Any urinary tract infection - a serious disease. In order to promptly seek medical care, need to know the main symptoms of the most frequent diseases of the urinary tract - cystitis, because only quickly and correctly prescribed treatment can prevent the transition of acute to chronic.

What happens in the bladder cystitis
Changes in the bladder for acute cystitis usually limited to the mucosa, it becomes red and edematous. In more severe cases, the process extends deep into the bladder wall, in some areas the epithelium of the mucous membrane exfoliated, the formation of erosions and ulcers in the urine there is a large amount of blood - formed hemorrhagic cystitis
Hemorrhagic Cystitis: always seriously
In the most severe cases, especially when combined infection of the bladder with blood circulation in his wall comes necrosis (necrosis) of the mucous membrane, followed by sloughing - developed gangrenous cystitis. When melting the muscular layer of the bladder may occur spontaneous rupture (perforation) of its wall.
In chronic cystitis is inflammation inside the walls of the bladder and affects all of its shell. All the shell of the bladder is inflamed, swollen, stretch the bladder is reduced, especially in the field of vesical triangle (the portion of the bladder wall in its bottom, between the point of entry and exit of the ureters urethra). Inflammation of the area called trigonitom and inflammation in the transition region of the bladder into the urethra - cervical cystitis.
Sometimes the bladder wall there are small pustules (microabscesses), after opening formed in a small sores. Sometimes ulcers occur on the background of metabolic disorders in the bladder wall. After a scarring ulcers formed scarring of the bladder, and the ulcer begins elsewhere, this is called interstitial cystitis. It leads to a complete loss of bladder function.

Symptoms of acute cystitis
Signs of acute cystitis is the emergence of pain in the lower abdomen and pain during urination (dysuria). All these signs appear some time after the cold, a viral infection, receiving chemicals that irritate the mucous membrane of the urinary bladder. The intensity of pain during urination increases, the pain becomes almost constant. Sometimes, because of the severe pain patients are unable to hold urine.
The severity of symptoms of acute cystitis may be different. Sometimes (at a less severe) patients feel only the severity of the abdomen, frequent urination, and a few small pains at the end of urination. In some cases, these phenomena are continuing 2-3 days and go away without treatment.
But most acute cystitis
Acute cystitis: Treat treated responsibly
It lasts for weeks, even if he is being treated quite correctly. Such prolonged slightly during talks about what to look for the cause, which helps prolong the inflammatory process. It may be some slight violation of passage of urine (for example, due to the narrowing of the urethra).
Severe acute cystitis occur with fever, violation of general condition. Urine is small and it is muddy, malodorous, contains flakes (a protein fibrin), sometimes pieces of mucosa, blood. The blood can stain the urine entirely isolated as clots that impede the flow of urine.
The diagnosis of acute cystitis usually put on the basis of characteristic features, the general analysis of blood and urine, and urine culture.

Symptoms of chronic cystitis
Symptoms of chronic cystitis depends on its causes and how well were treated. The main symptoms are the same as in acute cystitis, but less pronounced. Chronic cystitis
Cystitis: urgently take action
It can take place in a continuous process with the presence of constant complaints and changes in urine. Another variant flow - recurrent, in which exacerbation replaced by light intervals, during which symptoms are absent.
In order to confirm the diagnosis of chronic cystitis, one small laboratory. ALWAYS cystoscopy - Inspect the inside surface of the bladder using a cystoscope. It is possible to see the smallest changes in the bladder wall.
In the long chronic cystitis necessarily exclude anatomical changes in the urinary tract that can impede the movement of urine. This may be a narrowing of the urethra, the return throw urine from the bladder into the ureters (vesicoureteral reflux) or a violation of the nervous regulation of the bladder. If such changes exist, they do not eliminate them, to cure chronic cystitis
Chronic cystitis: a correct diagnosis - the main
It will be impossible.
If a person periodically show signs of urination, the sooner it will be a full examination and begin treatment, the more chances he has to get rid of cystitis.
Galina Romanenko