Sibutramine - effective but not safe - system of regulation of appetite
February 22, 2009
- Sibutramine - effective but not safe
- The system of regulation of appetite
The system of regulation of appetite
The system of regulation of appetite in humans include central and peripheral units. Peripheral units - this is the end of the taste, olfactory and visual sensory nerves and sensory nerve endings in the digestive tract. Central regulator of appetite are in the brain (in the hypothalamus) and are referred to the centers of hunger and satiety. The pulses are transmitted along nerve fibers by means of special substances - mediators. The nerve endings have different sensitivities to various neurotransmitters (norepinephrine, serotonin, kateholominu, dopamine).

Drugs - controls appetite
Central regulator of appetite are divided into two groups:
- affecting the catecholaminergic system and generally stimulating the central nervous system (e.g., amphetamine);
- affecting the serotonergic system (CNS depressants, such as sibutramine).

The mechanism of action of sibutramine
Sibutramine is an effective regulator of appetite, it increases the release of serotonin in the corresponding nerve endings, causing loss of appetite. With obesity in violation of gustatory habits he selectively inhibits the propensity to consume carbohydrates.
In addition to the regulation of appetite, sibutramine inherent direct effect on metabolism
Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
: Enhanced glucose uptake tissues are mobilized from fat depots and intensified their decay.
In parallel with the appetite suppressant sibutramine increases the formation of heat in the body, which also helps burn fat. Reduction of body weight accompanied by a decrease in blood concentrations of total and "harmful" cholesterol in the background of "useful" to the body of cholesterol, which is actively involved in metabolism. Sibutramine does not lead to the development of drug dependence, but it is not without side effects, and its use requires strict medical supervision.

Indications for receiving sibutramine
The indications for receiving sibutramine is alimentary obesity and overweight combination with a variety of metabolic disorders (eg diabetes).

Contraindications Sibutramine
Contraindications sibutramine are:
- Hypersensitivity to the drug;
- sharply decreased (anorexia) or increased (bulimia) background appetite for neurological and psychiatric disorders
Mental illness - ashamed to ask for help?
- syndrome of Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome (hereditary tics of the face and voice);
- diseases of the cardiovascular system (coronary heart disease, congenital heart disease, peripheral artery disease with decreasing clearance, cardiac arrhythmias, hypertension);
- diseases associated with blood vessels of the brain (stroke, transient ischemic attacks)
- Hyperthyroidism (increased thyroid function);
- severe liver or kidney disease;
- prostatic enlargement is accompanied by the presence of residual urine;
- glaucoma
Glaucoma - a perspective possible blindness
(increased intraocular pressure);
- established drug and alcohol dependence
Alcohol addiction - for no reason, no reason not arise
- Simultaneous administration of drugs acting on the CNS, as well as other drugs to reduce body weight;
- pregnancy, breast-feeding;
- age 18 and older than 65 years.

Side effects
We have a lot of sibutramine side effects:
- the nervous system and sensory organs: insomnia, headache, dizziness, anxiety, impaired sensitivity ("goose bumps" on the skin), change in taste, sometimes - seizures, acute psychosis;
- on the part of the cardiovascular system and blood: cardiac rhythm disturbances, increased blood pressure, bleeding tendency;
- on the part of the gastrointestinal tract: dry mouth, loss of appetite, constipation or diarrhea, nausea, exacerbation of hemorrhoids, disorders of the liver;
- genitourinary: nephritis.

Formulations containing sibutramine
These drugs are Meridia (German company "Knoll AG") and obestat (German firm Cipla), as well as the domestic product Reduxine. In all of these active substances is sibutramine, you can buy them at the pharmacy only by prescription.
Do not take supplements that are advertised as highly effective tools. Many of them contain sibutramine, but in this case you accept it blindly, without a doctor, without taking into account the indications and contraindications for its reception. It is very dangerous.
Reduxine - to cope with the extra weight? - The mechanism of action Reduxine
May 21, 2009
- Reduxine - to cope with the extra weight?
- The mechanism of action Reduxine
The mechanism of action Reduxine
In addition, each of us can be noted that in the course of everyday life, we occasionally something will bite: the tea popem, the bun szhuёm. This is in addition to the mandatory three meals a day. Application Reduxine destroys the root of this desire. The effect of appetite suppression, "assumes" one of the main ingredients of the drug - sibutramine
Sibutramine - effective but not safe
. It is the only center in the modern pharmaceutical anoreksigen (ie substances that suppress appetite), an officially approved for the treatment of obesity. Therefore, the pharmaceutical industry has launched the implementation of a number of different drugs for weight loss using sibutramine in its composition.
The second beneficial effect is Reduxine increase the overall level of metabolism, resulting in the body's need for energy is also increased. This ensures that the digestion and utilization of nutrients, including fat reserves are implemented faster.
As a result of these two parallel processes going on clearly balanced gradual weight loss, which is not accompanied by any dramatically negative consequences for the whole organism. For example, the weekly "loss" at a constant admission Reduxine range from one-half to one kilogram. Perhaps someone will say that this is very little. However, sudden weight loss will not bring any benefit or moral satisfaction, because the sudden change - a lot of stress
How to beat stress? Create an oasis
for the body, which can seriously affect human health. In addition, as a rule, after a short time the number of kilograms lost so to make up for with a vengeance.
The gradual loss of excess weight is another positive point. In order to better understand it, a little deeper into the structure of the stomach wall. The fact that the walls are thicker than those specific receptors that during filling of the stomach and tension signal to the appropriate centers of the brain that the person is already filled. So, thanks to gradually decrease the amount of food consumed stomach begins to adapt to declining food and loads more reduced in size. Thus, the adoption of food will need to have much less to cause stretching of the stomach wall, and experience the feeling of satiety. In addition, with the habit of eating less saturated, which makes it good, keep in shape effect even after a long period of time after receiving Reduxine.
Reduxine gelatin capsules manufactured in the blue or blue, respectively, which contain 15 and 10 milligrams of sibutramine. A single therapeutic dose is typically a 10-milligrammovuyukapsulu. The capsules are recommended before breakfast, and swallowing them whole with some liquid. However, many experts believe that Reduxine may be taken on an empty stomach, not only, but also with breakfast. One reception per day for the therapeutic effect is sufficient, and the total duration of the treatment course should be not less than three months.
Among the side effects has been a slight increase in blood pressure and increased heart rate, which is quite natural, given the increased metabolism
Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
. These changes usually do not require correction and therapeutic rapidly.
Contraindications to the use of the drug are hypertension, severe chronic liver disease and kidney disease, cardiovascular system, as well as individual nerve and mental diseases
Mental illness - ashamed to ask for help?
You should never forget the nature of drug Reduxine that involves mandatory consultation with a qualified health care professional.