Bulimia - how to deal with an invisible enemy? - Pregnancy

October 5, 2006

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 bulimia and pregnancy

Bulimia and pregnancy

During pregnancy, of course, you need to carefully monitor their condition, including weight. Pregnant frequent mood swings and appetite fluctuations are unpredictable. The mere mention of certain foods can cause nausea Nausea - there may be problems with the nervous system  Nausea - there may be problems with the nervous system
 ; At the same time, sometimes mums are very eager to eat anything from the fact that they, for whatever reason, the doctor has forbidden.

For women suffering from bulimia, pregnancy will be a special challenge, as this disease can endanger the health of both the future mother and her child. Studies have shown that women with bulimia during pregnancy are more prone to depression Depression - a little more than a bad mood  Depression - a little more than a bad mood
   and anxiety disorders than women who do not have any violations of food habits. In addition, the self-esteem of women with bulimia are often undervalued and they are often not satisfied with the relationship with your partner and future father of her child.

It was also found that among patients with bulimia are more women who had ever experienced physical or sexual violence. Most of them suffer from bulimia in adolescence, but some bulimia started already during pregnancy.

Artificial induction of vomiting during pregnancy can be particularly dangerous, since if this happens frequently, the body begins to suffer from dehydration and lack of vital nutrients. It can be very dangerous to the health and even the life of the mother and fetus. In the context of malnutrition increases the likelihood of having a baby with genetic defects.

If you have bulimia, talk to your doctor about treatment during pregnancy before conception Conception, ovarian cycle, fertilization and genetics of a child  Conception, ovarian cycle, fertilization and genetics of a child
 . If the bulimia started you had during pregnancy or in any way deny the existence of the problem and immediately contact a doctor. Otherwise, you will be severely compromised the health and lives of herself and her child.

Bulimia - how to deal with an invisible enemy? - The dangerous bulimia?

October 5, 2006

  • Bulimia - how to deal with an invisible enemy?
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 than dangerous bulimia

The dangerous bulimia?

Bulimia nervosa causes less harm to health than anorexia Anorexia nervosa - symptoms and effects on the body  Anorexia nervosa - symptoms and effects on the body
 ; its effects are seen not so fast and are typically not as destructive. However, in some cases, bulimia can be very dangerous and even deadly. This is especially likely if the disease is too advanced.

 The dangerous bulimia? | Bulimia - how to deal with an invisible enemy?

The danger of self-induced vomiting

Patients with bulimia often cause vomiting to get rid of the food eaten. Frequent vomiting can cause metabolic alkalosis - violation of the acid-base balance in the body. Its effects range from slow breathing (it refers to the cessation of breathing during sleep) to cardiac arrhythmias, seizures, and coma.

More often self-induced vomiting systematically leads to tooth decay. Gastric juice gradually destroys tooth enamel, change the color of teeth Teeth Whitening - miracles are possible, but whether it is desirable?  Teeth Whitening - miracles are possible, but whether it is desirable?
 It causes tooth decay More about caries - take care of your teeth until it's too late  More about caries - take care of your teeth until it's too late
 . Teeth are very sensitive to high and low temperatures, and over time more and more destroyed.

Severe lung damage may also occur as a result of self-induced vomiting, since the gastric juice can destroy lung tissue. Because this may begin pneumonia, shock and respiratory distress syndrome.

 The dangerous bulimia? | Bulimia - how to deal with an invisible enemy?

Abuse of ipecac

Many people with bulimia cause vomiting using syrup of ipecac or ipecac. It is sold without a prescription, so buy it quite simply.

Its regular use can be dangerous. In particular, this leads to muscle weakness and tachycardia. Furthermore, ipecac could cause of cardiomyopathy, a condition in which the heart muscle no longer pump blood in sufficient amounts. This is the main cause of deaths associated with bulimia.

 The dangerous bulimia? | Bulimia - how to deal with an invisible enemy?

The more dangerous laxatives

Regular use of laxatives to get rid of calories derived from food can cause dependence on laxatives, dehydration, constipation and hemorrhoids.

If a person takes laxatives too long, it can affect the digestive tract. Restoration of normal digestion can take weeks. In some severe cases, to restore the functioning of the intestines requires surgery.

 The dangerous bulimia? | Bulimia - how to deal with an invisible enemy?

Electrolyte imbalance

Abuse of laxatives can lead to death. One of the possible effects of prolonged use of laxative is hypokalemia, a condition characterized by abnormally low levels of potassium in the blood, which in turn can cause an imbalance of electrolytes. This risk is increased even more if the patient is also using diuretics and causes vomiting.

Electrolytes - are soluble minerals that the body uses to conduct electricity. In particular, they are very important for the normal transmission of electrical signals in the heart. One of the most dangerous consequences of an imbalance of electrolytes - arrhythmia. Heart disease is one of the main dangers of bulimia.

 The dangerous bulimia? | Bulimia - how to deal with an invisible enemy?

The dangers of overeating

Complications from overeating are less common, but they can also have a serious impact on health. In rare cases occur discontinuities esophagus or stomach wall by too much pressure on them. It is dangerous to life, in which case a medical emergency. Less severe overeating - ulcers, esophageal and gastric acid reflux, i.e. penetration of gastric acid into the esophagus.

 The dangerous bulimia? | Bulimia - how to deal with an invisible enemy?

Mental health and bulimia

Such mental disorders like depression Depression - a little more than a bad mood  Depression - a little more than a bad mood
   and anxiety disorders can be both a cause of bulimia, and its consequences. Obsessive-compulsive disorder who had a patient before, due to bulimia may be exacerbated.

Treatment for bulimia is necessary because the consequences can be dangerous for the health and life of the patient.
