Ectopic pregnancy - deadly - Treatment

March 12, 2007

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 ectopic pregnancy treatment


There are two main types of treatment of ectopic pregnancy - medication, usually performed early in pregnancy, and surgical. Estrennaya surgery is required in cases where the ectopic pregnancy caused a rupture of the fallopian tube, accompanied by internal bleeding. The main goal of surgery - stop bleeding, which in rare cases can be fatal. The damaged fallopian tubes in such cases is usually removed.


Treatment in the early stages

Ectopic pregnancy is most commonly diagnosed in the early stages, before the abnormal location of the embryo caused the rupture of the fallopian tube. There are several basic options for the treatment of ectopic pregnancies - medication, surgical procedures for excision or removal of the fallopian tubes Fallopian tubes: an important part of the reproductive system  Fallopian tubes: an important part of the reproductive system
   and observation method is suitable in cases when an ectopic pregnancy does not threaten the health of the woman.



One of the most radical method of treatment of ectopic pregnancy - a surgical procedure, implying the partial or total removal of the fallopian tube through laparoscopy Laparoscopy - why is it necessary?  Laparoscopy - why is it necessary?
 . Salpingectomy (removal of the fallopian tube with the fetal egg completely) will occur if the other tube is healthy. Salpingotomy (removing only a portion of the fallopian tube with the fetal egg) is performed in cases where the second damaged fallopian tube - for example, the formation of scar tissue resulting from infection. In many cases, operation at an ectopic pregnancy is not required.



Drug treatment - a common alternative to surgical removal of the reproductive organs as a result of an ectopic pregnancy. Typically, for medical treatment of ectopic pregnancy used the drug methotrexate injection that destroys the cells of the ovum in the fallopian tube. This method of treatment is recommended only in the early stages of ectopic pregnancy.

After injection of methotrexate require regular blood tests to perform clarification of the drug - in particular, tests for human chorionic gonadotropin, which must be performed every two or three days to reduce levels of the hormone. Methotrexate can cause a number of side effects - including nausea and vomiting. A common consequence of injection of methotrexate - abdominal pain, observed within three to seven days after the injection.



Not in all cases of ectopic pregnancy threatens the health or life of the woman. In many cases, symptoms of ectopic pregnancy disappear spontaneously without causing any problems - the effects of ectopic pregnancy in such cases like miscarriage Miscarriage - can you protect yourself from it?  Miscarriage - can you protect yourself from it?
 . Observation method is suitable only in cases where the ectopic pregnancy is not accompanied by the appearance of distinct unpleasant symptoms. If over time the condition worsens, it may take a more effective treatment.

Women with Rh-negative may need an injection of anti-D immunoglobulin prevents the body's production of antibodies Antibodies - "soldiers' immunity  Antibodies - "soldiers' immunity
 Able to prevent the birth of a second child in the future.

Ectopic pregnancy - deadly - Bleeding

March 12, 2007

  • Ectopic pregnancy - deadly
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 ectopic pregnancy bleeding


Bleeding - at the same time and one of the main signs of an ectopic pregnancy, especially in the early stages, and the aftermath. If the early stages of abnormal vaginal bleeding to help diagnose an ectopic pregnancy, the development of the embryo outside the uterus eventually leads to rupture of the fallopian tube, causing severe internal bleeding.

The most serious complication of ectopic pregnancy - rupture of the fallopian tube, causing internal bleeding.

Weakness, dizziness, fainting may be a sign of serious internal bleeding and a sharp decline in blood pressure caused by rupture of the fallopian tube, and require immediate medical attention. Unfortunately, in the fifteen to twenty percent of cases, even with vaginal bleeding women do not recognize the symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy in time, and diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy is carried out at the time of the shock caused by blood loss.

In many cases, the early stages of ectopic pregnancy is not accompanied by distinct symptoms or complications are similar to the symptoms of normal pregnancy signs - there is a lack of menstruation, breast tenderness, nausea, fatigue. A pregnancy test is positive.

Nevertheless, a few weeks after fertilization at ectopic pregnancy appear characteristic symptoms, including:

  • Abnormal vaginal bleeding
  • Amenorrhea
  • Pain in the lower back
  • Cramping left or right suprapubic
  • Pain in the abdomen or pelvic area

In particularly serious cases, an ectopic pregnancy is accompanied by a sharp decrease in blood pressure, dizziness Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet  Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
   or loss of consciousness - all of these symptoms are caused by internal bleeding ectopic pregnancy.

When an ectopic pregnancy leads to rupture of the fallopian tube in the cavity which is the ovum, the symptoms are exacerbated by sharply: there fainting, pain radiating to the shoulder and the related impact of bleeding on the phrenic nerve, acute, sharp pain in the abdomen Abdominal pain: when to sound the alarm?  Abdominal pain: when to sound the alarm?

In some cases, bleeding in the first or second trimester of pregnancy may be caused by not ectopic pregnancy, and other factors.


Possible miscarriage

  • Vaginal bleeding occurs within the first twenty four weeks of pregnancy
  • Bleeding is a rare, episodic - brownish discharge to bright red spotting
  • After the appearance of bleeding observed spasmodic pain in the abdomen or pain in the lower back
  • The channel of the cervix (cervical canal) is closed (if the miscarriage is inevitable, to the listed symptoms of miscarriage Miscarriage - can you protect yourself from it?  Miscarriage - can you protect yourself from it?
   add disclosure of the cervical canal)


Molar pregnancy

  • Excessive, prolonged bleeding
  • Distinct symptoms of pregnancy
  • Education in the uterus multiple bubbles

Not associated with pregnancy bleeding in early pregnancy can be caused by:

  • Vaginitis
  • Cervical polyps, cervicitis Cervicitis - can cause infertility  Cervicitis - can cause infertility
   (inflammation of the cervix), cervical erosion
  • Cancer of the cervix, vagina, vulva
  • Urethral bleeding
