Pregnancy and swelling - whether they are dangerous?

July 5, 2009

 Pregnancy and swelling
   Everyone knows that pregnancy can be swelling and why some women relate to their appearance a few lightly. However, the swelling edema strife. They may be an option rules (rarely), and can talk about any heart disease or kidney disease. Finally, in the second half of pregnancy edema can be a sign of incipient serious complication - preeclampsia.

 Pregnancy and swelling - whether they are dangerous?

What is edema and why they appear in pregnant women

Edema - is excessive accumulation of fluid in tissues and cavities of the body, manifesting an increase in tissue, a change in physical properties (elasticity) and disorders of the edematous tissue. Liquid swelling accumulates in the intercellular space, and the broken fluid and electrolyte balance in the cells.

The reason for exit of fluid in the intercellular space is the delay kidney sodium, which has a feature to attract water. Sodium accumulates in the body due to the increased secretion of aldosterone (a hormone of the adrenal cortex, contributes to the accumulation of sodium ions), which occurs against decrease in cardiac output (heart can not cope with its load) and blood volume.

Swelling of tissues easily infected, which creates additional difficulties during pregnancy. Overall swelling becomes visible at a delay of more than 2-4 liters of liquid, which means that there is a latent phase of edema Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause  Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause

At the heart of all violations of edema pregnant women is a spasm of small blood vessels, reducing blood volume, changes in clotting and blood flow. This leads to a decrease in blood supply to the tissues, which can not function properly. Most sensitive to the lack of blood supply to the brain and kidneys. The placenta also undergoes changes that cause intrauterine growth retardation Fetal development - week after week  Fetal development - week after week

 Pregnancy and swelling - whether they are dangerous?

Symptoms of edema in pregnant women

Swelling in pregnancy they are initially hidden and manifest themselves in the form of weight gain. If a pregnant woman regularly visits his doctor, he promptly pay attention to it and take appropriate action. If you do not pay attention, it will soon become apparent swelling, begin to form in the ankles, and then spread up to the waist, genitals, abdominal wall, hands them clearly visible with a change in body position, as they are displaced.

Edematous skin dry, soft, pale, sometimes (when expressed edema) brilliant. The general condition and well-being of pregnant women while often remains good, no shortness of breath, but blood volume is reduced.

A pregnant woman says she edema: shoes and rings are close, facial features blurred, swollen eyelids. In the morning the swelling is not as noticeable, because at night the liquid evenly distributed throughout the body. During the day are especially noticeable swelling in the legs: when pressed with your finger on the surface of the pit is formed which lasts for quite some time.

If time does not detect and treat the swelling, then join them other signs of preeclampsia - high blood pressure, protein in the urine, disorders of the central nervous system. This condition is very dangerous for both the mother and the fetus.

 Pregnancy and swelling - whether they are dangerous?

As you can reveal hidden edema?

Most often it is possible to identify using weekly weighing, weight gain more than 300 g per week it indicates that the body liquid starts to accumulate. If there is no obvious weight gain and edema suspicion persists, the calculation is carried out drunk and allocated liquid per day. Normally, the daily amount of the discharged liquid is not less than 0, 75 the total number of drunk liquid.

About water retention in the body and may indicate a rapid increase in the ankle joint.

For diagnostic purposes, sometimes to the inner surface of the forearm is injected intradermally a small amount of saline solution, which forms at the site of a small blister. In healthy people, the blister resolves within hours edema lasts much longer (blister test).

 Pregnancy and swelling - whether they are dangerous?

Treatment of edema pregnant

When identifying hidden edema woman doctor prescribes a diet with restriction of salt and fluid. The food is better to cook without salt, add some salt and then gently (no more than 5 grams per day). Exclude fried, fatty and spicy foods. Fluid (together with the first cold) need to use no more than 1 liter per day.

In order to strengthen the walls of blood vessels appointed ascorbic acid, rutin, and other drugs that can be used for pregnant women. Sometimes prescribed herbal diuretics (such as bearberry).

Typically, the initial signs of swelling of these measures is sufficient. But if the swelling is increasing, they are joined by high blood pressure Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?  Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?
   and protein in the urine The protein in the urine - a sign of danger, which should not be underestimated  The protein in the urine - a sign of danger, which should not be underestimated
 , Treatment is usually continued in the department of pathology of pregnant maternity hospital.

  Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • swelling

Cyst of breast cancer and pregnancy - not a hindrance

May 31, 2013

 cyst of breast cancer and pregnancy
 Some women find that breast cyst passes during pregnancy. However, clinical experience indicates that in most cases it is not - the development of cysts pregnancy has no effect. At the same time there are cases where the cyst during pregnancy sometimes passes.


Cyst of breast cancer and pregnancy - what happens in a woman's body?

During pregnancy, hormonal changes in a woman hand in the body to increase female hormones. This largely increases the secretion of progesterone, whose main task is suppression of premature (before birth) smooth muscle of the uterus. Progesterone inhibits the excessive secretion of estrogen.

Cyst of breast cancer develops in excess in the body of female sex hormones estrogen and pituitary hormone prolactin. Such hormonal changes occur under the influence of various factors (abortion, stress, high loads, endocrine disorders, etc.) and is treated with drugs suppressing the secretion of estrogen (Indinol) and prolactin (mastodinon).

It would seem that during pregnancy should receive all the diseases associated with giperestrogeniey (higher blood estrogen). However, clinical experience shows that this happens rarely. Usually pregnancy has no effect on breast cysts. Likewise almost no effect on the state of the mammary gland cysts breastfeeding, despite the fact that while the amount of progesterone decreases and increases prolactin.

However, it was found that breast-feeding in more than three consecutive months, may cause long-term positive effect on female hormones. The negative effect of lactation in this case can be when it is a sharp break in a month after the start of feeding and long-term (over one year) breast-feeding.


What happens to the mammary gland during pregnancy

Pregnancy - is a natural state, in which under the influence of the neuroendocrine system is supported by a very precise relationship between the female sex hormone progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
   and estrogen - and they both needed during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, there is a preparation for the breast-fed child. In this process Estrogens play a major role. It is under the action of estrogen mammary glands increase in size, nagrubayut, they grow ducts, which during lactation human milk will move towards the nipple. Progesterone inhibits this process, but not completely, allowing the mammary glands prepare for feeding the baby naturally.

If you have small breasts cysts are uniformly dispersed throughout the breast tissue (breast diffuse), the pregnancy can have a positive impact, and these cysts disappear. But for large, fully formed cysts that often does not happen. Sometimes these cysts during pregnancy under the influence of estrogen may even increase in size, and then, during the feeding of the child Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice
   feeding (when it's "kingdom" of prolactin) decrease. In some cases, small cysts tested, and large decrease in size. But that might not always, as a method of treatment therefore lactocele pregnancy is not recommended.


How to treat breast cysts in pregnant women

Very large cysts that tend to increase, pierced and injected into the air - it promotes adhesion of the cyst wall. Small cysts can not be treated.

Women are advised to adhere to anti-estrogen diet - do not eat fatty meat, fried foods, coffee, cocoa, chocolate. All these products contribute to higher blood cholesterol levels, which later formed estrogens.

To reduce the risk of development and growth of cysts hyperestrogenism she will need to complete the diet, promotes the normalization of metabolism. From protein in the diet should include lean meat (including poultry), fish, dairy products, low-fat cottage cheese. All of these products contain a sufficient amount of animal fat, the body of the pregnant woman required for proper metabolism. Therefore, to prepare various dishes better in vegetable oil.

From carbohydrates should be given preference for complex carbohydrates in vegetables, fruits, cereals. These products also contain vitamins and minerals necessary for proper metabolism Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things

Sometimes women are prescribed as hepatoprotectors example, Essentiale - malfunction of the liver may contribute to the emergence of a large number of blood cholesterol, which is then formed estrogens.

Obstetrician-gynecologist antenatal always tell a woman how to eat and what to take during pregnancy, if she has a breast cyst Cyst of the breast - a sign of hormonal trouble  Cyst of the breast - a sign of hormonal trouble

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • lactocele
