Treatment of cystitis - in which cases need hospitalization - Homeopathic medicines

August 8, 2013

  • Treatment of cystitis - in which cases need hospitalization
  • Medical treatment
  • What to do
  • Effective methods
  • Antibiotics
  • Furadonin
  • Homeopathic medicines
  • Grandma means
  • Herbs
  • Separate
  • Folk remedies
  • At home
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  • Among women
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  • Children
  • When pregnancy
  • When breastfeeding
  • Radiocystitis
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 homeopathic remedies cystitis

Homeopathic medicines in cystitis

Three basic principles of homeopathy Homeopathy - the placebo effect in the service of medicine?  Homeopathy - the placebo effect in the service of medicine?
   - This minimum dose, the uniformity of treatment (application of only a single drug) and the principle of similarity, i.e. similar similar treatment. These guidelines are intended to stimulate the body's natural mechanisms using self minerals, herbs or other substances in small doses. Homeopathic medicines help to suppress the symptoms of cystitis, as a safe and effective treatment for a variety of infections of the urinary tract.

 Homeopathic remedies | The treatment of cystitis - in which cases need hospitalization

Spanish fly

For the treatment of cystitis, accompanied by a burning sensation or pain during urination, and frequent urination, it is recommended Spanish fly (cantharis) in homeopathic doses. This homeopathic remedy is suitable in cases when symptoms of cystitis leads to increased irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
 , Nervousness and worsen under the influence of coffee, alcohol or other similar stimulants. Mandatory condition of application of this homeopathic remedy in cystitis - constant heat: heating pads, hot drinks.

 Homeopathic remedies | The treatment of cystitis - in which cases need hospitalization

Gag walnut (nux vomica)

If cystitis Cystitis: urgently take action  Cystitis: urgently take action
   accompanied by symptoms such as pain spasmodic bladder and painful urination, for the treatment of infections is recommended that the nut gag. Symptoms of cystitis in the treatment of this homeopathic remedy improved under conditions of constant heat and rest and be exacerbated by moral fatigue, use of spicy, spicy foods and stimulants such as coffee.

 Homeopathic remedies | The treatment of cystitis - in which cases need hospitalization


Barberry is recommended for the treatment of cystitis, which is the main symptom - a sharp, burning pain. This homeopathic medicine for the treatment of cystitis in the case if the patient shows weakness, lethargy, inability to concentrate. Physical symptoms of cystitis Cystitis - symptoms: spasms, cramps and discomfort  Cystitis - symptoms: spasms, cramps and discomfort
   improve after urination, but it can become even more intense during urination.

 Homeopathic remedies | The treatment of cystitis - in which cases need hospitalization

Tiger Lily (Lilium tigrinum)

This homeopathic remedy recommended for treatment in cases when the cystitis is accompanied by a stabbing pain and burning during and after urination, and constant urge to urinate with a small amount of urine. Unlike other homeopathic drugs prescribed for the treatment of cystitis, lily improves symptoms of cystitis, if the patient most of the time in a cool room with fresh air. Symptoms of cystitis are aggravated by heat.

 Homeopathic remedies | The treatment of cystitis - in which cases need hospitalization

Caustic soda (Causticum)

Caustic soda is used in the homeopathic treatment of cystitis, which is the main symptom - persistent, intense urge to urinate during the simultaneous inability to urinate. Symptoms of cystitis are improved by heat and the use of cold drinks and aggravated by cold, and stimulants such as coffee.

 Homeopathic remedies | The treatment of cystitis - in which cases need hospitalization

The basic rules of homeopathic treatment of cystitis

As is the case with traditional medical treatment of cystitis, to choose and take homeopathic remedies cystitis is not recommended - it must always consult with a qualified homeopath, who will recommend the necessary preparations and dosages.

When such symptoms of cystitis, blood in the urine and high body temperature, as well as when the symptoms of cystitis persist for twenty-four - thirty-six hours, you should seek medical advice.

Treatment of cystitis - in which cases need hospitalization - Antibiotics

August 8, 2013

  • Treatment of cystitis - in which cases need hospitalization
  • Medical treatment
  • What to do
  • Effective methods
  • Antibiotics
  • Furadonin
  • Homeopathic medicines
  • Grandma means
  • Herbs
  • Separate
  • Folk remedies
  • At home
  • Prevention
  • Among women
  • Men
  • Children
  • When pregnancy
  • When breastfeeding
  • Radiocystitis
  • Forum

 antibiotics for cystitis

Antibiotics for the treatment of cystitis

For the treatment of cystitis in adults and children older than 14 years are assigned, mainly, trimethoprim and nitrofurantoin in the following dosages:

  • Trimetroprim tablets to two hundred milligrams: one tablet twice a day for three days. In a complicated cystitis can require renewal treatment - one tablet trimethoprim twice a day for seven days. The daily dose of trimethoprim in the treatment of cystitis is four milligrams.
  • Nitrofurantoin tablets fifty milligrams: one tablet four times a day for three days, or if necessary increase the duration of the treatment of cystitis, one tablet four times a day for seven days. The daily dose of nitrofurantoin in the treatment of cystitis is two hundred milligrams. Nitrofurantoin can cause discoloration of the urine, mostly minor.
  • Nitrofurantoin capsules of fifty milligrams: one capsule four times a day for three days or a period of seven days at a rate necessary to extend the treatment of cystitis. The daily rate of two hundred milligrams of the drug.
  • Nitrofurantoin capsules slow acting (slow release of active ingredient) one hundred milligrams: one delayed release capsule twice a day for three days or seven days. The daily rate of two hundred milligrams of the drug.

Antibiotics and dosages for the treatment and prevention of chronic cystitis Chronic cystitis: a correct diagnosis - the main  Chronic cystitis: a correct diagnosis - the main
   adults and children over 14 years:

  • Trimethoprim tablets hundred milligrams: one pill at night.
  • Nitrofurantoin tablets of fifty and one hundred milligrams milligrams: one pill at night.
  • Nitrofurantoin capsules of fifty and one hundred milligrams milligrams: one capsule overnight.

For the prevention of chronic cystitis, the symptoms of which are aggravated after sexual contact, it is recommended to take trimethoprim tablets hundred milligrams (one tablet two hours before or after sexual intercourse).

To suppress the discomfort and pain caused by cystitis in adults and adolescents over 16 years of age, you must take the following medications:

  • Ibuprofen tablets to two hundred milligrams: one or two tablets three or four times daily as needed.
  • Paracetamol tablets five hundred milligrams: one or two tablets every four to six hours as needed (a maximum of eight tablets per day).
