The drug from prostatitis - the choice is very large - Preparations

January 19, 2014

  • The drug from prostatitis - the choice is very large
  • Preparations

 cure prostate drugs

Medicines for prostatitis in men, reducing immunity

Such drugs called immunomodulators. There are several groups of immunomodulators: drugs thymus (timalin, taktivin, thymogen), interferons (viferon), the synthesis of endogenous interferon inducers (amiksin, tsikloferon), synthetic immunomodulators (izoprinazin, polyoxidonium). The most effective cure for prostatitis that can significantly stimulate the immune system - is polyoxidonium, which also removes intoxication caused by prolonged inflammation.


Homeopathic drops from prostatitis

Today releases a lot of homeopathic drops from prostatitis. Most often they are used for the prevention of acute prostatitis. Effective drugs for the treatment of prostatitis Treatment of prostatitis - not an easy task  Treatment of prostatitis - not an easy task

  • drops of Sabal-Homaccord (Heel Haylmittel company, Germany), it is composed of sulfur and pearl sabal, use 10 drops three times a day;
  • Drops EDAS-132 (company Edas, Russia) - a complex homeopathic medicine taken 5-6 drops three times a day;
  • Androvit droplets (homeopathic pharmacy company, Russia); 15 drops applied three times daily for six months;
  • Drops Populus compositum (Heel Haylmittel company, Germany); use 10 drops three times a day by dissolving them in a half glass of water.
  • Drops Bronze Horseman or Tui-complex (Taleon company A, Russia); is used for acute and chronic prostatitis 8-10 drops in half an hour before a meal twice a day for 5 consecutive days, followed by two days break and repeat the course; before taking the drops diluted in a quarter cup of water and drink in small sips, holding in his mouth a little longer.


Medications for the treatment of anti-prostatitis

Some biologically active food supplements (dietary supplements) can be used for medicinal purposes. Most often they are used during remission as the anti-treatment. The best cure for prostatitis, in this case it is difficult to define, but you can say for sure that a good therapeutic and preventive effect for prostate dietary supplements provide the company NSP (USA).

For example, BAA Pro Formula, which is composed of extracts of ginseng, saw palmetto, and the bark of the tree ant. In addition, dietary supplements containing parsley leaves Parsley Health and Beauty  Parsley Health and Beauty
 Vitamin E, which have antioxidant (inhibit the activity of toxic free radicals produced during metabolism) properties. Part of the BUD zinc is essential for normal functioning of the prostate is an important element in the formation of immunity.

Pro formula provides nutritional support for the prostate, normalizes the functioning of the prostate and urinary system retains full function of the male reproductive system, anti-inflammatory effect. Supplements Pro Formula is recommended for men as a prophylactic measure after the age of 40-45 years. He was appointed as a part of complex treatment of acute and chronic prostatitis Chronic prostatitis - every man should know his signs  Chronic prostatitis - every man should know his signs
   and violations of potency. Take one capsule a day with food.


Chinese patch from prostatitis

Plaster Prostatic Navel Plasters for the treatment and prevention of prostatic diseases, nephritis, renal failure, impotence Impotence - a female perspective on the problem  Impotence - a female perspective on the problem
 . The instructions to the drug's manufacturer, stated that its production is used for the formulation of the ancient Tibetan doctors. It also stated that the patch is manufactured using the latest modern technology, categorized as medical and health products.

The structure of the patch includes the following plants: Gem bidentate, vaginal girchevnik, plantain Asian, safflower, cinnamon, Corydalis doubtful Bornean camphor. The plaster is not toxic, does not contain any chemical additives, the side effects were not observed (except for allergic reactions). You can not apply the patch to the open wounds, cuts and scratches.

A patch is stuck on clean dry skin on the navel hours, after which it was removed and washed the skin and a new patch is applied so five times. With prolonged use of the patch stimulates blood circulation, inhibit proliferation (hyperplasia) of the prostate, treats severe inflammation of the prostate gland.

It's hard to say how effective this patch, but hope that it will cure prostatitis, it is not necessary, because it is not a drug, and medical and wellness products.

Clinical experience shows that the most effective cure for prostatitis is that the doctor selects a given patient individually.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • treatment of prostatitis

Treatment of prostatitis - not an easy task - Anti-inflammatory therapy

January 12, 2014

  • Treatment of prostatitis - not an easy task
  • Anti-inflammatory therapy
  • Physiotherapy

 anti-inflammatory therapy of prostate

Anti-inflammatory therapy of prostate

The main reason for the pain associated with prostatitis is an inflammation and swelling of the prostate tissue. For their reduction in acute prostatitis within prescribed NSAIDs - diclofenac, nize, ketorol and others. Assigning them bring significant relief to the patient.

Anti-inflammatory effect also has the following ointment from prostatitis: take 2 tablespoons porphyrized toadflax flowers, add a tablespoon of rubbing alcohol, to insist within days in a warm dark place, mixed with Article 10. l. melted unsalted pork fat and simmer, stirring, for three hours in a water bath Sauna and health: the benefits and harms of bath procedures  Sauna and health: the benefits and harms of bath procedures
 ; remove from heat, strain through several layers of cheesecloth, cool and put on the crotch area twice a day.


Antispasmodics and muscle relaxants

These drugs relieve spasms of smooth and skeletal muscles of the prostate and surrounding organs, which leads to improvement of the outflow of juice prostate reduce its swelling and congestion.

From antispasmodics prostatitis can be administered papaverine Papaverine - for pain caused by spasms of smooth muscles  Papaverine - for pain caused by spasms of smooth muscles
   or no-silos - they are well removed spasm of smooth muscles. To remove the spasm of skeletal muscles used drugs of muscle relaxants, such as a muscle relaxant baclofen central action.



In clinical studies it was found that during acute prostatitis activates the sympathetic nervous system, which contributes to a spasm of smooth muscles of internal organs and blood vessels. Many experts believe that pelvic pain, which often complicate the prostate, are connected with this fact.

New in the treatment of prostatitis - is to use as part of a medical treatment of alpha-blockers. For this group of drugs used in the treatment of prostatitis include drugs such as terazosin, doxazosin, alfuzosin, tamsulosin. Elimination of action of the sympathetic nervous system to help improve urinary tract urine passage of the urinary tract, relieve the threat of stagnation in the urinary bladder and reflux of formation - throw urine (and with it the infection) in the prostate gland.


Medications that enhance blood circulation in the prostate

If there is any form of prostatitis poor circulation in the area of ​​the prostate gland. In acute prostatitis Acute prostatitis - the culprit bacteria  Acute prostatitis - the culprit bacteria
   This is due to the swelling and compression of the small arteries, and in chronic - due to congestion in the prostate gland is mainly due to violations of venous and lymphatic drainage. Violation of circulation increases the inflammatory process and making it lengthy.

To restore normal blood circulation in the prostate prescribe pentoxifylline, Aescusan Aescusan - help with venous insufficiency  Aescusan - help with venous insufficiency
   and some other preparations.



The course of treatment of prostatitis also includes prescription drugs that stimulate cellular and humoral immunity. These include preparations of the thymus gland (timalin, taktivin, thymogen), interferons (viferon), the synthesis of endogenous interferon inducers (amiksin, tsikloferon), synthetic immunomodulators (izoprinazin).

Especially effective for prostatitis immunomodulator polyoxidonium that not only activates the cellular and humoral immunity, but also removes intoxication caused by prolonged inflammation. This medication is able to restore immune responses even with immunodeficiencies.
