Gaza during pregnancy - a very delicate situation
September 16th, 2010
During pregnancy, the woman faces a lot of problems and troubles. Someone goes through all the "charms" of pregnancy, while others experienced them only once for the entire period. But no one pregnant woman, which would say that the whole pregnancy was without a sticky situation. One of these inconveniences are gases during pregnancy. They usually are not dangerous, but the cause embarrassment expectant mother.
Flatulence in pregnant
Flatulence is flatulence, causing bloating occurs almost constant desire to "let off" gas, rumbling, belching
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and a sense of overcrowding. Often, bloating accompanied by pains in the abdomen, until the spastic - gas colic. In severe cases, bloating can lead to the threat of termination of pregnancy. Most often it occurs in the second or third trimester of pregnancy, when the uterine size is already big enough.
Reasons for increased gas production in pregnant women
- lack of enzymes, which leads to the fact that a large number of undigested food enters the large intestine, where it undergoes a process of fermentation and putrefaction;
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, duodenitis, gastric ulcer, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, gallstones, hepatitis), as well as wrong and unbalanced diet;
- violation of gut microbiota - dysbiosis.
- progesterone
Progesterone - norm and pathology
Are synthesized during pregnancy relaxes internal organs, especially the womb and the intestines are not ignored;
- pregnant uterus pushes the loop of the colon.
All these factors make the bowel lazy peristalsis weakened him.
Measures to combat flatulence
First, in no case can not eat standing up or on the go, it can be suppressed as a result of food or air, which will create an "air pocket" in the gut with a characteristic pain. Secondly, there must be calm, without anxiety and worry, because it can lead to swallowing air. Third, you need to clearly separate the products that can be eaten, and that cause flatulence.
Primarily, it is necessary to divide the daily ration of four to five meal. Portions should be small, just enough to stave off hunger and not eating. Eliminate products that contribute to flatulence. These include peas, beans, grapes, cabbage, pickled vegetables, pickles, onion, garlic, sweet foods, carbonated beverages, rye bread, kvass, fried food. Add in the diet of dairy products such as yogurt, fermented baked milk, yogurt. It contains lactic acid bacteria, which help to eliminate excess gas formation. You can and should eat cheese every day. It will not only help in the fight against flatulence, but also a source of calcium such necessary during pregnancy.
Other measures to combat flatulence
It will help for long walks in the fresh air, at least one hour. Well stimulate the intestines swimming, but only in the pool. Special exercises for bowel, which must be carried out daily. With strong swelling can help itself. Is a simple exercise: clockwise iron stomach for ten or fifteen minutes, then turn on your left side, lift the leg a little and release gases.
Good help in flatulence infusions following herbs: dandelion root, valerian root, parsley seeds, fennel seeds
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, Fennel, mint, clover drug. Take one tablespoon (for roots and leaves) or one teaspoon (seed) of the proposed plant to brew a cup of boiling water, leave for four or five hours, covered with a lid. Take on an empty stomach one hour before meals three times a day. You can take drugs and antiflatulents which are harmless during pregnancy. These are: Espumizan
Espumizan - rapid release of gas
and simethicone. More effective in flatulence chamomile tea. Assuming it can be two cups a day (rather weak).
Anna Sozinova
Herpes in pregnancy - how dangerous it is for a kid?
August 16, 2011
It is known that during pregnancy there is hormonal changes the body, and a weakening of the immune system. Therefore pregnancy is a predisposing factor for exacerbation of many hidden diseases. Especially dangerous herpes during pregnancy, it does not matter, there was a primary infection or worsening. Typically, pregnant herpes infection often occurs in the form of cold lips (herpes labialis), or in the form of genital herpes.
What is herpes?
Herpes is a viral infection caused by a herpes simplex virus
Herpes simplex - in fact, not so simple
(HSV) more types. While the disease affects the skin and mucous membranes of the human body. Labial herpes is caused by herpes simplex virus type first, and genital herpes (genital herpes) is called genital herpes. After the incident the herpes virus infection in most cases is in a dormant state in nerve ganglia. Activation of the virus occurs after exposure to adverse factors: hypothermia, stress
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, Decreased immunity. Pregnant state itself waiting for a child is a predisposing factor for the activation of the virus. Transmission occurs from person to person by direct contact. Genital herpes is sexually transmitted. It should be noted that it is possible herpes infection of the child through the placenta.
The clinical picture of herpes
As noted, herpes infection in pregnant women is shown in the form of cold on the lips or in the form of genital herpes:
Disease development proceeds in four steps. The first itching or discomfort in the mouth, malaise, and possibly a slight increase in temperature. Itching may be not only on the lips, but on the tongue or other parts of the face. In the second stage - the stage of inflammation, which is characterized by a small swelling and soreness of the lips, with the time it is distributed, occupying a large surface. In the third stage, the opening of herpetic vesicles, from which it follows clear liquid (it contains a large number of viral embryos). In place of the opening of the bubbles formed sore. And at last, the fourth stage is the formation of scabs, which are located on the surface of ulcers. Palpation of painful, you may experience slight bleeding.
Genital herpes is actually a little different from the herpes labialis. Only the herpes localized on the skin of the large and small labia, vaginal mucosa and cervix. Length of genital herpes is seven to ten days. In addition, genital herpes at changing the nature of vaginal discharge. They are becoming scarce and watery. To continue such isolation between five and seven days. Also, the deterioration of the general condition, the occurrence of muscle pain, headache, fever up to 39 degrees. Some pregnant women notice itching or burning in the urogenital area until the herpetic vesicles.
The consequences of suffering a herpes during pregnancy are numerous:
- abortions, development of non-viable pregnancy
Missed abortion - do not lose faith in yourself
(in the case of infection in the first trimester of pregnancy);
- congenital anomalies of the fetus;
- lesions of the brain (microcephaly);
- heart defects;
- congenital viral pneumonia;
- premature birth.
- The consequences of suffering a herpes child (birth):
- sudden death of a child after birth;
- cerebral palsy;
- epilepsy;
- blindness;
- deafness.
Treatment of herpes during pregnancy is carried outer antiviral drugs (ointments, creams, gels). Pregnant contraindicated to take systemic (oral) antiviral drugs. The most common are acyclovir ointment
Acyclovir - as it is safe?
(used for five - seven days), oxolinic, ointments and tromantadine alpizarinovaya (appointed within ten days). To soften the scabs apply lubrication crusts fir oil, chamomile cream or ointment Calendula. To stimulate immunity appointed immunoglobulins.
Anna Sozinova