The tone of the uterus - is why you need to follow him?

March 11, 2010

 uterine tone
 The tone of the uterus - is the degree of tension of smooth muscles of the uterine wall. The tone of the uterus plays a very important role in ensuring the normal labor of women, but during pregnancy increased the contractile activity of the uterine wall is undesirable because it can affect the fetus and even lead to abortion.

The fact that excessive voltage of smooth muscle fibers of the uterus exerts mechanical pressure on the blood vessels involved in the blood supply to the fetus. Compression of the vascular bed leads to an insufficient supply of tissues of the embryo with oxygen and nutrients. As a result of its development deteriorated, which creates prerequisites for the emergence of mental or physical disability unborn child. Moreover, when increased tone of the uterus may occur gap placental vessels and detachment of the placenta from the uterine wall, and this leads to a uniquely fetal death and spontaneous abortion. That's why as a uterine tonic should be taken to reduce it.

What leads to increased muscular activity of the uterus? The reason for this may be the different hormonal disorders. Thus, increasing tone uterine walls elevated blood of male sex hormones. In addition, the activity of smooth muscle of the uterus inhibits progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
 So its decline can also be a triggering factor in the development of uterine hypertonus. The same effect can cause any infectious-inflammatory diseases of female sexual sphere. Moreover, these diseases can cause anatomical and physiological disorders of the cervix, which will result in lost important function of mechanical support for the developing fetus. Against the backdrop of increased uterine tone such violations take the most threatening for a normal pregnancy.

Increased uterine tone could also be due to other pathological processes of tumor diseases, congenital anomalies of the uterus, attempts at artificial abortion (especially outside hospitals), and so on.

Often, however, increased tone of the uterus, willy-nilly can provoke and women themselves. For example, excessive feelings about the pregnancy and the condition of the future baby. Often these troubles begin long before pregnancy itself. Anxiety lovely women is understandable and explainable, but why almost deliberately to drive themselves to the yoke of constant chronic stress? After all, anxiety and fear will not bring any good to the future child, but the damage can be very important!

What sort of subjective sensations accompanied by increased tone of the uterus? These feelings are very similar to the symptoms of menstrual secretions: aching pain in the lower abdomen, a feeling of heaviness and bloating. Often, pain radiating to the lower back. If you notice these symptoms, you should take immediate measures for the relief of pain. To achieve this, you can use any drug, the effect of which is aimed at relaxation of smooth muscles. For example, no-spa, Papazol, papaverine Papaverine - for pain caused by spasms of smooth muscles  Papaverine - for pain caused by spasms of smooth muscles
   hydrochloride and others. Effectively relieve muscle spasms magnesium preparations. This is due to the fact that magnesium is a calcium antagonist, which without muscle contractile activity becomes impossible. If you are linking increased tone of the uterus with nervous feelings, try to calm down, closing his eyes and taking a few slow breaths. Good sedation have warm baths, including soothing perfumed salts.

The best remedy for increased uterine tone - is its prevention. It is quite possible. First, do not need to avoid unnecessary emotions Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code  Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code
 . Second, avoid physical exertion. Third, full of sleep (sleep should be at least 10 hours). Furthermore, it is desirable to maintain certain diet. Thus, it is recommended to consume only natural products with sufficient and balanced ratio of nutrients. You also need to give up watching television with a negative tinge.

If, despite all the measures taken, the pain does not go away or observed spotting Spotting - it is important to rule out pathology  Spotting - it is important to rule out pathology
 Should see a doctor immediately!

Zhiguli Andrew

Article Tags:
  • uterine tone

The maturation of the placenta: how life grows

July 7, 2011

 maturation of the placenta
 The placenta is an important organ which is formed temporarily, however, bears the main functions of providing the child with all the necessary nutrients for the proper development. Judging by how quickly the placenta matures, judged on the state of utero-placental circulation - the main means of communication between mother and child.


What is placenta

The placenta (afterbirth), - a drive, which on the one hand is attached to the uterine wall and grows therein and the other composed of a cord blood vessels going to the fetus. Between the walls of the disk is a complicated tangle of arteries and veins through which nutrients and oxygen to the fetus receives and displays the fruit of metabolic products and carbon dioxide. Placenta also protects the baby against infections and toxic effects of various substances that may be in the body of the mother. The placenta carries and hormonal function, providing the growing fetus and uterus all the necessary hormones.

Placenta primordia appear at the end of the second week of pregnancy after embryo exits the fallopian tube and into the mucous membrane of the uterus, penetrating it as far as possible. In the first 10-12 days, the embryo is fed nutrients included in the fertilized egg, so it is not related to the mother's blood, and it can not hurt to receive the mother of any toxic substances. But after this period, the admission of women of alcohol, drugs or any other toxic substances will necessarily impact on the fetus.

The placenta begins to operate with 14-16 weeks of pregnancy, but it does not remain constant throughout the pregnancy, and changes so as to ensure the livelihoods of the fetus and maintain a state of pregnancy. The placenta there are new blood vessels, and its nap deeper embedded in the wall of the uterus.


As the placenta matures

The placenta matures gradually, reaching full maturity at about 36 weeks of pregnancy. First, its volume and weight is increasing, but the full maturity begins its gradual aging zapustevaniem a part of the blood vessels within the placenta and the emergence of sites of calcification. Also reduced its volume and weight. Born placenta after the birth of the fetus, and weighs about 500 grams

The degree of maturation of the placenta can be determined by ultrasonography (US), since the maturation varies its density tissue (ehostruktura). The study compared the degree of maturity of the placenta from pregnancy. On US also visible lime deposits in the placenta.

The degree of maturity of placenta is determined starting from the 26th week of pregnancy - from that time it begin specific changes at the edges of the placenta, which are gradually moving towards its center. All of these changes can be divided into four stages (from zero up to a third). Normally, the zero stage of maturation of the placenta found in approximately 27-30 weeks of pregnancy, the first - in the 27-36 week, the second - in the 34-39 week, the third - after 36 weeks.

The third maturation stage is a reduction in volume and placental weight and the appearance of calcification sites therein - this process is called aging placenta.


Premature aging of the placenta

Sometimes the placenta begins to age far ahead of time. The last stage of its maturation may occur before the 30th week of pregnancy. This can happen in women who have had abortions, obstructed labor, uterine trauma, infections of the uterus, and various acute and chronic diseases, including female genital organs, endocrine disorders, severe toxicosis of pregnancy. Too low attachment of the placenta also contributes to its premature ripening.

Sometimes premature maturation of the placenta is an inherited characteristic, and is transmitted from generation to generation. Premature aging of the placenta still does not mean that the fetus definitely suffer - the body of a pregnant woman is such that can compensate for some minor circulatory disorders. About the impact on the fetus has a premature aging placenta, as judged by the fruit itself and as utero-placental blood flow. To do this, conducted additional ultrasound and cardiotocography (CTG) of the fetus, whose results and talk about his condition.

In violation of the blood supply of the fetus can develop fetoplacental insufficiency Placental insufficiency - deviation from the norm  Placental insufficiency - deviation from the norm
 , Causing the fetus begins to fall behind in weight due to insufficient supply of nutrients and tissue suffer from lack of oxygen. Placental insufficiency may lead to serious changes on the part of the brain and other organs of the fetus.

The maturation of the placenta - an important indicator of how well the pregnancy proceeds and the child develops.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • placenta
