Ectopic pregnancy - deadly

March 12, 2007

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 ectopic pregnancy
 An ectopic pregnancy occurs when a fertilized egg attaches outside the uterus - usually in the fallopian tube. Accepted provide several basic types of ectopic pregnancy - a tube, ovarian, peritoneal and pregnancy in rudimentary horn of the uterus, which can not be called an ectopic, although the symptoms of these complications are similar.

In most cases, an ectopic pregnancy is characterized by fixing of a fertilized egg in ampullar peresheechnoy or part of the fallopian (uterine) tubes. Only 2-5% of all egg fixed in rudimentary horn of the uterus. This situation is considered to be very rare, and the most dangerous type of ectopic pregnancy.

Moreover, in one of seven thousand cases observed heterotopic pregnancy in which one fertilized egg in the uterus is located, and the other - regardless of the uterus.


Risk factors

  • Inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs can cause partial or complete closure of the fallopian tubes and prevent the passage of the egg through the tube, resulting in the implantation is carried out in the cavity of the fallopian tube. The formation of adhesions resulting from infection and inflammation caused by endometriosis Endometriosis - a serious problem with serious consequences  Endometriosis - a serious problem with serious consequences
 It may also affect the occurrence of ectopic pregnancy.
  • Ectopic pregnancy is frequently observed after the restoration of the fallopian tubes as a result of sterilization Sterilization - may be temporarily  Sterilization - may be temporarily
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  • If a previous pregnancy was ectopic, the chance of complications in a subsequent pregnancy is much greater.
  • Right-sided tubal pregnancy is more common than left-handed - presumably due to the infection spreading appendicitis.

The chance of an ectopic pregnancy increases with prolonged use of oral contraceptive preparations based on only progestin and installing intrauterine device.

IUD, a foreign body in the uterus and vagina, increases the risk of infection. Such a spiral is effective in preventing the normal uterine pregnancy, but much less effective in preventing ectopic pregnancy. Thus, if a pregnancy occurs with the introduction of the intrauterine device, it is considered an ectopic.


The occurrence of ectopic pregnancy

The first symptom of ectopic pregnancy - a pain in the left or the right iliac fossa, in the central region of the abdomen in the suprapubic area, sometimes accompanied by vaginal bleeding. For ectopic pregnancy in the first weeks characterized by the same symptoms as for a normal pregnancy - including a positive pregnancy test, absence of menstruation, increase in breast size and sensitivity. If an ectopic pregnancy led to the rupture of the fallopian tube, there is excessive bleeding and, in some cases, hypovolemic shock, accompanied by dizziness, loss of consciousness, fall of blood pressure, frequent weak pulse.

If an ectopic pregnancy is usually observed hypersensitivity suprapubic left or right of center. Vaginal bleeding may occur signs of peritonitis or acute abdomen syndrome.

Direct physical examination (vaginal examination) with an ectopic pregnancy can rupture the fallopian tube, so for the diagnosis of this type of pregnancy used other methods - such as transvaginal ultrasound. To confirm pregnancy applies quantitative measurement of the level of human chorionic gonadotropin. If gonadotropin less than one hundred units and ultrasound does not allow diagnosis of endometrial or tubal pregnancy, ascertain the pregnancy of unknown location.



In some cases, surgical intervention for ectopic pregnancy is not required. For mikroaborta applied injection of one dose of methotrexate (from fifty to ninety-milligrams) intramuscularly. Such a method of medical treatment of ectopic pregnancy is condemned, because it is not safe and could threaten the lives and health of women. After injection of the first dose of the fourth day and the seventh level measured chorionic gonadotropin - if hormone levels are not decreased by at least 15%, a second dose of drug. If after the first injection of hormone levels fell by less than 10%, surgical intervention is required.

In some cases, quite difficult to distinguish the pain caused by separation of the trophoblast, the pain caused by the rupture of the fallopian tube with the ectopic pregnancy. After injection of methotrexate can be observed toxicity symptoms - including stomatitis. After application of methotrexate for at least three months, you must use reliable methods of contraception to prevent re-conception.

Medical treatment of ectopic pregnancies is used only in cases where the initial level of human chorionic gonadotropin below three million units. At higher rates typically require surgical intervention.

Surgical intervention

With vigorous vaginal bleeding and signs of shock caused by blood loss due to rupture of the fallopian tube, to stabilize the condition of the woman requires laparotomy. In other cases, a laparoscopy Laparoscopy - why is it necessary?  Laparoscopy - why is it necessary?
 . Radical method of surgical treatment of ectopic pregnancy - salpingectomy (surgical removal of the fallopian tube) or salpingotomy (dissection of the fallopian tube), which increases the chances of a successful intrauterine pregnancy in the future.

Complications observed in 4 cases after salpingectomies% and 8% - after salpingotomy. The risk of persistence above, if the level of human chorionic gonadotropin to the operation exceeded three thousand units and the observed bleeding pipe. The usual method of treatment in such cases - an injection of methotrexate. In some cases, injections of methotrexate performed as prophylaxis during an operation on the tubes.

After successful treatment of ectopic pregnancy, the chances of subsequent ectopic pregnancy is 10-20%. Chances subsequent intrauterine pregnancy is 56-60%.

How can I prevent an ectopic pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy does not occur if the fallopian tubes are normal, healthy state, so the main method of preventing ectopic pregnancy - early treatment of any disease that can cause damage to the fallopian tubes, including inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, and appendicitis.

Vitamin E in pregnancy: for safe childbearing

March 9, 2012

 Vitamin E Pregnancy
 The lack of minerals and vitamins during pregnancy can lead to tragic consequences, particularly in the early stages when there is a bookmark of organs and systems of the embryo. Therefore, pregnant immediately, with registration at antenatal clinics prescribe multivitamin complexes. In addition to them are prescribed folic acid Folic acid - the value is hard to overestimate  Folic acid - the value is hard to overestimate
   and vitamin E. And if the appointment of folic acid does not cause questions among expectant mothers, the Vitamin E leads to confusion. Most pregnant women are embarrassed to ask your doctor what purpose they discharged this drug if it is contained in a multivitamin. And yet, vitamin E plays an important role during pregnancy and is almost the most important vitamin necessary for successful childbearing.

 Vitamin E in pregnancy: for safe childbearing

Vitamin E and its significance in the body

The value of vitamin E in the body is difficult to overestimate. It applies to the entire body. It normalizes the circulation in the blood system, promotes muscle activity, strengthens the vascular wall, stimulates the immune system and increases the body's resistance to infections, and promotes regeneration (wound healing). Furthermore, vitamin E is an antioxidant that is, inhibits the action of free radicals which destroy the cells of the organism. That vitamin E protects the body against the development of cancer processes. The antioxidant effect of vitamin prevents premature aging. Tocopherol prevents blood clots, improves skin, hair and nails.

 Vitamin E in pregnancy: for safe childbearing

Vitamin E during pregnancy

Vitamin E, or tocopherol Vitamin E (tocopherol) - not to be carried away  Vitamin E (tocopherol) - not to be carried away
   truly considered a "breeding vitamin" and is irreplaceable, not only during pregnancy, but also at the stage of planning. Translated from the Greek word "tokos" means birth, and "ferro" - to wear. Vitamin E can rightly be called the most female vitamin. It normalizes the menstrual irregularities, helps "maturing" infantile uterus, is indispensable in the late onset of menstruation and ovarian dysfunction. In addition, vitamin E has a positive effect on the sex glands, not only women but also men (and therefore at the planning stage of pregnancy are advised to take vitamin E for both sexual partners). Tocopherol restores the balance of hormones and to what extent is the "deputy" Progesterone (pregnancy hormone). Vitamin E as well as progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
 Contributes to the preservation and prolongation of pregnancy, prevents miscarriage, is involved in the maturation of the placenta and the regulation of its functions, normalizes the blood flow in the fetus, placenta-mother warns her premature detachment and aging. In addition tocopherol promotes the synthesis of prolactin responsible for lactation.

 Vitamin E in pregnancy: for safe childbearing

Products containing Vitamin E

The huge amount of vitamin E found in green parts of plants, especially in germinated grains (which has been used successfully in the production of anti-aging creams). Also, a high percentage of tocopherol in vegetable oils (sunflower, cotton, corn, soybean, peanut, sea buckthorn) and flax seeds, sunflower seeds, nuts. Some amount of vitamin E is present in meat, fat, eggs, milk and vegetables (peas, turnips, parsley Parsley Health and Beauty  Parsley Health and Beauty
 , Lettuce, spinach, tomatoes).

 Vitamin E in pregnancy: for safe childbearing

Lack of vitamin E during pregnancy

Lack of vitamin E during pregnancy adversely affects not only women, but also the fetus. Status expectant mother much worse, there is lethargy, pallor, and decreased appetite. Tocopherol deficiency leads to anemia, which adversely affects the unborn child (the fetus develops fetal hypoxia). In early pregnancy a lack of vitamin E increases the risk of miscarriage and fetal death. Children born to mothers suffering from lack of tocopherol, are prone to the development of hemolytic anemia and visual impairment.

 Vitamin E in pregnancy: for safe childbearing

The dosage of vitamin E

Vitamin E is available in capsules with 100, 200 and 400 mg. In each case, the doctor selects dose tocopherol individually, depending on the condition of the patient. The usual dose for pregnant women is 400 mg per day.

Anna Sozinova

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  • vitamin E
