Ureaplasma - treatment of infectious and inflammatory processes

February 2, 2013

  • Ureaplasma - treatment of infectious and inflammatory processes
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 ureaplasma treatment
 Ureaplasma - a small family of mycoplasma bacteria, often living on the surface of the genitourinary organs as part of pathogenic microflora. Should I seek the complete removal from the body ureaplasma? This issue is debated to this day. However, all experts agree that if ureaplasma was the cause of infectious-inflammatory process, then treat it certainly should be.

 Ureaplasma - treatment of infectious and inflammatory processes

How to treat ureaplasma infection

Treatment ureaplasmas begin only after a thorough examination, detection of infectious agents to the site of inflammation, and all foci of inflammation. The fact that the ureaplasma is rarely causes disease without further reasons.

There are basically two reasons: low immunity and more infections, which "opens the door" for the introduction of ureaplasma in genital mucosa.

Both of these factors are taken into account during treatment. According to a survey of an individual treatment plan with the patient's prescription of antibiotics that suppress the livelihoods ureaplasmas, drugs that destroy other identified pathogens, immunomodulatory and bracing means. If necessary, appointed by local treatment and physiotherapy.

 Ureaplasma - treatment of infectious and inflammatory processes

How to remove from the body ureaplasma

This question is now actively engaged in science. It was found that the original ureaplasma This insidious ureaplasma - often too late  This insidious ureaplasma - often too late
   It showed a sensitivity of three groups of antibiotics: macrolides, fluoroquinolones and tetracyclines. Today ureaplasmas sensitivity to some, the most commonly used antibiotics has decreased. These macrolide antibiotics include azithromycin (sumamed) and almost all tetracyclines.

Many physicians are presently doubtfully also apply to the test results, the sensitivity of the identified pathogens to antibiotics as infectious agents react to different antibiotics, when they are in humans or in vitro. In scientific research laboratories ureaplasmas sensitivity to antibiotics studied more precisely. Such studies are repeated periodically and serve as a guide for the purpose of treatment.

To macrolide antibiotics, which are today preparatmi choices include josamycin (vilprafen) and clarithromycin (klatsid). For the treatment of pregnant women naznayaayut vilprafen Vilprafen - modern highly effective and non-toxic antibiotic  Vilprafen - modern highly effective and non-toxic antibiotic

Because antibiotics are frequently used fluoroquinolone ofloxacin (taritsin) and moxifloxacin (Avelox). It is very effective and not too toxic drugs that kill rapidly ureaplasmas. Unfortunately, ureaplasmas lately often exhibit resistance (insensitivity) to fluoroquinolones. Fluoroquinolones should not be used for the treatment of pregnant women.

Because antibiotics tetracycline group currently only applies doxycycline (JUnidoks soljutab). It is much better tolerated than other tetracyclines, which give a lot of side effects. The drug is very effective if ureaplasma exhibit sensitivity thereto. He is considered the drug of choice in the treatment of infertility Infertility Treatment - What principles are priority  Infertility Treatment - What principles are priority
   in women, caused by long flowing inflammatory processes, as well as in the treatment of NGU in men. Pregnant women are not assigned to tetracyclines.

Antibiotics are appointed by the course duration 07/10/14 days with the subsequent control of cure.

Men control cure is carried out one-off one month after treatment. In women, this is done three times a month, after menstruation, which is the natural provocation activated and detect any kind of infection in the genital area.

 Ureaplasma - treatment of infectious and inflammatory processes

How to restore the immune system

To do this, apply bracing means: vitamins and minerals, nutrition Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food  Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food
   with sufficient in the diet of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, regular exposure to fresh air, and so on.

However, the treatment of infection ureaplazmennoj this is often not enough, particularly if the infectious agent exhibit a resistance (immunity) antibiotic. Therefore, in the complex treatment of this disease always includes immunomodulators - drugs that restore the broken links of immunity. In the treatment of infections ureaplazmennoj this purpose immunomaks often used, which is administered as an intramuscular injection, according to the scheme in conjunction with antibiotics.

Proper appropriate treatment, followed by laboratory control of cure when ureaplazmennoj infection allows to get rid of this disease.

Ureaplasma men - can cause inflammation - Treatment

February 1, 2013

  • Ureaplasma men - can cause inflammation
  • Symptoms
  • Treatment

 ureaplasmas treatment for men

Treatment ureaplasmas men

Treatment ureaplasma males are not always carried out, and only if detected infectious inflammation which activator is these microorganisms. Carriage ureaplasmas treated only in exceptional cases, for example, if the couple are preparing to become parents.


In some cases, treatment is prescribed detection ureaplasmas

Ureaplasmas are opportunistic pathogens, so their presence on the genitals of men could be a variant of normal. But if in the course of the survey it was proved that ureaplasmas cause of infectious and inflammatory processes in male urogenital organs, the treatment must be conducted. Treatment is necessary because for a long time goes unnoticed inflammation that causes ureaplasmas, can lead to serious disorders of the reproductive and urinary systems, up to complete sterility, and kidney stones Kidney stones - why women tolerate it harder?  Kidney stones - why women tolerate it harder?

Therefore, if a man has an infectious-inflammatory process at the site of detection ureaplasmas (urethritis, prostatitis Prostatitis: how to deal with pain  Prostatitis: how to deal with pain
 , Orchiepididymitis), as well as for male infertility treatment must be conducted.

If ureaplasma detected, and the inflammatory process have been identified, treatment in most cases is not assigned. The exception is when the couple are planning a pregnancy or if you plan to change your partner. In addition, the treatment to be a man, if his partner was found ureaplasma infection and is being treated in this regard - it is necessary to exclude the partner treatment after its re-infection.


Basic principles of treatment of ureaplasma infection in men

Treatment of infectious and inflammatory processes in the genital organs of men held not blind, and after the pre-survey. Is treating urologist or a dermatologist. First of all, we should eliminate the cause of the disease - remove from the body ureaplasma (etiotropic treatment).

Development of the disease may also contribute to decreased immunity - to strengthen it are appointed by fortifying medications and immunomodulators.

Depending on the presence of certain symptoms of the disease symptomatic treatment.


Etiotropic ureaplazmennoj infection treatment

At the heart of etiotropic treatment ureaplazmennoj infection is antibiotic therapy. Through research, it was found that ureaplasmas susceptible to three types of antibiotics: macrolides, fluoroquinolones, tetracyclines m. Tetracycline sensitivity ureaplasmas now significantly decreased, so the treatment mainly used the first two groups of antibiotics.

From macrolide antibiotics effective against Ureaplasma priyavlyayut azithromycin (sumamed), josamycin (vilprafen), clarithromycin (klatsid). The drug of choice is clarithromycin - ureaplasmas show him the greatest sensitivity. Because fluoroquinolones most effective against Ureaplasma is ofloxacin (taritsin). The efficacy of this preparation is combined with a low toxicity. Ureaplasmas sometimes show sensitivity to aminoglycosides such as gentamicin.

Whether it is necessary to carry out laboratory testing to detect the sensitivity of the patient ureaplasmas antibiotic Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?  Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
 It solves a doctor. Some doctors believe such research is inaccurate and have more confidence in the scientific research in this area.


Restoring immunity ureaplazmennoj infection

Sometimes ureaplasmas not exhibit significant sensitivity to antibiotics. In this case, a large value has a state of immunity. In the treatment of ureaplasma infection in men performed well immunomaks. It - immunomodulator Immunomodulators: a contract with the protective forces of the body  Immunomodulators: a contract with the protective forces of the body
 Which stimulates various parts of immunity, enhancing general and local (in the mucous membranes) protection from infection.

When ureaplazmennoj infection immunomaks administered by intramuscular injection, while the introduction of antibiotics. Such comprehensive treatment usually is most effective.

What else can be part of an integrated treatment of men ureaplamoza

It depends on the general condition of the men and flow ureaplazmennoj infection. Sometimes, to reduce inflammation appointed physiotherapy and topical treatment. In each case, the issue of complex treatment of infections solved ureaplazmennoj doctor individually.

Ureaplasma infection in men should be treated, otherwise avoid complications in the form of partial or total loss of sexual function and fertility.

Galina Romanenko

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  • ureaplasma
