Pregnancy and diet - it does not harm your child - Power

February 24, 2014

  • Pregnancy and diet - it does not harm your baby
  • Food

 nutrition in pregnancy

Nutrition in Pregnancy

After learning about the pregnancy, the woman is often panics and does not know whether she should completely change eating habits and move exclusively to a healthy and wholesome food. Well, this is the truth - balanced diet will benefit any woman, and if you follow a healthy diet before pregnancy, you only need to make some minor changes.

First of all, it is recommended that all women who are planning to conceive a child, regularly take folic acid supplements. A diet low in folic acid increases the risk of birth defects, child development, including neural tube defects, ie defects of the spine and brain. Folic acid should begin to take at least one month before conception and continue taking in the first three months of pregnancy. Another tip: Drink plenty of fluids, without waiting until you want to drink. Also, do not forget to take a sufficient amount of minerals such as iron and calcium.

During pregnancy, more than ever, it is important to follow a healthy, balanced diet. The body of pregnant varies, from more efficient use of the substance, which he receives from the food consumed. Due to this in the first six months of the expectant mother does not need to eat more than she used to. In the past three months it is recommended to consume daily to 200 calories more than their norm.


Do I need to have more pregnant?

Often the body itself tells a woman how she should eat. Usually, during the first weeks of sharply reduced appetite (especially if there are signs of pregnancy such as nausea and vomiting), and then it stabilizes in a few months I have very little. By the end of pregnancy, often enhanced the appetite - and this is the case, when the fight against it is not necessary.

Ideally, all necessary for the normal development of the fetus the nutrients you need to get from the diet; in reality it is quite difficult, so expectant mothers are advised to take various vitamin supplements. Usually the doctor himself recommends appropriate prenatal vitamins that contain folic acid Folic acid - the value is hard to overestimate  Folic acid - the value is hard to overestimate
 , Vitamins C, D, E, B vitamins B vitamins: the body useful helpers  B vitamins: the body useful helpers
 , Potassium, iron, zinc, iodine, and other substances.

The main objective of the diet of pregnant women is to provide the body (or rather, has two organisms) all the necessary nutrients and preservation of a healthy weight.

The diet dodzhny include:

  • Fruits and vegetables - at least five servings a day. Choose more fresh fruits and vegetables, but it can also have frozen, dried and canned.
  • Starches. Of the products are particularly rich starches bakery products, pasta, rice and potatoes.
  • Proteins. During pregnancy should eat protein-rich foods such as lean meat, chicken, fish, eggs and beans.
  • Dairy products are a source of protein, calcium, and other nutrients necessary for pregnant women.

Normally, for the whole period of pregnancy a woman should not gain more than 10-12, 5 kg of weight. Weight control is needed for the child's health, in addition, it will allow you to quickly get back in shape after childbirth.


Which products should be excluded from the diet of a pregnant

The following products are not recommended for use during pregnancy because they may be unsafe for your child:

  • Cheese with white mold, such as brie and camembert, or with blue cheese, such as Stilton. All these cheeses can contain listeria - potentially dangerous for the baby bacteria.
  • Raw meat and eggs as well as meat that has elapsed insufficient heat treatment - they can contain a variety of bacteria, which are potentially dangerous for the unborn child, and for his mother.
  • Raw seafood, such as oysters and some sushi ingredients.
  • Shark, swordfish and marlin. Dishes from fish of these species are exotic for us, but just in case you need to know that they differ dangerously high levels of mercury. The tuna is also quite a lot of mercury, so they should not be abused.
  • Liver and products from the liver. They were advised to limit consumption because of the high content of retinol - form of vitamin A. The excess of this vitamin can be harmful to the child.
  • Caffeine should be limited to 200 mg per day - about two cups of coffee or four cups of tea.

Also during pregnancy need to give up alcohol. Some experts believe that one or two glasses of wine a week will not bring harm to the pregnant woman and the unborn child. Others believe that alcohol consumption is unacceptable for the duration of pregnancy.


Diet during pregnancy more than a high-calorie food

A healthy diet includes a variety of foods high in protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and fats. A pregnant woman is required daily to 300 calories more than usual. Moreover, a woman carrying twins If you have twins: Ten Smiles  If you have twins: Ten Smiles
 You have to go to another Bole
e-calorie diet.

Typically, a woman of normal weight during pregnancy should gain 12-16 kilograms. Thin women have stout at 13-19 kilograms. Even a complete woman need to dial a few extra pounds - at least 7-11.


Forget hot dogs

Of course, we all know that there are products on which pregnant women better to stay away. First of all, alcohol, certain medications (discuss with your doctor and gynecologist), and illegal drugs. Also, pregnant women should be excluded from the diet of some species of fish, such as fillet of shark, swordfish, king mackerel and barracuda. This fish contains high amounts of mercury, which can damage a child's development. Mercury in large quantities may also include canned tuna - albacore. However, tuna fillets, which often can be found in shops, also contains high levels of mercury, but in small quantities it is completely safe.

Do not drink unpasteurized milk, do not eat soft cheeses based on raw milk, hot dogs, smoked meat and smoked seafood. Those women who still can not do without hot dogs and smoked to give up, be sure to reheat foods to a hot state, since they can contain bacteria, dangerous for both the woman and the fetus.

Caffeine in reasonable quantities (for example, one - two cups of coffee) does not threaten the health of the expectant mother and the baby.


Pregnancy and sport

Fitness has many advantages and has a beneficial effect on women's health and to pregnancy. If a woman leads an active lifestyle before pregnancy, it can continue to exercise and nurturing a child, but some restrictions still not be avoided. If the pre-pregnancy women prefer reading classes in the gym, the pregnancy - a perfect time to start taking care of your figure. Tentatively, the expectant mother must pay a daily sports activities for about thirty minutes. If you find this difficult, you can start small, but it is desirable to eventually come close to this figure.

Use sports obvious fitness improves energy levels, reduces the frequency of constipation, relieve leg cramps, reduces swelling, uplifting (relaxation effect), improves posture, muscle activity stimulates and strengthens the immune system, improves sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 And helps control and prevent gestational diabetes. Secure forms of exercise: walking, swimming and other exercises with a small load.


Do not play football

During pregnancy should avoid certain sports activities that increase the risk of falling, such as tennis, badminton, horse riding and all contact sports (football, basketball and volleyball). Diving also can be dangerous for pregnant women, since in this case the fetus is exposed to the risk of developing decompression sickness. You should also avoid certain postures - long lying on his back and standing without moving.

Unfortunately, there are some diseases that complicate exercise during pregnancy, so before drawing up an exercise program, it is important to consult a doctor.

Article Tags:
  • nutrition in pregnancy
