The main fear of pregnancy: no superstition

November 21, 2010

 fear of pregnancy
 Fear of pain during childbirth, a set of excess weight, birth of a child with disabilities - the most common fears of expectant mothers who are going to know the happiness of motherhood for the first time. All these fears have a well-founded answers that may be able to reduce them.

 The main fear of pregnancy: no superstition

Receiving illegal drugs

If you took the drug, the dangers of which have learned later, do not panic. Firstly, often one is not able to receive much harm. Then, a lot depends on the type of medication and the time of reception (at what stage of pregnancy it was taken). Only a doctor can answer the question - whether the drug is dangerous for you, so if you suffer from fear of the unknown, do not delay a visit to a specialist.

If you are worrying line in the instructions to the drug that it can not be taken during pregnancy, it is also necessary to calm down, because it is not always says that it is dangerous. The fact is that in the laboratory may not conduct tests on pregnant women, so caution so to avoid unwanted consequences.

 The main fear of pregnancy: no superstition

Can provoke coughing baby?

Coughing is not able to cause a reduction in the wall of the uterus, which is meant by birth, so no such risk. Another thing - the very disease: influenza Influenza - expect the unexpected but always  Influenza - expect the unexpected but always
 , Acute respiratory infections, which can cause damage. The doctor may advise taking paracetamol Paracetamol - is effective for moderate pain  Paracetamol - is effective for moderate pain
   or treated with honey, decoction of herbs, but those that are safe for the baby. The real danger to the fetus is a high temperature, as it reduces the supply of oxygen to it, just as during asthma attacks. If you are asthmatic, be sure to talk about this with your doctor, who will prescribe medications required to take during pregnancy.

 The main fear of pregnancy: no superstition

Do I need to give your cat during pregnancy?

In that case, if you are not immunized against toxoplasmosis Toxoplasmosis: pregnant women against cats  Toxoplasmosis: pregnant women against cats
 It is better during pregnancy to give your cat. It can leave if you are not in contact with it, and there are people who will take care of all of it related to feeding, toilet, and so on. Toxoplasmosis, which can be transmitted by cats, is dangerous because it can cause fetal malformations Fetal development - week after week  Fetal development - week after week

 The main fear of pregnancy: no superstition

Is it possible to lose the baby during amniocentesis (amniocentesis)?

This risk exists, but it is very small - only 1-2% of probability. This fear of women worried about after 35-38 years, when the increased risk of having a baby with extra chromosome. However, amniocentesis - not the only way to determine this possibility, however, it is the most accurate. If you are afraid of this procedure, you will be offered alternative ways.

 The main fear of pregnancy: no superstition

Weight gain during pregnancy

Optimal weight gain during gestation baby - 8-12 kg. Everything depends on the initial state of the expectant mother - a skinny girls usually gain more weight. If you notice that a rapidly fattening, you should see a doctor, who will adjust your nutrition through a balanced diet. Significant weight gain too dangerous for a child who may be born as a fairly full, and for the mother and for which the related health problems.

 The main fear of pregnancy: no superstition

Pain during childbirth

That hurts to give birth, they know everything, and it is almost impossible to avoid. Some women experience more severe pain, while others - less. It all depends on the individual mood and physical condition - from the tone of the muscles, ligaments in the pelvic area, the position of the fetus, the length and intensity of contractions. Sometimes, doctors may suggest anesthesia, but few recognized that it does not always save us from pain. Approximately 20% of women does not respond to anesthesia. Only one way out - to endure.

Article Tags:
  • Psychology pregnant

Cold and pregnancy: how to cope with the crisis?

May 24, 2009

  • Cold and pregnancy: how to cope with the crisis?
  • Immunity and Pregnancy
  • Critical periods in the development of Pregnancy

 Cold and pregnancy
 During pregnancy, the hormones slightly weakened immune system, otherwise it might tear away the fruit, taking him for a foreign and potentially dangerous element. That is why many pregnant women are more likely to suffer from colds, flu, and some other diseases.

 Cold and pregnancy: how to cope with the crisis?

How to reduce the risk of colds during pregnancy?

You can strengthen your immune system with the help of a healthy diet, which should include as many vegetables and fruits. They contain antioxidants such as vitamin C, which help the body to better resist infections. As during pregnancy, a woman needs more vitamins than usual, be sure to take vitamin supplements. It's best to buy prenatal vitamins - it contains all the necessary for you and your child, and vitamins and minerals. They can not replace a healthy diet, but complement it.

In addition, to protect against the common cold, it is important to rest well and effectively manage stress. Be prepared for the fact that the hormones of pregnancy make you more emotionally vulnerable and learn to control their emotions. Stress - is not so much the event itself, but your reaction to it. Regular stress weakens the immune system.

 Cold and pregnancy: how to cope with the crisis?

OTC cough and cold

Pregnant women in any case can not take non-prescription medication without first consulting your doctor. Safety of many of them pregnant women and unborn children has not been tested in clinical trials, so it is not known how they can affect your health and the health of the baby.

 Cold and pregnancy: how to cope with the crisis?


Contrary to popular belief, pregnant women can take antibiotics - but not all. In no event should not take antibiotics that are prescribed to you earlier, even if you had similar symptoms. Furthermore, expectant mothers should be aware that they should take antibiotics only when absolutely necessary. Typically, colds such a need arises.

 Cold and pregnancy: how to cope with the crisis?

Safe treatment of colds

In most cases, the common cold can be cured safe for pregnant women household and some non-prescription drugs. Saline solution for rinsing the mouth and nose instillation - the perfect remedy for the common cold. When a severe headache, you can take acetaminophen. Ibuprofen and aspirin can be dangerous for a child.

If you have a cold, drink as much liquids just water, water mixed with a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice, freshly squeezed fruit juices. Do inhalations: Heat water in a large pot, when it will begin to rise over the steam to drip two or three drops of essential oil of eucalyptus, peppermint, pine or cedar, bend over the pot, cover your head with a towel and inhale the steam several minutes. This will facilitate breathing and soften the throat; moreover, evaporation of some oils have antimicrobial activity.

Drink warm milk with honey and cinnamon. Prepare a drink: Mix the fresh juices of orange, grapefruit and lemon, put on a slow fire. Add to cinnamon, ginger, and optionally, nutmeg and other spices. Heat to 50-60 degrees drink and drink. Some vitamins thus destroyed, but not all. But this drink has the same warming effect as mulled wine, are pregnant, of course, is contraindicated.

 Cold and pregnancy: how to cope with the crisis?

When should you see a doctor?

Most colds can not cope on their own, but if the symptoms persist for a week or more, it is necessary to consult a doctor. In addition, the urgent need to seek professional help if the symptoms are similar to cold symptoms, followed by severe diarrhea and / or fever. These symptoms may indicate food poisoning Food poisoning: how to avoid becoming a victim of its own stomach  Food poisoning: how to avoid becoming a victim of its own stomach
   and other potentially dangerous condition.

 Cold and pregnancy: how to cope with the crisis?

How to facilitate a cold?

Fortunately, there are quite harmless ways that can ease the symptoms of colds during pregnancy or even prevent the disease altogether.

  • Try to relax as much as possible. Get enough sleep, spend time with your favorite book or movie. Many expectant mothers today continue to work most of the pregnancy. They need to learn the art of dealing with stress (eg, meditation) and be sure to rest well after hours. Drained stress the body is particularly vulnerable to colds.
  • Drink plenty of fluids. Water flushes toxins from the body and, therefore, making it healthier and stronger. It should also be more likely to drink tea, especially green, and broths. Herbal teas can also be helpful, but some herbs are contraindicated for pregnant women. First use any herb, consult your doctor or pharmacist.
  • Drink orange juice and other juices rich in vitamin C. It is an excellent source of ascorbic acid and other nutrients that can help you cope with the cold, and will benefit future baby.
  • Take prenatal vitamins. Their importance to the pregnant woman can not be overestimated. Ideally, a person should get all the nutrients you need from food, in reality, it is difficult to implement, especially during pregnancy, when the need for vitamins significantly increased. In addition, be sure to include in your diet citrus fruits, strawberries (if you are not allergic to them), melon, kiwi, broccoli, cabbage, tomatoes, peppers, spinach and turkey meat, beef, lean pork, seafood, yogurt, cereal, oatmeal, eggs.
  • Eat fresh garlic Garlic health: almost a panacea  Garlic health: almost a panacea
 . It has long been known remedy for colds. Eat it just like that, added to salads or mix with honey. Similar effects have many spices - cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, any kind of pepper, ginger Ginger and the most unexpected, but pleasant useful properties  Ginger and the most unexpected, but pleasant useful properties
 . Add them to meals and drinks - they will protect you from colds, and will give a new taste sensation.
  • In winter, when the apartment has central heating, use humidifiers. It is also worth to buy aroma lamp and a set of oils - among them must be the essential oils of eucalyptus, pine, fir, mint Mint and its useful properties: aromatic freshness  Mint and its useful properties: aromatic freshness
 . They purify the air, accelerate recovery from colds and are perfectly safe during pregnancy.
  • If you do catch a cold, throat caress brine and bury him in the nose. Do inhalations using concoctions of herbs or essential oils.
  • In very severe pain you can take acetaminophen. Aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen are not recommended for pregnant women because they can lead to anomalies in the development of the fetus and / or cause premature birth. Before taking any painkillers or cough medications, consult your doctor or pharmacist - medicines may contain other potentially dangerous substances for pregnant women.
