physical activity have the necessary, you can fine lose weight.


Tangerine diet for weight loss - why it can be to lose weight

Tangerine diet often is a mono-diet using only one product - tangerines. This diet lasts no more than three days. There are also longer tangerine diet, but in this case in the daily diet included and some other products.

Nutritional value of mandarins due to significant carbohydrate, organic acids, tannins and dyes, essential oils Essential oils and conception: can help the roses?  Essential oils and conception: can help the roses?
 Vitamins and minerals.

Tangerines are rich in vitamins C, B group (especially folic acid), carotene (the body thereof is synthesized vitamin A), and potassium.

Mandarin is good thirst quencher and saturates the body with the right amount of vitamin C, has some diuretic (decongestants) properties. The presence of fiber in them helps to cleanse the bowel of fecal stones and toxins. Relatively recently, it has been proved that the use mandarins significantly activates the metabolism, including lipolysis and promotes weight loss. We also know that mandarins are an excellent antidepressant, which is important under strict diets - this process is often accompanied by depression Depression - a little more than a bad mood  Depression - a little more than a bad mood

For all its beneficial properties of tangerines are low-calorie product: 100 g tangerine pulp contains about 40 calories.


Tangerine diet for 3 days

The three-day diet is unloading tangerine. The simplest version of this diet - the use of 1, 5 kg of tangerines for each of the three days. However, tangerines can drink non-carbonated drinking water, green or herbal tea without sugar.

Gentle option tangerine diet for three days involves five meals a day, every 3, 5-4 hours. First breakfast - a cup of black coffee without sugar lunch - four mandarins and one hard-boiled egg; Dinner - 100 grams of cooked white meat chicken without skin and without salt garnished with sauerkraut; lunch - four mandarins and one hard-boiled egg; Dinner - 100 grams of cooked white meat chicken without skin and without salt garnished with sauerkraut.

Hard unloading diet lasts more than three days, is unlikely to benefit, because the mandarins do not contain all the nutrients required by the body, mainly affected by their lack of protein and fat.

This can lead to the opposite result: the metabolism rather than accelerate, on the contrary, slow down - the body will switch to economical consumption of nutrients and leaving them in store as fat. That's why most extreme diets ineffective.

The three-day fasting days mandarins push metabolism, vyzut their acceleration. The body is required after unloading nutrition with sufficient amounts of protein, fat and carbohydrates to maintain metabolism at a high level, otherwise the fasting day will do no good. Restrict need only animal fats and carbohydrate (sweets and baking). If this power is also increasing exercise, the extra weight will go away by themselves.


Reviews of tangerine diet

Reviews of tangerine three-day diet of those who adhered to the positive. After three days unloading the body gets rid of 1-2 kg. But this is definitely not fat and liquid, including hidden edema. Along with edema toxins, activates the metabolism, there is a burst of energy and a feeling of lightness.

Reviews of tangerine diet experts are also positive. It is noted that after it is easier to get rid of body fat - just slightly lower calorie daily diet and increase physical activity.


Tangerine diet for weight loss - contra

The main contraindication for tangerine diet (as well as other diets on the basis of citrus) is their ability to cause allergic reactions, especially when used in large quantities. Therefore tangerine diet is contraindicated in those who are allergic to any citrus.

The mandarins many organic acids that can irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum. Therefore tangerine diet is contraindicated in patients with chronic gastritis, gastroduodenitis, stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer.

The mandarins also many simple sugars, so they are contraindicated in a large amount in diabetes.

Tangerine weight loss diet has a beneficial effect on the body only when lasts no more than three days.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • fruit diet

Milk diet: fasting days as the basis for weight loss

April 22, 2010

 Milk diet is popular among those who need to lose weight quickly. It allows you to get rid of one to two kilograms in just three days. In addition, the milk diet useful.

Milk is an important food for humans. it includes vitamins A, B, C, E, calcium and many other minerals, as well as proteins. One liter of milk contains daily norm of proteins needed by an adult. Dairy products have a beneficial effect on the entire digestive system.

Dairy diet will not only lose weight but also lower cholesterol, strengthen bones, nervous system, normalize bowel function, improve the microflora. In addition, this diet is often improves the skin condition of people suffering from acne.

At the same time, it is necessary to bear in mind that such a diet is not recommended for people with lactose intolerance. Those who are any chronic disease, before using this or any other diet, you should consult with your doctor.

 Milk diet: fasting days as the basis for weight loss

Example menu milk diet

Before each meal during the milk diet is necessary to drink a glass of non-carbonated water.

  • Breakfast: a yogurt, a banana Bananas: the benefits and harms health  Bananas: the benefits and harms health
 Tea with honey or coffee with milk. Tea and coffee can be replaced with a glass of milk or yogurt.
  • Lunch: 100 grams of oatmeal with milk, 200 grams of cottage cheese with fruit, one cup of milk.
  • Dinner: one boiled egg, cucumber salad with natural yogurt or low-fat cottage cheese with fruit and / or berries, one cup of yogurt or buttermilk.

During the day, you can eat yogurt cup, pear, apple, or drink another cup of milk or yogurt - a good thirst hunger.

Menu dairy diet can be changed, however, it is not recommended to include a bakery and pasta products and any meat.

During the milk diet is necessary to limit physical activity. In addition, it is recommended to take a bath more often - it helps to reduce the feeling of hunger and remove the stress caused by this How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis

Milk diet can be a healthy way to stick to three to five days. Followed by gradual return to the usual diet and physical activity.

 Milk diet: fasting days as the basis for weight loss

Milk and dairy diet

Various embodiments milk diet can be used for handling days, and the power management options.

Milk - a wonderful dietary product, it contains high-quality animal proteins and fats, a small amount of simple carbohydrate in the form of sugars, vitamins and minerals. Especially a lot of milk and dairy products, calcium, which is needed to strengthen teeth and bones. Unfortunately, many adults body does not produce the enzymes necessary to digest the milk in such cases it is necessary to replace milk products - they are much more easily assimilated.

 Milk diet: fasting days as the basis for weight loss

Extreme milk diet for fasting days

If you use milk for the fasting days, the effect is stunning: the milk has a mild diuretic effect and you will go all the swelling, along with excess fluid How to withdraw excess fluid from the body - all sorts of ways  How to withdraw excess fluid from the body - all sorts of ways
   you get rid of toxins (metabolic products accumulated in the body). Dumped cargo will allow your metabolism to make more active, and that will contribute to weight-loss. One feature: a fasting day should last no longer than one day, it was such a period will be most effective.

Unloading milk diet is simple: during the day you need to drink between one and a half liters of milk, distributing them evenly over small periods of time.

The day after the diet you do not pounce on the food, and adhere to the principles of good nutrition.

 Milk diet: fasting days as the basis for weight loss

Milk Diet as a variant of a balanced diet

Nutrition involves constant proper nutrition from their diet except refractory animal fats (fatty meats), easily digestible carbohydrates (sweets and pastry), fried and spicy food.

Extended milk diet will cope with all these tasks and bring variety to your menu. Milk and milk products contain animal proteins and fats, which are required by the body for proper metabolism. The missing proteins (and we shall obtain protein food a specific set of amino acids needed to build proteins of the human body and tissue regeneration) can be obtained with small amounts of lean meat and fish.

Without carbohydrates also can not exist for a long time, because they are a source of energy. If carbohydrates are not supplied in the diet in sufficient quantity (as in milk there are very few), to obtain the energy the body uses proteins, which are formed by the decay of harmful substances for the body. Therefore, enhanced milk diet should include plenty of vegetables.

Some animals of dairy fat body and small, must be a small amount of vegetable fats, which are the source of the body's "good" cholesterol - he is involved in all metabolic processes and helps them accelerate.

For dairy diet fit skim milk or yogurt (1, 5% fat), low fat cottage cheese Low-fat cottage cheese - a popular product among athletes and slimming  Low-fat cottage cheese - a popular product among athletes and slimming
 Cheeses not more than 5% fat. These products can add lean beef, chicken, fish. Vegetables can be eaten any fresh (salads) and thermally processed (stewed or steamed). Fresh vegetables, of course, will bring more benefits, but does not fit all: maybe your body can not tolerate large amounts of roughage. Do not worry, just replace them with dishes prepared in the traditional way.

The food is better to take small meals 4-5 receptions, arranging small between meals snacks. Suitable for snacking apples, grapefruits and oranges.

Remember, your food should always be correct and rational: often rigid diet is not able to solve the problem of weight loss, they only exacerbate the problem by adding to excess weight different diseases.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • liquid diets
