Hypothyroidism and pregnancy - how dangerous it is?

August 29, 2011

 Hypothyroidism and Pregnancy
 The thyroid gland secretes important for the body's hormones - thyroxin and triiodothyronine, which are necessary for proper development of the fetus of all organs and systems. Thyroid hormones and later, after the birth will support all the organs and systems baby's growing body. The lack of thyroid function causes various complications of pregnancy.

 Hypothyroidism and pregnancy - how dangerous it is?

How does the thyroid gland during pregnancy

Normally during pregnancy increases the function of the thyroid gland, which helps it to some widening. This peculiarity was known to the ancient, as a sign of pregnancy, women in ancient Egypt was considered a gap thin silk thread on the neck, which is supposed to wear a married woman.

In fetal thyroid gland begins to develop at the end of the first month of pregnancy, and by the end of the third month, she can already accumulate iodine itself synthesize hormones. By the end of the fourth month of pregnancy, the thyroid gland of the fetus is fully operational.

In this regard, it is clear that while its thyroid gland in the fetus are not formed, all the organs and systems developed under the influence of hormones of a pregnant woman. And then you start running your own child's thyroid gland, it will need iodine (from it synthesized thyroid hormones), which enters the body of the child from the mother. From the mother's body needs increased amounts of iodine. If iodine comes not enough, it is very dangerous for a child - he may form congenital hypothyroidism Congenital hypothyroidism: start treatment as soon as possible  Congenital hypothyroidism: start treatment as soon as possible
 Which will lead to a violation of the physical and mental development.

 Hypothyroidism and pregnancy - how dangerous it is?

Influence of hypothyroidism on the condition of a pregnant woman and the fetus

If in the area, where a pregnant woman, there is a deficiency of iodine, the hypothyroidism she can form before pregnancy and proceed hidden. Therefore, in the planning period of pregnancy is desirable to examine the blood for thyroid hormones. If it showed a reduction in thyroid function that is prescribed hormone replacement therapy - drugs have to take during pregnancy.

This should be done necessarily, because hypothyroidism is often threatened miscarriage, fetal death or birth of a child with a variety of developmental abnormalities. Often in such cases developed deaf-mutism, impairment, brain damage to the further development of cretinism. Negatively affected by the lack of thyroid hormones Thyroid hormones: mechanism of action and physiological effects  Thyroid hormones: mechanism of action and physiological effects
   and the mother's body.

Causes of hypothyroidism in pregnant women can be very different, but most often it occurs against the backdrop of thyroiditis - inflammation of the thyroid gland. Furthermore, hypothyroidism can begin after resection of the thyroid gland, with a deficiency of iodine. Secondary hypothyroidism occurs due to various diseases of the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus.

 Hypothyroidism and pregnancy - how dangerous it is?

Symptoms of hypothyroidism in pregnant women

If a pregnant woman is reduced thyroid function, then doubled her complaints of fatigue, lethargy, typical of pregnancy. In addition, the woman has symptoms such as sensitivity to cold (it is constantly freezing), dry and flaky skin, brittle nails and hair, hair loss. Sometimes there is a hoarse voice, the face becomes puffy, especially visible swelling of the lower eyelids. Complexion pale yellowish color. Often there is nasal congestion, the tongue swells and does not fit in the oral cavity, on each side there are imprints on the side of the teeth.

Many of the signs of hypothyroidism referred to signs of pregnancy, but if you look closely, they can always be distinguished.

 Hypothyroidism and pregnancy - how dangerous it is?


If you suspect hypothyroidism is necessary to examine the blood for thyroid hormones. Already this analysis will approximately be seen where the disease process - in the thyroid gland itself The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones  The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones
   or in the brain. Thyroid were also examined using ultrasound, if necessary, make a puncture and take the contents of a study.

Timely conduct inspection reveals hypothyroidism in early pregnancy and the right to appoint adequate treatment.

 Hypothyroidism and pregnancy - how dangerous it is?

Treatment of pregnant gipotiroza

If a pregnant woman showed signs of hypothyroidism, it is prescribed substitution therapy. Usually within a L-thyroxine is appointed Thyroxine - the main thyroid hormone  Thyroxine - the main thyroid hormone
   - Synthetic analogue of thyroid hormones. Dose establishes doctor first assigned a small dose and then once a week if there are no signs of heart disorders (this is a sign of overdose), and gradually increase the dose adjusted to the desired.

With proper and timely replacement therapy, pregnancy and childbirth occur normally, the baby is born healthy.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • hypothyroidism

Dicynonum during pregnancy - may be appointed at any stage

October 21, 2012

 Dicynonum during pregnancy
 The threat of bleeding during pregnancy is always there. In the early stages of the bleeding can be a sign of threatening miscarriage Miscarriage - can you protect yourself from it?  Miscarriage - can you protect yourself from it?
 And in the second half of pregnancy - a sign of premature placental abruption or previa. Therefore Hemostatic agents Dicynonum often prescribed during pregnancy, regardless of its duration.

 Dicynonum during pregnancy - may be appointed at any stage

Application Dicynonum the threat of termination of pregnancy

In early pregnancy, a woman's body seeks as much as possible to suppress the reduction of uterine muscles. To this end, it produced a large number of the female sex hormone progesterone, but some women have lower than normal amounts of progesterone and this leads to the fact that the contractile activity of muscles of the uterus grows, causing total or partial detachment of the embryo on the uterine wall and spontaneous miscarriage. And since the shell of the embryo has grown together with the wall of the uterus and blood vessels sprouted general, the process is always accompanied by bleeding.

If you just started miscarriage, pregnancy can still be saved. Women appointed strict bed rest, medication - progesterone analogues Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
   and drugs that promote hemostasis. To stop bleeding in pregnant women often used Dicynonum - a drug that stops bleeding, stimulates platelet production, their exit from the bone marrow and the duration of the operation. Furthermore, Dicynonum strengthens blood vessel walls, reduces their permeability and fragility.

If a miscarriage is in a stage that is no longer possible to continue the pregnancy, performed curettage Scraping - heavy and unsafe procedure  Scraping - heavy and unsafe procedure
   uterus, and is also assigned Dicynonum. The same treatment is carried out and if the bleeding was caused by a missed abortion Missed abortion - do not lose faith in yourself  Missed abortion - do not lose faith in yourself
   or molar pregnancy - a condition in which there is no normal development of the fetus, and placental villi grow in the form of bubbles filled with liquid.

Dicynonum appoint a doctor. Depending on the severity of the condition and severity of bleeding women it is administered into or in the form of tablets or injection. Independently take Dicynonum woman can not.

 Dicynonum during pregnancy - may be appointed at any stage

Application Dicynonum with placenta previa

In some cases, the placenta develops so that closes the outlet of the uterus (the beginning of the cervix). This is a very dangerous condition that can lead to significant bleeding during pregnancy. But the main danger is waiting for a woman in childbirth. Today the problem of delivery of these women solved by caesarean section, before the majority of women with placenta previa died during childbirth.

Often bleeding arise even with minor injuries, physical exertion or stress. When the bleeding woman prescribed bed rest, drugs that inhibit uterine contractions and styptic. Depending on the intensity of bleeding Dicynonum assigned or tablets, or in the form of injections. In order to prevent possible bleeding during caesarean section, the woman ditsenon administered by injection.

 Dicynonum during pregnancy - may be appointed at any stage

Application Dicynonum when premature detachment normally situated placenta

Premature detachment of the placenta - a serious complication of pregnancy that is placental abruption, which began before the onset of labor or during labor. At the same time there is bleeding, which threatens the life of the mother and fetus.

Placental abruption can be full or partial, the latter in turn is divided into progressive and not progressive. The most common placental abruption occurs gradually, forming the blood accumulates between the wall of the uterus and placenta. At any time, even minor bleeding can go into very strong. Therefore, women with suspected placental abruption hospitalized and prescribed a complex treatment, which includes a Dicynonum and as a styptic.

Dicynonum improves capillary circulation in the placenta, which improves the condition of the body and prevents its progression. Under the influence of Dicynonum bleeding stops, as it stimulates the action of the blood coagulation system, platelet production and release of their bone marrow, as well as strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

Dicynonum - is an effective and safe drug that is allowed to use during pregnancy. But it can only appoint a doctor, given all the indications and contraindications.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Dicynonum
