Herpes type 5 - the cause of CMV infection

January 28, 2014

 Herpes type 5
 Herpes type 5 is another type of herpes infection - CMV infection. This infection usually occurs is not hard, but poses a serious danger to pregnant women, as often causes uterine infection, the consequences of which remain with the child for a lifetime.


The herpes virus type 5

The herpes virus type 5 is called cytomegalovirus (CMV). The words "cyto" (cell), "Mega" (awesome) and reflect the characteristics of the virus CMV in humans. In most cases, the introduction of CMV in the human body occurs smoothly. With good immunity Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults  Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults
   immediately it is "hidden" in the cells of the salivary glands or glands located in the cervix, which may then be in a "sleep" state for a long time. Only by reducing CMV immunity begins to multiply, at the same time destroying the cell, where for a long time been in an inactive state. Cage thus began to attract the liquid and swells up to an enormous size, which is why it is sometimes called owl eye.

CMV - is one of the most common herpes viruses, but in most cases it is not detected as started with a decrease in immune disease is mild, as usual acute respiratory viral infection - SARS.

CMV infection is transmitted from an infected person to a healthy droplet, contact and sexually. And usually it poses no threat.


Symptoms of CMV infection

In the temporary decrease in immunity, induced hypothermia, stress, previous infection, acute exacerbation of chronic diseases, and so on. CMV begins to actively multiply and cause inflammation that can occur in the form of cough, runny nose and lung ailments. Sometimes this little fever and symptoms of lung ailments.

If CMV "hiding in mucosal cells of the cervix, the disease can occur in the form of light cervicitis Cervicitis - can cause infertility  Cervicitis - can cause infertility
   (inflammation of the cervix) or vaginitis Colpitis - take a lot of trouble  Colpitis - take a lot of trouble
   (inflammation of the vagina). Specific treatment is not required, but the patient becomes a source of infection to others.


For some dangerous Herpes type 5?

CMV infection is dangerous during pregnancy. Due to the fact that CMV can cause fetal infections with serious consequences for the fetus caused by a disease referred to them by the World Health Organization (WHO) to TRCH infection is especially dangerous during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, there is a natural decline in immunity, so CMV - infection is a risk. But the danger is only the primary CMV infection caused by a virus, was first introduced in the body during pregnancy, since the virus has not yet developed a specific immunity in the form of antibodies. By reducing the immunity of the virus multiplies rapidly enters the blood, and with it goes through the placenta to the fetus, causing his infectious-inflammatory processes, usually generalized nature - intrauterine infection. The child in this case, or born dead, or die soon after birth. If it survives, the severe consequences of the central nervous system in the form of hydrocephalus (hydrocephalus brain), microcephaly (underdevelopment of the brain), blindness, deafness, and so on.

If in the blood of women have already antibody class immunoglobulin G (IgG), the CMV infection usually it is not threatened.

Sometimes, a child infected with CMV infection occurs during birth, if CMV is present in mucosal cells of the cervix. This disease also runs hard and has a generalized visceral.

CMV is a great danger for patients with immunodeficiencies, such as AIDS patients, cancer behavior after chemotherapy and radiotherapy and in patients undergoing organ transplantation with advanced artificial suppression of the immune system. CMV infection in these patients can receive contingent generalized.


As revealed CMV infection

CMV - infection is detected by cytology (detection in smears taken from the site of inflammation characteristic of cells of enormous size), immunoassay (detection of antibodies of different classes to CMV by enzyme immunoassay), molecular biology (detection of virus DNA by PCR) and virological (seeding biological media to different environment to the cultivation and subsequent identification of CMV) methods of laboratory diagnostics.


Treatment of herpes type 5

Treatment of CMV infection is carried out only when it begins to acquire a common character. Held as the treatment of pregnant women with primary CMV infection. For the treatment of prescribed anti-viral drugs - acyclovir Acyclovir - as it is safe?  Acyclovir - as it is safe?
 , Valotsiklovir or famciclovir - they actively suppress reproduction of CMV. During pregnancy, the drug of choice more often than is acyclovir.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • types of herpes

Herpes type 4 - causes infectious mononucleosis and Burkitt's lymphoma

January 28, 2014

 Herpes type 4
 Herpes type 4 causes two different manifestations of the disease. Called them infectious mononucleosis - a very common viral infection, also known as the kissing disease, or the student. Burkitt's lymphoma - a tumor of viral nature, which is found mainly in Africa.


What is the herpes virus type 4

Herpes virus type 4 was first discovered in 1964 by British scientists M.Epshteynom Professor and his assistant in the tissues of the patient I.Barr Burkitt's lymphoma, Burkitt's taken an English surgeon, three years before the studies of the child who died from the disease. In honor of these scientists herpes virus called Epstein Barr virus (EBV).

Herpes virus type 4 belongs to the family of herpes viruses, double-stranded DNA and has one of the most common human viruses. It is able to replicate in human cells (including B lymphocytes) without destroying them thus, unlike other types of herpes viruses, and inducing cell proliferation (cell growth with tumor formation).

The composition of the herpes virus type 4 includes several antigens able to induce the formation in the human specific antibodies against them. This capsid (VCA), nuclear (EBNA), early (EA) and the membrane (MA) antigens.

Today, there are numerous studies to identify the role of this virus in the development of various cancers. There is evidence that it can cause breast cancer Breast cancer: what every woman needs to know  Breast cancer: what every woman needs to know
 , Limfogranulomatoz and various blood diseases. It is well established that EBV causes diseases such as infectious mononucleosis and Burkitt's lymphoma.


Herpes type 4 - infectious mononucleosis

The causative agent of infectious mononucleosis is transmitted from an infected person to person, primarily through saliva. Infection often occurs with a kiss, hence the name of the kissing disease. And as ill mononucleosis often adolescents and young people, there was also another name for this infection - Student illness.

The pathogen can also be transmitted by coughing, sneezing, through infected saliva of the patient objects. After contact with the mucous membranes of the oropharynx Epstein-Barr virus (correctly: Epstein-Barr) and propagated it becomes a shock to nearby lymph glands Lymph nodes - what keeps our immune system  Lymph nodes - what keeps our immune system
 . Then it enters the bloodstream and is carried to its current in other tissues and organs, affecting mainly the liver, spleen and lungs. In the environment the virus is shed in the saliva of the patient.

The incubation period of the disease from 5 days to three weeks. But sometimes he goes on and one or two months. After this disease develops. Mainly teenagers suffer from infectious mononucleosis, in young children the introduction of the virus into the body is often asymptomatic.

The disease begins with a temperature rise, sometimes to high numbers. It appears sore throat, nasal congestion (this is due to an increase in nasopharyngeal tonsils), weakness, lethargy, fatigue, dizziness, headache, and joint pain Joint pain - how to understand what is going on?  Joint pain - how to understand what is going on?
 . After some time on the tonsils appear characteristic greyish-yellow coating, and the temperature rises even higher, and the patient's condition deteriorates. At the same time increase in size and become painful lymph nodes - often cervical, occipital and submandibular.

In most cases, become enlarged and painful as the liver and spleen. A significant increase in spleen leads to stress its capsule and the risk of rupture of minor abdominal trauma. Sometimes the skin and mucous rash of different nature, which keeps 1-3 days and then disappears.

The disease can result in their own in 1-2 months. But the weakness and lethargy can stay a few more weeks or even months.

The diagnosis of infectious mononucleosis is confirmed by the presence of atypical mononuclear cells in the blood - large irregularly shaped cells. Also increases blood levels of lymphocytes and monocytes. Antibodies to antigens of herpes virus type 4 can be detected in blood by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and themselves antigens - PCR method.

4 Treatment of herpes type (infectious mononucleosis) is carried out mainly symptomatic agents: prescribe bed rest, drinking plenty of fluids, digestible diet, antipyretic drugs, gargling with antiseptic solutions or infusions of herbs, vasoconstrictor nose drops Vasoconstrictor nose drops - use with caution!  Vasoconstrictor nose drops - use with caution!
   and so on. Sometimes prescribed antiviral drugs, such as izoprinozin.


Herpes type 4 - Burkitt's lymphoma

Burkitt's lymphoma - a malignant tumor that develops in the lymph nodes of the B-lymphocytes exposed to the Epstein-Barr virus, which stimulates proliferation of tumor tissue. Developed tumors most often in the upper or lower jaw and gradually spreads to the entire body.

The diagnosis of Burkitt's lymphoma is confirmed by the study of tissue taken by biopsy. Surgically treat diseases, as well as by means of chemo- and radiotherapy.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • types of herpes
