Gidramnioz - pregnant women is a serious problem

December 10, 2011

 If during pregnancy the amount of amniotic fluid is redundant, you can talk about gidramnioze. This diagnosis is made, if the volume of the liquid is equal to or exceeds two liters. Gidramnioz occurs in 0.4-1.2% of pregnant women, and the reasons may be different.


Amniotic fluid

During pregnancy the fetus is in the transparent pocket (amniotic bubble) filled with amniotic fluid. At the thirty-fifth week of the volume of this liquid can reach 980 ml (this is the norm), and then it decreases, reaching approximately 700 ml.
  Amniotic fluid is located between the bladder and the placenta membranes. The membranes of the bladder, as well as the umbilical cable, provide a link with the mother of the child, allowing him to feed and develop normally. During pregnancy the amniotic bubble increases to then fully take uterus.

Amniotic fluid is water, which contains the mineral salts, as it is rich in proteins, essential for the growth and development of the embryo. Furthermore, there are fetal skin cells, which are analyzed by amniocentesis. This bubble helps protect the child from noise, bumps, liquid antibacterial properties.



In some women, the amount of amniotic fluid is higher than normal, and this is called gidramniozom. Then the amniotic bubble becomes abnormally heavy, the uterus is stretched, and this can lead to premature birth.

Gidramnioz delivers significant discomfort women because it can cause the severity and difficulty in breathing due to the pressure on the uterus and its extension. Gidramnioz may occur due to excess production of body fluids or due to lack of absorption of its fruit.
  Two types gidramnioza

Acute gidramnioz occurs in the second trimester of pregnancy, it happens suddenly, with a sharp sense of gravity, when the amount of liquid is growing very fast. This type causes insomnia, tachycardia, edema. In the event of an acute puncture gidramnioza to do with pumping excess fluid How to withdraw excess fluid from the body - all sorts of ways  How to withdraw excess fluid from the body - all sorts of ways

Chronic gidramnioz often occurs in late pregnancy and increases the risk of premature birth. Subject to the adapted mode, normal rest may bring to the end of pregnancy without complications.

Reasons gidramnioza:

  • diabetes women;
  • impaired fetal growth
  • blood group incompatibility between mother and child;
  • preeclampsia (hypertension induced by pregnancy);
  • infection;
  • anemia in the fetus;
  • The twin pregnancy;
  • undetermined anomalies.


The risks for mother and child

Gidramnioz negatively affects the state of a pregnant woman: stretching of the uterus and amniotic pressure on her bladder causes pressure on the large vein of the abdomen, which can cause swelling and shortness of breath. There is also the risk of premature birth. He is the greatest risk to the fetus.


What if gidramnioza?

Diagnosis "gidramnioz" is placed after the inspection gynecologist. It is based on the definition of the anomalous position of the uterus in a certain period of pregnancy. To determine the volume of amniotic fluid required ultrasound.

Additional analyzes are needed in the event that the reasons are not clear gidramnioza. Then may do blood tests Blood tests: a mirror of health  Blood tests: a mirror of health
 To determine potential infection, or amniocentesis, which will identify possible deviations in the development of the fetus Fetal development - week after week  Fetal development - week after week

If diagnosed, a woman needs to rest as much as possible and be in a position lying down or sitting. Work during pregnancy, the doctor recommends women interrupt their professional activities.

Puncture of amniotic fluid from the pumping can be done to improve the condition of some women who experience discomfort. But it is worth remembering that this procedure may result in the risk of preterm birth.

Article Tags:
  • sickness during pregnancy

Conjunctivitis during pregnancy - severity and treatment

June 18, 2014

 conjunctivitis during pregnancy
 It called conjunctivitis inflammation of the thin outer shell of the eyeball - the conjunctiva. Though its symptoms can be extremely unpleasant, this disease is very common, and rarely leads to serious health consequences. Does any particular conjunctivitis during pregnancy?


Causes and symptoms of conjunctivitis in pregnant women

The causes of conjunctivitis are:

  • Bacteria. Symptoms of bacterial conjunctivitis are usually yellow or greenish discharge from the eyes, swollen eyelids, redness of the eyes. The infection can affect one or both eyes;
  • Viruses. As a rule, viral conjunctivitis Viral conjunctivitis - the incidence increases  Viral conjunctivitis - the incidence increases
   there is a strong eye redness and itching, but no dense release. In some viral infections may be increased lacrimation. Most cases of viral conjunctivitis affects both eyes. In addition to the signs of conjunctivitis, patients may experience symptoms of common colds - fever, chills, headache, cough, and so on. Because pregnant women's immune defense is weakened somewhat, they are more vulnerable to other pathogens infectious conjunctivitis Infective conjunctivitis - options Origin  Infective conjunctivitis - options Origin
 . The likelihood of developing other types of conjunctivitis, which will be discussed below, pregnant women are not higher and not lower than that of other people;
  • Allergens. The most common allergic conjunctivitis seasonal, and its worsening in the majority of cases occur in the spring or early summer. However, some women have an allergic reaction causes the pollen of plants that bloom in late summer or fall; allergens may be other substances, for example, animal hair, the components of household chemicals, cosmetics, and so on. Allergic conjunctivitis usually causes redness of the eyes, tearing and severe itching. With very few exceptions, the symptoms observed in both eyes. Allergens often cause other symptoms, such as runny nose, sneezing and / or a skin rash.

There is also a contact conjunctivitis that develops in case of eye foreign objects, certain chemicals, and also because of wearing contact lenses. The reasons for this may be conjunctivitis, such as smoke, dust, sand, and so on.

In some cases, conjunctivitis can be caused by micro-organisms that cause disease, sexually transmitted infections, such as chlamydia.


Harmful if conjunctivitis during pregnancy

In most cases, conjunctivitis in pregnant women do not pose any danger to the woman or to her unborn child. This disease usually passes quickly, without causing any complications. Infective conjunctivitis during lactation is also considered harmless - the likelihood that it will be passed pathogens child is relatively small, but if it is caused by adenoviruses, should take Merya for preventing colds in children. Allergic conjunctivitis is not contagious at all, and causes trouble only the most patient. However, when the signs of conjunctivitis Symptoms of conjunctivitis when sick eyes  Symptoms of conjunctivitis when sick eyes
   pregnant women should consult a doctor. This will allow time to diagnose or rule out chlamydial conjunctivitis.

The fact that this disease in most cases, a sign untreated chlamydia, and this infection may affect the health of the baby. Women who are infected with chlamydia during pregnancy, increasing the likelihood of intrauterine infections, premature rupture of membranes and preterm delivery. Several studies have also shown that chlamydia can increase the likelihood of miscarriage, but these findings have not been confirmed. But found that chlamydia infection increases the likelihood of other infections, sexually transmitted infections, including HIV, in addition, it can be transmitted to her baby during childbirth.

Infection of children occurs in approximately half of the cases of women at delivery had untreated chlamydia.

In 25-50% of these children in the first days after birth develop conjunctivitis, and from 5% to 30% of kids in a few weeks or months after birth sick with pneumonia.

Chlamydia often occurs with very mild symptoms, and women may not realize for a long time that they are sick. Even if pregnancy has already occurred, prompt treatment significantly reduces the risk of complications associated with chlamydia

Conjunctivitis, which are the causative agents of other microorganisms, usually do not affect the course of pregnancy and the baby's health.


Than to treat conjunctivitis in pregnant

Often the treatment of conjunctivitis in pregnancy is enough to home remedies. For example, a well relieve the symptoms of different types of conjunctivitis warm compresses: a small towel soaked in warm water, applied to the eyes for four or five minutes. You can also make cold compresses both plain water and a decoction of mint or chamomile.

  • If in the morning on the eyelashes and eyelids appear stale plaque, it should be carefully washed off with warm water.
  • Do not rub your eyes - it will bring temporary relief, but is likely to slow down the healing process.
  • Many doctors recommend for the relief of symptoms of conjunctivitis Symptoms of conjunctivitis - bright display  Symptoms of conjunctivitis - bright display
   use non-prescription eye drops, or so-called "artificial tears".

Treatment for conjunctivitis with antibiotics prescribed in pregnancy only in cases where a patient diagnosed with bacterial conjunctivitis, and there is no improvement after a week or more, or a woman's immune deficiency and an increased risk of serious complications. It is especially important to treat chlamydial conjunctivitis, the dangers mentioned above.

Usually, just a short course of treatment to destroy chlamydia; the woman's partner should also undergo treatment.

As long as the treatment is completed, it is strongly recommended to abstain from sexual intercourse - it can lead to re-infection with chlamydia.

In allergic conjunctivitis the doctor may prescribe a patient antihistamine eye drops. They are much safer than anti-histamines for oral administration, and very rarely lead to complications. Allergic conjunctivitis in nursing mothers also can be treated with eye drops with antihistamines - most of them are derived from breast milk in very small quantities, and are not dangerous for the baby. However, antihistamines can be taken only on prescription; taking OTC drugs during pregnancy and lactation on their own initiative should not be.

Article Tags:
  • conjunctivitis
