- Asthenozoospermia - a violation of sperm quality
- What asthenozoospermia
What asthenozoospermia and why it develops
Asthenozoospermia - a reduction in the number of motile sperm in the semen of men. Such a violation of sperm quality in most cases, the cause of male infertility
The causes of infertility - heredity and lifestyle
So how fast the sperm can fertilize the egg.
There are recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) for diagnosis asthenozoospermia. According to WHO the mobility of all sperm are divided into four groups:
- A group of sperm are able to move forward quickly (active progressive);
- The sperm group progressing slowly (weakly progressive);
- sperm of the group are able to move only on the spot;
- Group D sperm immobile.
WHO standards established normal motility: for fertilizing sperm had good properties, it should be more than 20% spermatozoa Group A and more than 50% spermatozoa groups A and B.
The emergence asthenozoospermia not usually associated with age: in men the ability to fertilize decreases with age is not as much as in women. Most often asthenozoospermia is a consequence of innate characteristics or occurs after various illness.
It is believed that the mobility of sperm cells can be disrupted when the chemical composition of the liquid portion (plasma) of sperm, it is reduced carbohydrate content (energy source), which reduces their mobility. Is also important reduction or disappearance of a negative electric charge sperm deposition on the surface of sperm cells of various microorganisms (e.g., mycoplasma). This gives rise to various disorders of spermatogenesis (formation of sperm), thereby forming not only the minimal amount of spermatozoa and their motility is disrupted.
The reasons for all of these events have not been studied, it may be the effect of various poisons (alcohol, nicotine, certain drugs, industrial poisons), radiation
Radiation and its biological effect: gently infected!
, High temperature, inflammation, various autoimmune (allergies to their own body tissues) processes.
The exact cause asthenozoospermia sometimes difficult to establish.
The number of fixed sperm increases with prolonged abstinence.

Signs asthenozoospermia and its diagnosis
Asthenozoospermia usually asymptomatic, its main feature is the male infertility.
Diagnosis is based on a comprehensive survey: exclude or being treated infections, inflammatory processes, check the vas patency ways. But the main information on the status of the sperm produced by laboratory studies of sperm (semen).
Sperm (ejaculate) for laboratory research going after 3-5 days of sexual abstinence. During this period, it is impossible to use any aggressive substances (alcoholic beverages, medicines and so on). Semen is obtained during masturbation after which it is necessary for one hour to bring the laboratory.
Normal sperm must be tough, grayish-white, with a specific smell. The volume of the sperm should not be less than 2 mL (has smaller volume may be the cause of infertility), sperm count - no less than 20 million per 1 mL of mobility should meet the criteria of the WHO. It has the value and viscosity of semen: high viscosity hampers the movement of sperm into the uterus.
Reaction sperm should be alkaline (ph - 7, 2-8, 0). In the acidic environment of the vagina most of the sperm die within the first hours. Semen, which has an alkaline reaction, for some time, and neutralizes the acidic environment enables active sperm get into the womb.
If there are changes in the sperm necessary spermogramme reassayed after 10-14 days. In some cases, the study carried out a greater number of times.
If sperm few motile sperm, it reduces the possibility of pregnancy. However, if there is at least a few motile sperm, pregnancy is possible.

Treatment asthenozoospermia
Treatment depends on the cause asthenozoospermia caused it. For asthenozoospermia caused by congenital and genetic disorders, treatment can not be. In other cases, the elimination of the causes of the disease usually leads to the full restoration of sperm production and motility.
Furthermore, the treatment asthenozoospermia appointed complex of vitamins and drugs, which improve the blood flow in the testis (such as Trental).
If asthenozoospermia is genetic and can not be cured, and in this case, you can help: using various techniques of sperm concentration, followed by artificial insemination of women.