Everyone knows that pregnant women have a heightened attention to their health. But not all during pregnancy depends on the expectant mother. For one of these cases is low placentation during pregnancy. Many women heard such a diagnosis from a doctor, immediately panic. Although, in fact, the reason for this is not (subject to compliance with all medical recommendations). Low placentation is not pathological, and to the border states, and often, at the end of pregnancy does not pose a threat. Currently, about 30-40% of women (especially living in urban areas) are faced with this condition during pregnancy. And 99% of these births are completed safely.
The role of the placenta during pregnancy
The placenta, or a child seat, a flat cake diameter of about 15 cm and a weight of about 1, 5 kg. In the placenta are many blood vessels that provide a link between the organism of mother and fetus.
Placental function are numerous, and their role in pregnancy is enormous.
Placenta secretes hormones, especially progesterone
Progesterone - norm and pathology
Who is responsible for maintaining pregnancy. Also, it is through the placenta to the fetus receives all the nutrients, vitamins, minerals and oxygen and removes carbon dioxide. On how the fetoplacental (plodovoplatsentarnaya) system depends on the state and development of the child.
What is a low placentation
Normally, the placenta is located on the front or rear wall of the uterus, some going into her bottom. This localization of the placenta is optimal, it is well-developed circulatory system, which creates favorable conditions for the functioning of uterine blood flow. About low placentation say, when the placenta is below 5, 5 cm internal os. You can placentation low compared with incomplete placenta previa (when the child seat covers the internal os partially or completely). However, the low placentation has a favorable course.
Usually low placentation detected in the first trimester, third trimester, but the specific reasons for the unrest there. The fact is that during pregnancy, the placenta may itself migrate, i.e. to rise above the bottom of the uterus. It occurs in late pregnancy, lasts about six to ten weeks and ends at 34 weeks. Migration of the placenta depend on the uterine wall on which it is located. With the localization of the placenta on the anterior wall of the uterus it is faster migration.
Reasons for low placentation
The exact causes of the low position of the placenta are unknown. But noted that the low placentation more common in multiparous women than in nulliparous. Low placental contribute to changes in the internal wall of the uterus (the endometrium) caused by inflammation. Predisposing factors include low placentation:
- obstructed labor (post-partum bleeding, manual removal of placenta, postpartum endometritis);
- abortion and diagnostic curettage of the uterus
Curettage - how dangerous it is?
- uterine fibroids, endometriosis
Endometriosis - a serious problem with serious consequences
- chronic endometritis;
- Cesarean section or removal of fibroids;
- multiple pregnancy;
- smoking;
- the woman's age (over 35 years);
- placenta previa previous birth;
- Parity (a large number of births).
What is the effect on pregnancy low placentation
With the growth of the fetus increases the pressure on the uterus. There is compression of blood vessels of the placenta, which is a violation of utero-placental blood flow. This leads to the development of chronic hypoxia of the fetus, sometimes lagging behind its intrauterine development. Pregnant marked low blood pressure, weakness. Any physical stress can cause bleeding. Often develop anemia
Anemia - when you do not have enough blood
The most severe complication is the premature detachment of the placenta, and abortion.
Recommendations for pregnant women
At low placentation pregnant women should comply with certain conditions:
- sexual rest;
- any limitation of physical activity;
- avoid stress, fatigue;
- do not raise your hands up sharply;
- avoid public transport.
Anna Sozinova