Anemia of pregnancy - almost routine

August 16, 2009

 anemia pregnant
 Pregnancy - a special physiological condition, accompanied by a deep restructuring of all types of exchange. Against the background of a restructuring of women often show signs of anemia (anemia), which can not but affect the health of the unborn child. It is therefore important during pregnancy undergo examination prescribed by the doctor. Healthy Pregnancy before women are often accompanied by the development of anemia, pregnancy often reveals latent diseases. At the same time pregnant women found common forms of anemia that are prevalent among the population in general.

From the true anemia must be differentiated state, which often occurs in pregnant women - disproportionate dilution of the blood increasing the volume of plasma (liquid component acellular part of blood). This state is called hemodilution (sometimes called physiological anemia during pregnancy, despite the fact that anemia is not relevant).

The blood volume in pregnant women increases by about 1/5, while in the 16th week of pregnancy revealed an increasing tendency to decrease the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin. The reasons for this phenomenon are not yet fully understood, apparently such a condition does not manifest itself, however, is not peculiar to hemodilution usually healthy women with uncomplicated pregnancies.

True anemia in pregnant women more often zhelezodifitsitnoy and B12 deficiency.

 Anemia of pregnancy - almost routine

Iron deficiency anemia pregnant

Iron deficiency anemia is the first among anemia in pregnant women, it is found in nearly one-third of pregnant women. The reason for this deficiency anemia is usually a lack of iron - iron produced food worse absorbed by the body of a pregnant woman. During pregnancy, the female body requires 900-1100 mg of iron per day. At the same time the needs of the fetus and placenta construct spent almost half of that amount. The lower the iron enters the woman's body (or absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract), the faster the anemia, and the spent iron stored by the body for future use, which is stored in special depots.

Depletion of the reserves of iron, frequent childbirth, prolonged breast-feeding Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice
   feeding, prolonged disturbance of diet, parasitic diseases (eg, worm infestation). It also has the value of a deficit of some vitamins (A, D, C, B group). Oppression of red blood cell production also contributes to increased blood levels of the female sex hormones estrogen.

Pregnant women with low hemoglobin and red blood cells are considered as patients with iron deficiency anemia, which is manifested in pregnancy as well as in other patients. For this anemia characterized by pale skin and mucous membranes, facial puffiness, fatigue, physical fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath with movement, frequent dizziness Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet  Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
 , noise in ears. Chronic oxygen deficiency (iron is part of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen to the tissues) causes damage to the liver, kidneys, heart muscle, and especially - the brain. All of these changes can not affect the body of the child. For example, insufficient supply koslordom brain can give serious complications of the central nervous system of the newborn child.

 Anemia of pregnancy - almost routine

Pernitsiozopodobnaya B12 (folic) deficiency anemia pregnant

This type of anemia occurs when a lack of vitamin B12 and folic acid, it is found most often in the period from December to April. The disease starts mainly in the second half of pregnancy, at least - in the postpartum period, leading to a sharp decrease in the formation of red blood cells in normal (or increase) the content of hemoglobin. After delivery, recovery usually occurs, but it is possible worsening in subsequent pregnancies.

This anemia begins slowly, sometimes joined by disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Unlike true pernicious anemia severe lesions of the nervous system is not observed, occasionally marked the emergence of sensory disturbances.

B12 (folic) deficiency anemia is dangerous for both the pregnant woman and the fetus, as it can lead to premature birth and stillbirth.

 Anemia of pregnancy - almost routine

Treatment of anemia in pregnant women

Treatment of anemia in pregnancy depends on the type of anemia. If iron deficiency is recommended at the same time prescribe drugs containing iron, copper and cobalt (eg gemostimulin or ferkoven). Recommended foods rich in iron that can be absorbed in the human body - animal protein (meat, fish, eggs, fish roe).

When B12 (folate) deficiency anemia in pregnant women are appointed by vitamin B12 and folic acid Folic acid - the value is hard to overestimate  Folic acid - the value is hard to overestimate

When the treatment is required to take into account the interests of the fetus, which develops under conditions of lack of oxygen, vitamins and metabolic disorders. Therefore vitamins are introduced to the maximum dose, also carried out additional oxygenation (oxygen saturation of the tissues of the pregnant woman) and treatment of metabolic disorders Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things

Anemia of pregnancy should be promptly identified and being treated, or this condition can seriously affect the development of the fetus.

  Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • anemia

Pregnancy and glaucoma - a careful monitoring is necessary

October 11, 2013

 Pregnancy and glaucoma
 Most often used to treat glaucoma eye drops. After instillation of the eye drops of the ingredients into the bloodstream. As a result, they can get through the placenta to the fetus, and during breast-feeding - in the milk, the body is already born child. Therefore, pregnancy and glaucoma Glaucoma - a perspective possible blindness  Glaucoma - a perspective possible blindness
   - This is quite a dangerous combination, which should be under the watchful supervision of a physician.

Since glaucoma is quite rare in women of childbearing age, these problems, fortunately, appear infrequently. However, when they do occur, a physician and the expectant mother herself faced with the need to solve a difficult problem.

The situation is complicated by the fact that currently there are practically no data on how drugs for the treatment of glaucoma affect the prenatal development of the person as well as on the health of infants.

Using a special technique of application of eye drops (for example, closing his eyes for a few minutes after instillation of the drug, or by pressing your fingers on the inner corners of the eyes, to partially block the tear ducts), can reduce the amount of blood entering the active substances by about two thirds. While this helps to significantly ease the side effects, such measures can not be relied upon when it comes to the health of an unborn child or baby. Reduced doses of used drugs does not help to solve the problem completely.

In normal pregnant women reduced the intraocular pressure, and thus the need for glaucoma medications may also reduce .  However, this does not always provide a significant reduction in the risk of further damage to the optic nerve during pregnancy .  Sometimes, to reduce intraocular pressure to a safe level, doctors resorted to laser trabeculoplasty, or other types of surgical intervention - such treatment for a time relieves the patient from having to use eye drops .  Thus, glaucoma during pregnancy will not progress, although in the future patient will likely need to re-medication .  Women glaucoma patients who plan to have children in the future, should advance to talk about it with your doctor, so that they were able to receive the necessary treatment in time .  Here we will talk about how the most common medication for glaucoma may affect the development of pregnancy .

 Pregnancy and glaucoma - a careful monitoring is necessary

Beta Blockers

Drugs in this category are considered to be the most dangerous in the early stages of fetal development, so they can not be taken during the first trimester of pregnancy. However, later they become completely safe. If the mother takes the eye drops with beta-blockers in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy and lactation, it can lead to depression, reduced heart rate and lower blood sugar levels Blood sugar - a very important indicator  Blood sugar - a very important indicator
   the child. These drugs can also disrupt the natural contractions of the uterus, which can be dangerous during childbirth.

 Pregnancy and glaucoma - a careful monitoring is necessary


Although animal experiments pilocarpine leads to various disorders in calves during fetal development studies in humans have not revealed any irregularities in children whose mothers took the drug during the first four months of pregnancy. However, when exposed to infants, it can cause fatigue and significant increase in body temperature. Other drugs from the group miotikov did not cause developmental defects in animals, and the children become the cause of muscle weakness.

 Pregnancy and glaucoma - a careful monitoring is necessary

Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors

Admission carbonic anhydrase inhibitor in the tablets can lead to congenital disorders, so during pregnancy should be avoided. Eye drops with carbonic anhydrase inhibitors are considered to be safer for the child, but especially their use during pregnancy and breastfeeding is not well understood.

 Pregnancy and glaucoma - a careful monitoring is necessary


During the experiments on rats and rabbits did not reveal any irregularities fetal development even when using high doses of eye drop with prostaglandins. Are they safe for children is not established yet, but we know that these drugs are excreted in breast milk. Furthermore, there is little likelihood that prostaglandins can cause premature birth.

General provisions for glaucoma during pregnancy are:

  • If possible, during pregnancy and lactation should avoid any medications from glaucoma;
  • If necessary, together with your doctor to find other ways to reduce intraocular pressure during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • Plan your pregnancy in advance. The ideal option for many patients is an operation to treat glaucoma before conception Conception, ovarian cycle, fertilization and genetics of a child  Conception, ovarian cycle, fertilization and genetics of a child
  • If you take medication still have to use them in the lowest possible doses - try together with your doctor to find a compromise between the control of symptoms of glaucoma Symptoms of glaucoma - it is important to notice in time  Symptoms of glaucoma - it is important to notice in time
   and safety of the child.

Article Tags:
  • glaucoma
