Warts - Causes of the disease may be different

April 19, 2013

 causes warts
 Growths on the mucous membranes in the form of papillae are prone to fusion - this is warts. Causes of warts - an infection, but the infectious agents have warts can be different and therefore require different treatments. In order to make a correct diagnosis, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

 Warts - Causes of the disease may be different

Types of warts

There are pointed, flat and wide warts Extensive warts - one of the many manifestations of syphilis  Extensive warts - one of the many manifestations of syphilis
 . The first two types are caused by HPV infection, the latter - is a manifestation of secondary syphilis Secondary syphilis - can proceed unnoticed for several years  Secondary syphilis - can proceed unnoticed for several years
 . And that, and other infections are common today, they are sometimes difficult to distinguish and the final diagnosis is made only after laboratory testing.

And still more common in our time had HPV infection, the manifestations of which (like any chronic viral infection) are closely linked to impaired immunity.

 Warts - Causes of the disease may be different

Genital warts - causes of

The cause of genital warts is human papilloma virus (HPV). This DNA virus, which is widespread and many people are its carriers, not even knowing about it. HPV has numerous types that cause various diseases of the skin and mucous membranes - warts, papillomas, warts. For example, genital warts are caused by types 6 and 11 HPV.

Transmitted disease usually sexually, but it is possible and home path in close contact and use a linen, towels, etc. HPV can also be transmitted from an infected mother to child during pregnancy, but this is rare. Sometimes HPV spreads in children's groups.

The incubation period (time from infection to the first signs of it) of the disease lasts from one to five months, but can last for years. The peculiarity of human papillomavirus infection is that it may be a long time in a latent (does not manifest itself) condition. HPV in this case is in the deep layers of the epithelium, but its surface misses. In this case, HPV is difficult to detect even with the help of laboratory tests.

HPV multiplies in the deep layers of the epithelium of the genital organs, being inside the cells. Infected cells gradually deeper layers of age and moved to the surface epithelium. In this case, infectious agents comes to the surface, causing the infection can be transmitted to another person. By reducing the immunity viruses cause disease - genital warts.

Under the influence of HPV mucosal cells start to divide intensively, as a result appear small at first and then more and more sprawling formation on thin legs that tend to merge. And since they are located, usually in places permanently traumatized, may be complicated by the addition of an infection, persistent bleeding and deliver a lot of trouble to the patient.

Genital warts may grow very quickly: in just a few hours of their number and size can increase considerably, occupying large tracts of all mucous membranes. But this is not always, sometimes one - two genital warts can exist for a long time, has not changed.

 Warts - Causes of the disease may be different

The causes of flat warts

Flat warts - is a relatively recent discovery, they also called HPV, types 16, 18, 31, 33 and 35. The flat warts can be located anywhere on the mucous membranes of the genitals, but their favorite location is the cervix in women and the head of the penis in men.

This is a dangerous form of warts, as they do not grow outward as pointed inward, and very often violate the development of cells of the basal layer of the mucosa, which is under them and around them. This condition is called cervical dysplasia is a precancerous condition. Today, exactly a link between HPV infection and cervical cancer.

Development of flat warts Flat warts - the most dangerous form  Flat warts - the most dangerous form
   It is also associated with a decrease in immunity. They do not grow as fast as pointed and very difficult to detect by external examination.

 Warts - Causes of the disease may be different

How to confirm the diagnosis of disease

HPV infection is common manifestations, but sometimes it is still difficult to distinguish from other diseases, such as syphilis. Therefore, genital warts patient always screened for syphilis Syphilis - punishment of Venus  Syphilis - punishment of Venus
 . And as in the development of genital warts is very important decrease in immunity, and examine the patient for HIV.

Can detect HPV in mucosal scrapings from the genitals by PCR. But in the absence of warts is not always possible to do, because HPV can hide in the deep layers of the epithelium.

To exclude a malignant tumor patients with flat warts required to conduct laboratory research pieces of tissue taken by biopsy.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • warts

How to treat mycoplasma and whether to do it

December 8, 2012

 how to treat mycoplasma
 To treat or not to treat a man who in the course of the survey revealed mycoplasma, it depends on many factors. The fact that most mycoplasmas are opportunistic pathogens that cause disease in the presence of any additional conditions. More frequently, the man is simply their vehicle.

 How to treat mycoplasma and whether to do it

Do I need to treat mycoplasma, if it is a random finding in the survey

Despite the fact that most of the mycoplasma are pathogenic microflora, it is not so simple. Therefore, the detection of mycoplasma at random urogenital organs of men and women during the survey question of whether to treat should be determined by the doctor. Treatment excuse if:

  • Mycoplasma genitalium identified Mycoplasma genitalium - most of the pathogenic mycoplasmas  Mycoplasma genitalium - most of the pathogenic mycoplasmas
   - Kind of mycoplasmas, which most researchers attributed to pathogenic, that is definitely cause disease;
  • if identified other mycoplasmas (Mycoplasma hominis, Ureaplasma This insidious ureaplasma - often too late  This insidious ureaplasma - often too late
   urealitikum) related to the pathogenic microflora, but in large numbers (more than 10,000 CFU per 1 ml of the biological material) and if a woman or a man can not identify even minimal signs of infectious-inflammatory process;
  • detection of mycoplasmas to be treated as men and women are examined for infertility as mycoplasmas often lead to the development of latent infection and inflammatory processes, which are very difficult to identify; but that such diseases often lead to infertility;
  • If any kind of mycoplasma diagnosed in women in the survey during the pregnancy planning; pregnancy is associated with reduced immunity and mycoplasmas at this time may well cause disease and mycoplasmosis during pregnancy is dangerous for both mother and child;
  • If the opportunistic species of mycoplasmas detected in small amounts and have no human manifestations mycoplasmosis, it is usually not treated. Do not treat them in identifying pregnant women - women just watch.

 How to treat mycoplasma and whether to do it

Basic principles of treatment of mycoplasma urinary organs

Treatment mycoplasma genital mutilation is carried out only after a thorough examination and a preliminary seeding selections with urinary organs to detect mycoplasmas and their sensitivity to antibiotics. Simultaneously, crop selections on culture media to isolate pathogens other sexually transmitted infections, as mycoplasmosis is often combined with a latent gonorrhea, trichomoniasis and other infections.

If you decide to treat mycoplasmosis, it is treated in both sexual partners. To do this, use antibacterial drugs and agents that strengthen the immune system.

 How to treat mycoplasma and whether to do it

Antibiotic therapy

To do this, the suppression of vital activity of mycoplasma commonly used antibiotics tetracycline and macrolides. But since these antibiotics are different in each case, take into account the data of analyzes on the sensitivity of mycoplasmas to specific drugs.

It is believed that the most effective drugs for treatment of mycoplasma is a macrolide antibiotic azithromycin (sumamed), which is prescribed for treatment of mycoplasma is not within three days, as recommended by the instruction, and for longer periods of time, increasing the dose and the exchange rate.

All mycoplasmas (Mycoplasma genitalium especially) grow very slowly, so the complete suppression of their life azithromycin appointed for five days, followed by the scheme: the first day, take 500 mg of the drug, and the second to the fifth day - 250 mg. Usually after such treatment effects and mycoplasma mycoplasma tested in laboratory studies are not detected.

Treatment is carried out under laboratory control. Ten days after the treatment is carried out laboratory research (scrapings from the surface of urinary organs) for the presence of mycoplasma (planting material for special media). After that crops are held three more times at intervals of one month. Negative results speak about treatment of the disease.

 How to treat mycoplasma and whether to do it

, Strengthens the immune system, the treatment of mycoplasma urinary organs

In the treatment of mycoplasma is very important strengthening of immunity Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system  Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system
 As even the complete removal of mycoplasma from the body with the help of antibiotic therapy does not preclude re-infection - when the immune system mycoplasmosis urinary organs is practically not developed.

In order to strengthen the immunity prescribed bracing means such as Immunal, tincture of ginseng, the courses of treatment biostimulants - intramuscularly administered aloe Aloe - its amazing healing properties  Aloe - its amazing healing properties
 , Torfot, vitreous body, and so on.

With significant violations of immunity required consultation immunologist and the appointment of immunomodulators that act on certain parts of immunity.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • mycoplasmosis
