Smoothies for weight loss - are ideal for any time of year

September 1, 2014

 smoothies for weight loss
 Smoothies for weight loss, unless, of course, to use them properly, is well suited for weight loss. One can well improve the body, strengthen the immune system, cleanse blood vessels from excess cholesterol. As a result, you can not only lose weight but also improve its efficiency.


Useful smoothies for weight loss

Smoothies - a dense mix of vegetables, fruit or berries with the addition of some other ingredients, cooked in a blender. Smoothies are now considered an integral part of a healthy diet. Using various combinations of products can be prepared smoothies for weight loss to weight gain, to enhance immunity and so on.

Smoothies - is not just a drink, it is possible to replace one or more meals or used for handling days.


How to make smoothies for weight loss

The main requirements for smoothies for weight loss are: their lack of sugar and hot spices, the minimum salt content in foods (or its absence) and fat.

All produktydlya preparing smoothies are placed in a blender and blend. For smoothies recommended to use the beautiful glasses and drink a cocktail through a straw and eat using a teaspoon - it will eat slowly, leading to a gradual saturation and lack of hunger.


Smoothie in blender for weight loss - conducting fasting days

Fasting days with the smoothie is best done once a week. This regular unloading good "shakes up" the body, stimulates the metabolism and strengthens the immune system. To carry out unloading days using different kinds of smoothies.

Discharge day includes 5 single dose 1 cup (200-250 ml) of different composition smoothies. For example, a green smoothie for weight loss can be taken in the morning, it incorporates a vegetable garden greens, bananas and oranges. To cook it you need to take a bunch of greens (preferably a mixture of dill Dill: benefits and harms of fragrant spices  Dill: benefits and harms of fragrant spices
 , Parsley, cilantro, and lettuce), a good wash, cut, add a chopped banana and one orange divided into segments. All of this pour 150 ml of water in the blender and blend.

For dinner in the fasting day fit and vegetable smoothies for weight loss: one medium cucumber, 1 medium tomato, dill and 150 ml nonfat yogurt. Fresh vegetables can be replaced by any steamed (broccoli and color, zucchini), with steamed vegetables combine with an equal volume of non-fat yogurt.

In the evening you can prepare smoothies from 1 baked apple, a tablespoon of low-fat cottage cheese and 150 ml of yogurt.

Fasting days with a smoothie can be carried out and three days in a row. Some nutritionists even practiced five days of unloading on the smoothie, but it is difficult to sustain.


Recipe smoothies for weight loss - how to choose?

Smoothies for weight loss is best to use on a daily basis, replacing them 1-2 meals. Smoothie recipes for weight loss, there are many, here are some of them.

Smoothies with fruit for weight loss is best to use for breakfast. For example, a smoothie: take the 4 strawberries and raspberries, 1 banana Bananas: the benefits and harms health  Bananas: the benefits and harms health
 1 peeled and chopped sweet apple, pour 100 ml nonfat yogurt and blend in a blender. Smoothies of kiwi slimming: brew green tea with ginger root; put into a blender a few peeled kiwi, dilute the tea and whip. Smoothies with grapefruit diet: 1 grapefruit divided into slices, pour the yogurt and whisk; if necessary, sweeten the drink stevia (a plant that activates the metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
 ; it is home to South America).

Vegetable smoothies for weight loss is best used as a substitute for lunch: cut 100 grams of boiled broccoli, 70 grams of fresh spinach, 1 chopped carrots and 1 cucumber; pour 100 ml of pumpkin juice and blend.

Smoothies diet with oatmeal can also replace lunch: oatmeal pour the warm milk and leave for 10 minutes. Peel and chop 1 banana, 1 green apple, combine with oat flakes on a blender and blend. If you want to sweeten the smoothie, using a natural sweetener like stevia Stevia: the secrets of the use of Indian grass  Stevia: the secrets of the use of Indian grass
 , In its powder form it can be purchased in a drugstore.

Smoothies celery for weight loss: Take 2 stalks celery petiolar, wash, cut, 1 medium green apples (peel and chop) 1 banana and 150 ml nonfat yogurt; All combine in a blender and whip and sprinkle with finely chopped nuts.

For dinner you can prepare a smoothie with cream cheese 2 tablespoons of black currant, 2 teaspoons of liquid honey, 2 tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese, 150 ml pineapple juice; all put in blender and blend.

Smoothies for weight loss may well be included in the daily diet, replacing breakfast, lunch or dinner. Also useful are fasting days with a smoothie.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • safe weight loss

Juice therapy - grow thin tasty

March 23, 2008

  • Juice therapy - grow thin tasty
  • What a dope do we need?
  • Slimming
  • Fruit and vegetable cocktails
  • To prevent cancer
  • The way to health
  • Against Arthritis
  • For the treatment of fatigue
  • Treatment of urinary tract infections

 Juice therapy
 Did you know that papaya, orange, lemon and pomegranate have the ability to lower blood pressure? Or embliki and carrots is very beneficial for asthmatics, as they help to control the disease? In fact, every fruit and vegetable has a remarkable healing properties. Fruits and vegetables are a kind of scavengers of the body, deriving from it a variety of toxins and hazardous waste. After cleaning our body, they nourish it with water, glucose, vitamins, minerals, protein, fiber and a variety of micronutrients.

 Juice therapy - grow thin tasty

What does help fruits and vegetables

  • Skin diseases (prevention and treatment): apple, carrot, watermelon, lemon
  • Prevention of asthma: embliki, carrot, pomegranate
  • Remedy for high temperature: orange, pomegranate
  • Treatment of diarrhea: Pineapple Pineapple: caloric and other features of sweet fruit  Pineapple: caloric and other features of sweet fruit
 Apple, pomegranate
  • Remedy for Constipation: guava, apple
  • Eating Disorders: spinach
  • Help with jaundice and diarrhea: carrots

Experts in nutrition say that once a week the stomach can be given complete rest with the help of juice therapy. This body does not lose energy it needs. Within 24 hours, you should drink only water and juices. It is recommended that every two hours to drink juices of different vegetables or fruits. This way you can every week to clean your body of toxins.

 Juice therapy - grow thin tasty

Juice therapy: that the cure

  • Beet juice - one of the best tools for the health of the liver and gall bladder
  • Juice eggplant - effective against toothache
  • Using cabbage juice against stomach ulcers - one of the newest and most important discoveries in the field of juice therapy

A glass of carrot juice a day helps improve vision and prevent cataracts. Carrot juice is an excellent remedy for diarrhea in infants, and can also help in acute colitis. In addition, it prevents dehydration. Mixed with a small amount of honey carrot juice is very effective at high temperatures, nervous disorders, anemia, and severe fatigue. The burns healed faster when put to them compresses from carrot juice.

In dysentery, hepatitis, indigestion and nausea you need to drink a cup of milk with 1-2 teaspoons of juice of fresh coriander leaves 2-3 times a day. Coriander juice can be instilled into the nose bleeding from the nose. And if every day to put it on acne and pimples, soon you will see amazing results.

Mix equal parts of ginger juice, lemon, mint, add a little honey and take it once a day as a remedy for indigestion, nausea, indigestion, jaundice and hemorrhoids. When you cough 2-3 times a day take ginger juice with honey.

Lemon juice perfectly cleanses the blood. In the morning drink the juice of one lemon mixed with a cup of warm water. It also helps to fight obesity. To relieve the symptoms of asthma, take half a spoon of lemon juice before and after each meal. Lemon juice is very good for colds, rheumatic fever, joint pains, lumbago and sciatica.

  • The juice from the leaves of mint Mint and its useful properties: aromatic freshness  Mint and its useful properties: aromatic freshness
   useful in digestive disorders
  • For pains in the stomach and indigestion is recommended twice a day to take onion juice with honey
  • A cup of tomato juice a day helps to normalize the acidity of the stomach
  • Fresh pumpkin juice helps get rid of kidney stones

If jaundice is useful to drink juice of radish Radish: useful properties and rules of use  Radish: useful properties and rules of use
   (including the leaves), mixed with a small amount of sugar. Take juice of radish, cucumber and peppers, mixed in equal proportions, once a week, to cleanse the digestive and respiratory systems.

  • To reduce the blood sugar level Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health  Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health
 Twice daily before meals drink fresh spinach juice. Spinach juice is useful gargle for colds
  • A glass of fresh tomato juice a day cleanses the body and prevents hardening of the blood vessels. Tomato juice increases the overall resistance to disease
  • Turnip juice mixed with cabbage or carrot juice with regular use relieves asthma and bronchitis, as well as treating a sore throat
