Losing weight with the help of activated charcoal - rapid cleansing of the body - How to clean the body of toxins

June 11, 2009

  • Losing weight with the help of activated charcoal - rapid cleansing of the body
  • Fiction or reality?
  • How to clean the body of toxins
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  • The effect on absorption of vitamins
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 how to clean the body of toxins with activated charcoal

How to clean the body of toxins with activated charcoal

The accumulated in our body toxins are the cause of pain, weaken the immune system The immune system - how it works?  The immune system - how it works?
 Increase the risk of one or the other disease. Avoid contact with harmful toxins and free radicals substances in our body with food, water and inhaled air is not possible, but we can help the body. You need to purge or detoxification.

Activated carbon - a drug, obtained by chemical activation of natural raw materials (wood or coal, coconut shells, pitted olives). It is an effective cleaning agent that acts as a natural filter. Due to the high porosity and a large contact surface of activated charcoal absorbs the toxins and removes them from the body of waste digestion. If you spend detoxification, take activated carbon, in order to achieve the best results.

You will need:

  • Activated carbon Activated carbon - old but indispensable  Activated carbon - old but indispensable
  • drinking water

Buy activated carbon in the form of powder, tablets or capsules. Coal is also often part of the funds for bowel cleansing.

For general cleaning of the body Cleaning the body - an approach to clean inside  Cleaning the body - an approach to clean inside
   Take 20 grams of activated carbon per day. This dose may be taken once or divided into two or three doses during the day.

Activated charcoal should drink plenty of warm boiled water to avoid constipation and intestinal obstruction. In boiling water, you can also add a teaspoon of olive oil.

In addition, activated carbon helps get rid of bad breath Breath (halitosis) - is sometimes useful to close the mouth  Breath (halitosis) - is sometimes useful to close the mouth
 , It is effective for diarrhea, constipation, flatulence (bloating), heartburn and acid reflux.

Assign the use of activated carbon, its dosage should only doctor. Do not take activated charcoal pregnant and lactating women. It should also be borne in mind that the coal reacts with other drugs and vitamins and may reduce their effectiveness.

Losing weight with the help of activated charcoal - rapid cleansing of the body - Impact on the absorption of vitamins

June 11, 2009

  • Losing weight with the help of activated charcoal - rapid cleansing of the body
  • Fiction or reality?
  • How to clean the body of toxins
  • Side effects
  • The effect on absorption of vitamins
  • Forum

 the effect of activated carbon absorption of vitamins

Effect of activated carbon absorption of vitamins

The simultaneous intake of vitamins and charcoal reduces the effectiveness of these two drugs. Separately supplements Food additives - basic classification  Food additives - basic classification
   vitamins and activated carbon are very useful. However, together they partially neutralize each other, substantially lowering the efficiency.



The main property of the activated carbon - high sorption capacity due to the large number of pores in its surface. Pore ​​size depends on the processing technology used for its cooking. Activated charcoal well adsorbs gases, toxins and organic compounds.


Interaction with vitamins or drugs

Activated charcoal has the ability to bind and remove not only toxic breakdown products, but also beneficial to the body. These primarily include low molecular compounds - vitamins. Therefore, using charcoal Activated carbon - old but indispensable  Activated carbon - old but indispensable
 , Make it a rule to restore regular fermentation properties of the body with the help of vitamin complexes Vitamin Complexes: to drink or not to drink?  Vitamin Complexes: to drink or not to drink?


When taking

Since the effect of carbon sorbent capable of reducing the effectiveness of vitamins, it is recommended to take it apart, making the hour break between the intake of activated carbon and vitamins.


Side effects

In the application of activated charcoal may be constipated Constipation - Watch out for food  Constipation - Watch out for food
   or diarrhea. Furthermore, since the activated carbon adsorbs all organic substances in the gastro-intestinal tract, possibly the depletion of the body of vitamins, hormones, proteins and fats.
