Human papilloma virus - when the body fails - How do you get

December 7, 2008

  • Human papilloma virus - when the body fails
  • How do you get

How do you get

Human papilloma virus - a virus that is in the blood of most people. But the disease it causes is only with a decrease in immunity. Dispatched by the human papilloma virus as the household (via personal care) and sexually. Very often the person infected with the virus at birth, and the disease may or may not ever occur, or occur in the period of the weakening of the body. In violation of the immunity the virus is introduced into the surface layer of the skin or mucous membranes, and changes the function of the epithelial cells, this is the reason for the formation of benign tumors. Sometimes these tumors are transformed into malignant.

Currently, there are more than 60 types of human papilloma virus, each of them is different skin lesions: papillomavirus and genital warts on the mucous membranes, the warts on the skin.

 How do you get | Human papillomavirus - when the body fails

Factors contributing to the development of the disease

Factors contributing to the activation of the human papilloma virus and the emergence of the disease include:

  • early onset of active sexual life;
  • a large number of sexual partners;
  • smoking, alcohol and drugs;
  • physical and mental overload;
  • viral diseases (influenza, herpes, hepatitis Hepatitis - the scourge of our time  Hepatitis - the scourge of our time
 AIDS, etc.);
  • violation of normal vaginal microflora The microflora of the vagina: purity  The microflora of the vagina: purity
  • pregnancy;
  • taking medications that suppress the immune system (for example, in the treatment of cancer).

 How do you get | Human papillomavirus - when the body fails

How is HPV infection

Different types of human papillomavirus can cause skin and mucous membranes of various neoplasms.

Thus, the skin can appear papilloma - benign tumors light brown size - 0 2 - 10 mm, round shape, sit on the leg (sometimes wide basis). Papilloma tend to spread. Usually papilloma located on the face and neck, under the armpits, in the groin. Transmitted diseases through everyday.

The warts are also caused by the human papilloma virus, but another type. This dense growths with a rough surface and sharp edges with very different colors. Warts are simple (mostly), plantar and flat (very rare). You can become infected through everyday.

On mucous membranes (genitals, anus, mouth, throat) HPV can cause genital warts - growths the size of 2-6 mm. Top of genital warts wider base, hilly, sitting on a thin stalk. They grow very quickly, in a matter of hours. Genital warts, located on the cervix in women and penis in men are precancerous diseases.

 How do you get | Human papillomavirus - when the body fails

Based on what can be diagnosed

Warts, papillomas and warts have a rather distinctive appearance, why, then, for some confirmation of the diagnosis? The fact that there are types of human papillomavirus that cause pre-cancerous disease, that's something they need to identify and first. To do this, hold special examination under a microscope - reveal the nature of tissue cells, whether their transformation into malignant. In the blood reveal the presence of human papillomavirus DNA (PCR method, it can be set at the same time and the type of virus) and antibodies to it (immunological research).

 How do you get | Human papillomavirus - when the body fails

Treatment of human papillomavirus infection

At the moment no such drug, which would be able to act directly on the human papilloma virus, however eliminate the virus from the body can not be achieved. The problem of treatment - eliminate manifestations of the disease and reduce the amount of virus in the body.

First of all, prescribers that increase the body's defenses: vitamins, immunomodulators Immunomodulators: a contract with the protective forces of the body  Immunomodulators: a contract with the protective forces of the body
   (affecting some parts of immunity), etc. With increasing immunity Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults  Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults
   the amount of virus in the body decreases.

Needless neoplasm (wart, papilloma, genital warts, etc.) are removed one way or another. This is usually done with a scalpel or, or exposure to electric current (electrocautery), cold (cryotherapy), laser beams or radio-wave exposure. The most modern methods - laser and radio wave exposure method. Treatment is carried out under local anesthesia.

Furthermore, currently there are cytotoxic drugs (e.g., podophyllin) which, when applied topically (lubrication) are able to inhibit the development of abnormal cells of the skin or mucous membranes.

Prevention of diseases caused by the human papilloma virus, is a healthy way of life, absence of bad habits, adherence to personal and sexual hygiene.

Article Tags:
  • papilloma

Citramon P - why is it so effective? - Contraindications

May 13, 2010

  • Citramon P - why is it so effective?
  • About medicine
  • Contraindications
  • Citramon breastfeeding
  • Citramon and pressure
  • Indications


Citramon has a lot of contraindications and side effects, so you should use it with caution and very short courses or disposable. Long tsitramona uncontrolled use can cause serious illness, especially can suffer liver.

 Contraindications | Citramon P - why is it so effective?

Why tsitramon have contraindications - what threatens its reception?

The structure consists of three tsitramona of drugs - aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid), caffeine and paracetamol. All these drugs have side effects of their own, generally Citramonum may cause side effects both in single and chronic administration.

Side effects that arise when single administration are primarily allergic reactions. Most allergies occur to aspirin, there is even a term such as "Aspirin asthma" - a spasm (sudden sharp narrowing) of the bronchi with the appearance of shortness of breath on the exhale - it is impossible to breathe the air. Furthermore, there may occur severe allergic reactions of the skin and mucous membranes.

When single administration could also dramatically increase blood pressure, worsen heart - this is the result of action of caffeine. The one-time admission tsitramona child, especially in viral infections (influenza, acute respiratory viral infections, chickenpox) can cause Reye's syndrome - a serious damage to the brain and liver, which occurs with a high fever, uncontrollable vomiting and impaired consciousness.

Chronic administration tsitramona possible erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, characterized by pain in the upper abdomen, nausea and vomiting - is a result of the action of aspirin. Aspirin also reduces blood clotting, resulting in increased bleeding can occur. Severe liver and kidney damage may occur due to the presence in tsitramon paracetamol. This complication in some cases goes unnoticed and has manifested in a state of neglect the liver and kidneys. In some cases, chronic administration tsitramona having visual and hearing impairment.

 Contraindications | Citramon P - why is it so effective?

This better not take tsitramon - it is dangerous to life

Tsitramon contraindicated, especially when hypersensitivity to its components. Often there is such sensitivity to aspirin, but may be the other components of the drug. Therefore, after the appearance on the background of tsitramona on the body of a rash, itching, shortness of breath taking it is not necessary.

In ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) also do not take any medicines that contain aspirin. It is better not to do so, even in remission since tsitramon cause irritation of the gastrointestinal tract and may result in exacerbation of the disease. The big danger is tsitramon bleeding, especially when bleeding from the area of ​​the gastrointestinal tract. But also in other types of bleeding it should not be taken (for example, by conventional nosebleeds) since it reduces blood clotting. Contraindications reception tsitramona as deficiency of certain enzymes, such as glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase.

Do not take tsitramon for diseases that are accompanied by a decrease in blood clotting - hemophilia Hemophilia - a rare, but the disease sign  Hemophilia - a rare, but the disease sign
   (severe congenital disease that is characterized by impaired blood clotting), hemorrhagic diathesis Diathesis in children - an integrated approach  Diathesis in children - an integrated approach
   (tendency to bleeding), vitamin K (it takes part in the process of blood clotting).

Contraindications tsitramona are also impaired renal function - the components of the drug and its metabolites (breakdown products) eliminated from the body very slowly and can poison the body. If abnormal liver function tsitramon need to take with caution, as it has a toxic effect on the cells of the body.

Citramon contraindicated high blood pressure Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?  Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?
 , Severe angina Angina: When the heart needs help  Angina: When the heart needs help
 , Increased intraocular pressure. Contraindications and irritability, insomnia, as well as the alleged surgery.

When pregnancy tsitramon not be taken in the first 12 weeks (first trimester) - at this time is laying the internal organs of the fetus, and tsitramon can disrupt this process, causing the baby to be born with congenital deformities. This action is called fetal teratogen, especially dangerous in this respect aspirin. Do not take tsitramon and after the 24th week of pregnancy (during the third trimester) because the body is already beginning to prepare for childbirth and bleeding disorder fraught with bleeding during childbirth.

During breastfeeding baby tsitramon also contraindicated because of the possibility of penetration of its components in human milk. Citramon it is forbidden to give their children up to 15 years - it can cause serious complications in the liver and brain, which was called Reye's syndrome.
