How to take bifiform: Pick age

September 19, 2011

 The Danish pharmaceutical company Ferrosan produces a series of probiotics (preparations containing beneficial microorganisms that live in the human gut and help you digest food) bifiform for the treatment and prevention of dysbacteriosis in children and adults.

 How to take bifiform: Pick age

Types bifiform

Bifiform is a combined preparation, which is composed of multiple components, has a normalizing effect on the intestinal microflora. It produced the drug in different forms, which include different probiotics:

  • bifiform Bifiform - Drug Usage  Bifiform - Drug Usage
   Capsules containing bifidobacteria and enterococci, which are natural inhabitants of the human intestine; Excipients are the breeding ground, which helps beneficial bacteria to multiply in the gut; Capsules are acid and soluble only in the human gut; recommended for the treatment of dysbacteriosis in adults and children older than two years;
  • bifiform baby - biologically active food supplement in powder with different flavors contains lactobacilli, bifidobacteria, vitamins B1 and B6; It recommended for children older than one year as a means for the prevention of dysbiosis;
  • bifiform baby - biologically active food supplement in the form of chewable tablets, contains lactobacilli, bifidobacteria, vitamins B1 and B6; It recommended for children older than three years as a means for the prevention of dysbiosis;
  • bifiform baby - biologically active food supplement, issued in the form of droplets containing Bifidobacterium, Streptococcus thermophilus and substances necessary for their engraftment in the gut and active reproduction; recommended for the prevention of dysbacteriosis in children from birth.

 How to take bifiform: Pick age

Features drug administration bifiform

Bifiform capsules contain a sufficient amount of bacteria - the natural inhabitants of the intestine, which helps inhibit the reproduction of conditionally pathogenic and pathogenic microorganisms, so it is recommended not only for prevention, but also for the treatment of dysbacteriosis and intestinal disorders of various origins. Bifiform contains resistant to antibiotics Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?  Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
   microorganism strains therefore compatible with antibacterial therapy.

Bifiform Take one capsule (not liquid) three times a day regardless of the meal. Standard treatment of dysbiosis 2 - 3 weeks, but the doctor can establish other terms of treatment. When intestinal disorders -trehdnevnogo only two of the drug in order to restore the function of the intestine.

Bifiform capsule restores a normal relationship between the beneficial and pathogenic microflora intestine, exhibits pronounced antagonistic activity against pathogenic and opportunistic pathogenic microorganisms, stimulates the gastrointestinal tract in children and adults.

 How to take bifiform: Pick age

How to take dietary supplements bifiform baby

Supplements bifiform kid contain different combinations of active ingredients, which operates more smoothly and more suitable for the child's body. As powders and chewable tablets containing bifidobacteria, lactobacilli and vitamin B B vitamins: the body useful helpers  B vitamins: the body useful helpers
 . Recently, along with useful microflora actively involved in normalizing the balance of intestinal microflora.

Bifiform kid is recommended for the prevention of infections and intestinal dysbiosis in children Dysbacteriosis children - Digestive Disorders  Dysbacteriosis children - Digestive Disorders
   from one to three years, for example, when traveling, especially in summer when a great danger to pick up an intestinal infection, during stressful situations for the child (for example, when you first visit the kindergarten) to restore immunity after a viral infection after antibiotic treatment.

Take bifiform baby inside, regardless of the meal. Powders for children with one to three years for powder give 2 - 3 times a day, throwing his boiled water, milk or baby food. Children older than three years, you can take two powder three times a day.

Bifiform kid in a chewable orange-raspberry flavor prescribed to children from three years to one tablet three times a day, over three years - two tablets three times a day for at least five days.

 How to take bifiform: Pick age

How to take supplements bifiform baby

Bifiform baby - is a unique dietary supplement that can be given to children from birth. It includes not only microorganisms useful for the digestive system, but also for their nutrition, whereby bacteria rapidly take root in the body.

Bifiform baby is available in vials containing oily solution and powder. When preparing the mixture, the powder is mixed with an oil solution. Strictly in accordance with the instructions necessary to prepare the mixture and dispense it by means of a special pipette, one dose daily for at least 10 days.

Bifiform, bifiform toddler and baby bifiform - drugs that help restore the digestive tract.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • bifiform

Enema child - how to put it right

August 19th, 2010

 Enema child
 The enema may require child of any age. Of particular importance are the enema in the first few months of life, it is not yet formed a natural intestinal microflora, which helps digest food. During this period, the child is constantly having problems with the intestines: constipation, diarrhea, bloating and so on.

 Enema child - how to put it right

Types of enemas and rules of conduct

Enema - This procedure of introducing fluid into the rectum for therapeutic or diagnostic purposes. With the purpose of treatment used cleansing, laxative (including oil), medicinal and nutritional enema. Diagnostic enema - an introduction into the rectum of contrast agents for subsequent X-ray examination.

For carrying young children used enema syringe (pyriform small rubber cylinders), a soft tip of the same material (a continuation of the syringe), or with disposable tips of hard plastic.

The volume of these syringes can be from 30 to 360 ml.

To make an infant enema, a syringe sterilized by boiling (30 minutes), and then dial them the necessary amount of liquid, the tip is lubricated with a sterile baby cream or oil. The child is placed on the left side, bending his knees, then his buttocks and pushing gently, without pressure is introduced to a depth of 3-5 cm tip of the syringe (pre-need to pick up the syringe tip and let the air out of it by clicking on the bottom) . With the introduction of the tip of it should be directed first bit (2 cm) forward, then, minuv internal and external sphincters (special circular muscle, close and open the lumen of the intestine) anus, a little back to a depth of 2-3 cm, then Slowly push the bottom of the syringe.

The liquid is introduced during inhalation child (but not in any way under high pressure), when he breathes and cries, this process is temporarily suspended. After liquid is introduced, it is necessary to bring the tip and gently compress the buttocks with his hands, by holding them in this state for about a minute. After this, the child can be put on the back, then turn to the other side and belly. In this case, the liquid spreads throughout the intestine.

To carry out a cleansing enema for children older than three years, enjoy a mug Esmarch. Its volume is much larger, and the syringe is 1, 5-2 liters. Inflow rate of fluid is controlled by means of a crane, placed on a rubber tube or a special clamp. After an enema child should lie down for about 10 minutes (it is better if it will roll over) until intensify peristalsis and will urge the act of defecation.

 Enema child - how to put it right

Enema for children

Enema is performed with constipation, bloating (if not help venting tube), prior to the various types of studies of the gastrointestinal tract, before leading into the rectum drugs.

For enema nursing baby Baby man, though with a little finger  Baby man, though with a little finger
   introduced boiled water, heated to a temperature below the temperature of the dark of the body (for older children, the water can be a little cool). The amount of water depends on the age and weight of the child and the first six months of life to 30-60 ml with six months to a year - to 150 ml, with 1 to 2 years - to 200 ml with 2 to 5 years - 300 ml, 5 9 years - 400 ml, over 10 years - 0, 5 liters.

In order to enhance the cleaning action of enemas, children under one year in the water you can add a little vegetable oil or glycerin (no more than a teaspoon).

Cleansing enemas are contraindicated in suspected that a child has an acute surgical diseases (intestinal obstruction, acute appendicitis, and so on), as well as in various diseases of the rectum.

 Enema child - how to put it right

Purgative enema for children

At older ages can be carried laxative enema - oil and glycerol.

Sometimes they are also used as a therapeutic for the treatment of inflammatory bowel. These enemas are particularly indicated when muscle spasms bowel accompanied by constipation, as the oil in the gut and cleaved it irritates the mucosa of the intestine, increasing its locomotor activity and promoting easier bowel.

For such an enema in the rectum using a syringe injected 40-180 ml slightly warmed vegetable oil or 5-10 ml of purified glycerin Glycerine: a miracle ingredient for skin and hair  Glycerine: a miracle ingredient for skin and hair
 . After such an enema chair appears in a few hours (usually in the morning, if the enema is done for the night).

Another type of laxative enemas - with hypertonic sodium chloride solution (10% solution - 10 g of salt per 100 ml water), which attracts water and thereby cleanses the bowel. It is better to do in the event that does not work the muscles of the intestine, it does not move and promotes stool (constipation atonic). The effect of such an enema comes after about half an hour.

 Enema child - how to put it right

Drugs and nutritional enema for children

For medicinal enemas infants often not used syringe, and special elastic tubes (catheters) through which the medication can enter through a syringe for accurate dose. Half an hour before administration of the enema is usually performed only after bowel cleansing Colon Cleansing - How to put an enema?  Colon Cleansing - How to put an enema?
   the medicine was injected. For this purpose it is possible to introduce many drugs, they are absorbed in the intestine faster than by oral administration.

Nutrient enemas do as well as medicines. This is often required when uncontrollable vomiting. The intestines are introduced weak solutions of glucose Glucose: The energy source  Glucose: The energy source
   and high salt solutions.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • enema
