Treatment of Ureaplasma in pregnancy - always

January 24, 2013

 ureaplasmas treatment during pregnancy
 The share of women drops a lot of problems. Especially dangerous diseases during pregnancy. The most "bad" for pregnant sores are infections, sexually transmitted infections. Ureaplasmosis not apply to exceptions. Undoubtedly, before planning the baby must pass all tests and undergo therapy posited. But often the situation is as follows: ureaplasmosis determined only during gestation baby, and, accordingly, the question arises: should we treat ureaplasma during pregnancy? Of course not, although many of the antibiotics used in the treatment of this disease, have an adverse effect on the fetus.

 Treatment of Ureaplasma in pregnancy - always

What is ureaplasma

Ureaplasma - a microorganism that is something in between bacteria and viruses. As part of the cell ureaplasmas no DNA and the cell membrane, so they can easily penetrate into the cells of the infected person, which actively proliferate. Localized ureaplasmas in urogenital tract. Pregnancy is a favorable factor for the exacerbation of the disease (because of the weakening of the protective properties of the body). Ureaplasmas usually sexually transmitted, but possible infection of the fetus during its passage through the birth canal. Often ureaplasmosis Ureaplasmosis - inflammation of the urogenital system  Ureaplasmosis - inflammation of the urogenital system
   observed in women, leading a disorderly and antisocial lifestyle, as well as people with weakened immune systems Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults  Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults

 Treatment of Ureaplasma in pregnancy - always

Screening ureaplasmosis

Diagnosis ureaplasmosis is not complicated, but it is often used several methods of examination. These include:

  • or bacteriological culture method for diagnosis of (the contents of the cervical canal Cervical canal - the path traversed by every person  Cervical canal - the path traversed by every person
 , Vagina and urethra were seeded on a special medium, where for several days, often within 48 hours, grown ureaplasma);
  • polymerase chain reaction, or PCR (to determine the presence of the pathogen for five hours);
  • serological method (is to identify antibodies to antigens ureaplasmas, this method is used for venous blood);
  • method of direct immunofluorescence (PIF) and immunofluorescence assay (IFA).

 Treatment of Ureaplasma in pregnancy - always

Why is it necessary to treat ureaplasmosis during pregnancy?

Treatment ureaplasmosis during pregnancy, as stated above, is a prerequisite. Why is that? Firstly, the high risk of infection of the fetus during its passage through the birth canal mother in bearing-down period. In this case, ureaplasma detected in the nasopharynx and in the genital tract. Secondly, the woman suffering ureaplasmosis refers to a high risk of developing postnatal purulent-inflammatory complications (eg, endometritis). Furthermore, ureaplasmosis often a cause of miscarriage and prematurity (infection of the membranes of the fetus and the uterine cervix, which leads to the development of cervical incompetence or failure of the cervix).

 Treatment of Ureaplasma in pregnancy - always


Ureaplasmosis Treatment during pregnancy should be comprehensive and include a variety of factors. First. The queue therapy ureaplasmosis exposed not only a pregnant woman but also her sexual partner. During treatment, the disease is necessary to give up sex (for the prevention of re-infection or re-infection), as well as special diet. During treatment, the patient should ureaplasmosis refuse spicy food, strong tea and coffee, as well as the intake of alcohol (which, in general, and is not recommended for pregnant women).

The main stage in the treatment ureaplasmosis during pregnancy is antibiotics. Penicillin does not act on a ureaplasma, so appointed tetracyclines, fluoroquinolones, chloramphenicol. But these antibiotics have a negative impact on the fetus, therefore, to treat during pregnancy does not apply. The drugs of choice are antibiotics macrolide (Rovamycinum, vilprafen Vilprafen - modern highly effective and non-toxic antibiotic  Vilprafen - modern highly effective and non-toxic antibiotic
 Erythromycin). It should be noted that the treatment during pregnancy ureaplasmosis begin only after 22 weeks. In addition to antibiotic therapy on HIV prevention of miscarriage and fetal hypoxia.

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • ureaplasma

Should there be a highlight during pregnancy?

February 18, 2012

 Should there be a highlight during pregnancy
 All mucous membranes to a greater or lesser extent, secrete a fluid, otherwise they would just become a dried crust. Sexual organs during pregnancy secrete the contents under the influence of hormones, and since hormonal changes during pregnancy, and change the selection.

 Should there be a highlight during pregnancy?

Hormones and release in early pregnancy - while progesterone

In the first weeks of pregnancy (the first 12 weeks are called the first trimester) is the main hormone of the female sex hormone progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
 . In the second half of the menstrual cycle, the corpus luteum secretes its menstrual cycle, which is formed on the site of the ruptured follicle after ovulation (release of the egg from the ovary). After fertilization by sperm corpus luteum of the menstrual cycle gradually increases in size and becomes a corpus luteum of pregnancy, continuing to devote more progesterone.

Progesterone is vital in the early weeks of pregnancy to prevent spontaneous miscarriage Miscarriage - can you protect yourself from it?  Miscarriage - can you protect yourself from it?
 Until a fertilized egg as it should not be fixed in the wall of the uterus. Progesterone inhibits the contraction of the muscles of the uterus and makes the selection of the female genital tract thick and viscous. As a result of clogged lumen of the cervix - a way out of the uterus. The same mucus plug prevents the uterus infection.

Thus, under the action of progesterone in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy from the genital tract of women have the form of thick mucous clots, similar to chicken protein. The color they usually clear or slightly whitish. But if such separation have a yellow tint, it may also be the norm - for every woman has its own rate of appearance of the discharge.

To distinguish normal from abnormal discharge can smell (normal allocation are odorless and pathological have an unpleasant odor) and discomfort experienced by a woman - itching, burning, irritation of the tissues and so on.

In the event of abnormal discharge in the first trimester of pregnancy a woman should immediately contact the antenatal clinic, where after a laboratory study to establish an accurate diagnosis. If it is detected infectious and inflammatory diseases, the treatment it is usually carried out after the formation of the placenta.

 Should there be a highlight during pregnancy?

Hormonal and isolation from the second trimester of pregnancy - during estrogen

Starting from the second trimester of pregnancy, progesterone is gradually decreases slightly, while the number of female sex hormones estrogen increases. Estrogens - are hormones which form the first half of the menstrual cycle. Their task during the menstrual cycle - create optimum conditions for ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
   and fertilization, so under the influence of estrogen and liquid discharge becomes more abundant. Simultaneously, under the influence of estrogen grows lining of the uterus, increases in the volume of the chest, that is, the body prepares for pregnancy.

The same occurs in the second trimester of pregnancy. The fruit is already well entrenched in the uterus, and it no longer requires large amounts of progesterone. At the moment, the body of mother and child needs more estrogens, under the influence of all the internal and external genitalia and the breasts will grow rapidly and to prepare for childbirth and post-natal feeding baby Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice

Under the influence of estrogen from the genital tract of pregnant women are liquid and more abundant, their number increases as you approach birth. Highlight color is different, they may be colorless, whitish, tinged with gray, yellow. They still should not have an unpleasant smell and cause discomfort, that is, burning and itching. If discomfort still appeared, then you need to seek antenatal care and to conduct a full examination.

 Should there be a highlight during pregnancy?

Proper care during pregnancy is - the basis of maternal and child health

Pregnant woman in the care of themselves should observe the following rules:

  • twice a day to take a warm shower, and should wash their genitals with warm water without soap or with special means for intimate hygiene, which clean the skin and mucous membranes wash with water only;
  • the direction in which the moving stream of water and hand movements have to be from front to back, it is necessary to infectious agents from the anus did not get on the genitals;
  • after showering genitals wipe clean soft towel individually;
  • you can not wear a thong - they irritate the mucous membrane of the external genitalia, and then in small wounds can get infected;
  • all personal hygiene of pregnant women should be hypoallergenic.

Discharges during pregnancy are always challenge a woman to notice trouble and seek medical advice.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • separation during pregnancy
