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People suffering from bulimia usually have a normal weight. Typical patients with bulimia often overeat and after eating cause vomiting. Often, they also take laxatives and / or diuretics. More often than not they carry out such procedures "cleaning" of the body only after bouts of overeating, but some patients do it, even after a little snack. There are patients with bulimia, which are very rarely overeat, but often cause vomiting and stomach purified in other ways. In this case, the patient's weight can quickly drop to dangerously low.
Blaming bulimia in a desire to lose weight - so greatly simplifies the problem. However, there is no doubt that the obsession with the appearance of your own body is the main cause widespread bulimia and anorexia in Western society. Many girls become habits, which then lead to bulimia as a teenager - that is at a critical period of development, when many people form attitudes and values that have changed little over life.
Bulimia - the enemy of beauty
What begins as an innocent desire to reduce their weight, to increase the attractiveness of their own, can develop into a problem that people will fight all my life. Many people suffering from bulimia use food as a means of control, and specialists can help them to understand what exactly the problems lie the origins of bulimia.
For example, it happens that the patient really wants to control your life and / or in the life of a person who exercises control over it undesirable (often one of the parents). The patient feels that the food - the only thing he can control in their lives and become a kind of limited power output. However, after each cleansing the stomach person feels guilt, shame, and sometimes - loathing. Shame is a feeling of loss of control over the situation. To obtain it, it is necessary to control the only thing people can control, and again he eats and cleans the stomach. So it turns out the circle of dependence.
Of course, each person is unique and this description is just a generalization. The patient's life may be other problems that eventually led to bulimia - for example, sexual violence against them or bullying peers in school because of excess weight.
Patients with bulimia tend to hide their condition, and others may not notice anything for a long time. However, bulimia - it is a disease and it is important to recognize in time. There are several signs by which one can learn bulimia. If you suspect that your own people suffer from this disease a simple test to bulimia:
- Sores on the fingers (they come from the fact that people often puts them in her mouth to induce vomiting)
- Man always goes to the toilet soon after ingestion, and possibly spends a lot of time
- Tooth Decay
- Spasms in the joints (due to a lack of potassium)
- Weakness, fatigue, fainting,
- Weight reduction
- Regular overeating
- Slightly swollen cheeks (due to increased salivary glands)
Basic types
Bulimia can be divided into two types
- Cleansing bulimia. When this type of bulimia people regularly cause vomiting or using laxatives and diuretics when they feel the need to get rid of what is eaten.
- Not cleared bulimia, anorexia or second stage
Anorexia nervosa - symptoms and effects on the body
On which to prevent weight gain using other methods, for example, fasting or strenuous exercise
Myths about exercise: do not believe
Often, however, these types of overlap, that is, the patient can use laxatives, and intense exercise, to prevent weight gain.
The consequences of bulimia
As soon as the weight of bulimia is becoming smaller in women may be disturbed menstrual cycle
Menstrual cycle and its characteristics
; sometimes monthly completely terminated. Slows down metabolism
Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
. As the body tries to find the nutrients that are all smaller amounts come from the meal is significantly reduced the appearance of skin, hair, nails and teeth. The greatest danger is the lack of potassium - a substance necessary for normal functioning of the heart. In extreme cases, patients require hospitalization.
If bulimia is not treated, it will be devastating consequences for human health.
Perhaps the most important and the most difficult thing to make a man to start a successful treatment - is to recognize that he is sick, and tell someone (preferably, of course, immediately consult a doctor). As practice shows, this step is very difficult given the many.
How to get rid of bulimia
Quick recovery is not expected. Wrong eating habits are formed over the years; often to get rid of them, it takes much time.
The illness is treated with the help of psychotherapy and antidepressants. It psychotherapy - the most important and long stage of treatment that helps patients understand their disease itself, and find a way out.
Antidepressants help relieve some symptoms, but they offer only temporary relief. The success of treatment depends on the patient's desire and perseverance, as well as on its ability to fearlessly look at their own weaknesses. Prepare to be that cure bulimia will not be easy, and in order to cope with bulimia, you will need not only all your willpower, but also the support of loved ones.