If by nature you are quite slim, but you want to increase lean muscle mass, the observance of the right diet for weight gain is a crucial factor, perhaps even more important than physical training program.

Consume more calories
The only way to gain weight due to fat or muscle mass at the expense of - is getting more energy than you expend. From this fundamental principle of human anatomy is no escape, no matter how many arguments does not lead with a view to refute. And although some metabolism faster than the others, it just means that these people need to eat more than the others.
The basis of the diet for weight gain should be nutritious, high-calorie food. If you find it difficult to gain weight, whereas the biggest challenge for you will be consuming enough calories so that it does not feel the constant satiety. Do not worry, it's easy to do.
So how many calories should be consumed? Perhaps each person has their own formula for calculating. Some of them are based on the weight and age of the person, others consider lean muscle mass, and most complex energy costs require conversion to any type of activity that you do during your normal day.
Overall, counting calories quite tedious, and you should not get involved in this. Once you understand how much food provides enough energy To maintain your ideal weight, you'll know intuitively how much food you need to eat every day.

The question of how much protein should be consumed, causing a fierce debate between nutritionists, bodybuilders and sports scientists.
Specialists Federal Office of Drug Administration (FDA) recommended daily adult males consume an average of 50 grams of protein, and the experts of the World Health Organization insist on '56 and is the norm for ordinary settled inhabitants.
The recommended daily intake (RDA) of protein was 0, 8 g per kg of body weight
. According to this norm, a person weighing 64 kg should consume about 51 grams of protein
. Sports scientists recognize that bodybuilders and athletes require more protein, and is usually recommended to increase the rate of 1, 5 g per kg of body weight
. However, most bodybuilders say that they need to consume more protein
. And they have a compelling case to the
. In fact, despite the fact that these arguments are not so much perception among bodybuilders view is supported by credible research
. According to many lifters, trainers and sports nutritionists, the ideal diet for weight gain should provide up to 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight
. This number may seem excessive, but do not forget that you need to consume more calories than others, and those calories should come from somewhere
. For health is not too useful when they come only from carbohydrates or just from fat
. It would be better if the sources of calories and proteins are, and carbohydrates, and fats at the same time

Why is it so important to get protein
When viewed from the perspective of the need of weight gain, a protein composed of amino acids. A total of 20, 8 of them essential must be ingested with food. Weight training increases the need for amino acids, and if you do not get enough protein from food, the muscles will deteriorate. Without sufficient intake of protein and in particular amino acids to increase muscle impossible.
Good sources of protein are fresh and preserved fish, lean red meat, chicken, turkey, low-fat milk and yogurt, cottage cheese low fat levels, egg white, soy products, and dry whey.

The composition of any good diet for weight gain includes a large number of simple carbohydrates. The increase in protein content in the diet does not mean that you should stop or reduce consumption of carbohydrates.
Carbohydrates are converted in the body into glucose
Glucose: The energy source
and glycogen - the only macro element, which is a source of quick energy needed for any kind of training.
Good sources of carbohydrates with a diet for weight gain are bran cereal, potatoes, brown rice, pasta, couscous, fresh and concentrated fruit and dried fruit.

The consumption of a certain amount of fat is crucial for both health and weight gain. The calorie content in one gram of fat is more than two times higher than 1 g of protein or carbohydrate. The linseed oils tablespoonful many calories as, for example, whole banana
Bananas: the benefits and harms health
Therefore a diet for weight gain necessary to include "good" fats. What is it?
Remember that you need to consume monounsaturated fats found in olive oil and avocados, and polyunsaturated fats, which are found in fatty fish varieties, flax seeds, sunflower, safflower, fish oil
Fish oil - so whether it is useful to think?
and in some types of raw nuts.
Specialists like to talk about the health benefits of essential fatty acids. And for good reason. Essential fatty acids are also known as omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids found in polyunsaturated fats, especially in the fatty fish species. In addition to many beneficial properties for the health of these acids play an important role in the construction of the musculature.
Thus, a diet for weight gain, including fish species such as mackerel, tuna and salmon (this list is not limited), and the linseed oil
Linseed oil - the healing properties of a beautiful flower
Not only helps you build muscle, but also save your health for years to come.

Schedule meals
Finally, the statement about the need to forget the three solid meals and some small snacks daily. The best way to effectively gain weight - eat 5-6 times a day in small portions. Take a three-hour break between meals so that your stomach time to fully digest each meal that you eat. If your goal - to consume 3,300 calories a day, try to eat three meals a day more, containing about 700 calories, and three smaller meals that contain about 400 calories.
Another small recommendation. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. They are rich in vitamins and minerals (especially antioxidants), and are useful for health and for weight gain.
There are other important aspects, such as the consumption of vitamins and minerals, fiber, water, alcohol, and cholesterol ... all this is also important for health.