Children up to two years: curiosity and independence

November 19, 2013

 child up to two years
   Every child develops at their own pace, and you can not say in advance exactly when your child begins to walk, talk, and so on. Typical of a say about what the average child must learn up to two years; if he can not all of the general list, no need to worry - the fact that someone is slightly ahead in the development of its age, but someone a little behind the norm.


Social skills a child up to two years

  • The child imitates the behavior of others - especially older children and adults.
  • He becomes aware of himself as a separate person.
  • The child is more like spending time in the company of other children.


Emotional sphere

  • Child shows increasing independence.
  • He did not always obey their parents, and sometimes been frustrated for no apparent reason.
  • Anxiety caused by parting with their parents is particularly strong to the age of about six months, and then gradually subside, although it may be felt at the age of two years.


Intellectual development

  • For two years the child is already quite easy to find hidden objects.
  • He already can classify objects by shape and color, and some other characteristics.
  • The child begins to play "for fun".


Speech development

  • A child can correctly point to objects and their images, to name them aloud.
  • Recognizes names of familiar people, the names of body parts.
  • By 15-18 months the child already speaks a few isolated words.
  • By 18-24 months, he begins to use simple phrases.
  • Many of the children of two years already constitute offers from two to four words.
  • A child can follow simple instructions.
  • Repeats words overheard in conversations of others.


Physical development

  • A child of two years can walk independently without support.
  • Many two-year-children go while moving toys - usually cars or horse on wheels, but it can be stuffed animals and other toys.
  • The child begins to run and get up on his toes, kicking the ball, climb on furniture without help.
  • The child down and up the stairs holding a railing or hand maintainers.



  • The child begins to display their own doodle pencils and pens.
  • Can independently turn the not too big and heavy container, and shake the contents of it.
  • Builds tower of four or more blocks.
  • The child is already beginning to use one hand more often than others.

Experts recommend to consult a doctor if a child under two years have any of these possible signs of underdevelopment:

  • The child has not learned to walk at 18 months;
  • The child does not develop a mature gait, with the movement of the foot from heel to toe, a few months after he started to walk, or a child walks only on his toes;
  • Child 18 months to know at least fifteen words;
  • In two years the child does not speak sentences of a minimum of two words;
  • For fifteen months the child, apparently not familiar with the usual household items - toothbrushes Toothbrushes - make no mistake in choosing  Toothbrushes - make no mistake in choosing
 , Telephone, doorbell, forks, spoons, and so on;
  • The child does not imitate the actions and words of adults;
  • The two-year child can not follow simple instructions;
  • The two-year child can not take over a toy on wheels;
  • The child suddenly began to lose previously acquired skills.


How to stimulate the development of the child up to two years?

At the age of two to three years, children absorb information faster than ever before in his life. Therefore, it is important that at this time the parents introduced them to the basics of writing, reading, mathematics, and helped to develop the basic skills necessary for life.

Describes in detail the actions of their child and encourage him to do the same. It contributes to the development of speech, thought and concentration.

Buy children's books with large print and very clear picture. Thanks to them the child will remember the names of common objects, as well as letters and words.

Watch with your child cartoons in foreign languages. It is believed that in the future the child will be easier to learn the language, if it often enough heard it at an early age. If you know more than one language, occasionally talk to them with the child (at least one). Do not be afraid that the child's head is formed from a hodge-podge of different languages ​​- bilingual families experience shows that children can very well absorb more than one language. It is important that the child heard the language - then it will form the foundation on which later would form a good and grammatical rules, and a large vocabulary.

Buy alphabet magnets, and makes a child new words every day. Suppose he puts the letter in any order - even if it will make sense, try to read it aloud: it amuse you and your child; In any case, the game is more important to him than study. Up to two years of a child does not learn a lot of letters, but thanks to such games then it will be much easier to learn to read.

Remember that the physical development of the child is directly related to intellectual development. Take him as much as possible - walk, dance, run, play ball, and so on.

Encourage young researchers, who lives in your child. In simple words, talks about what he is interested in - for dogs, birds, trees, flowers, and so on. If he wants something to touch, do not forbid it (of course, except when it can be dangerous). At the same time begin to teach him respect for nature - explain why you can not throw garbage anywhere, and why you should not pick flowers and then throw them.

Accept the fact that almost all the cognitive activity of the child up to two years is associated with certain disadvantages for parents. Child stain clothes, smearing food on the plate and the table, throwing toys and other objects - this is normal, and it needs to stop as little as possible. It is better to simply remove away things that are a danger to him, or very expensive to you and provide the child with maximum freedom of activity - in this case, of course, continuing to take care of his safety.

Article Tags:
  • child development

Four common mistakes moms and how to fix them

March 26, 2012

  • Four common mistakes moms and how to fix them
  • Creek and the ability to share

 common mistakes moms
 Do not give the oncoming baby to sleep during the day to quickly put it in the evening. Do not intervene when a child picks up toys from other children. Yield of irritation when a child is tired and cranky. This mistake that many inexperienced mothers. Fortunately, to raise a child a better person, not necessarily be a perfect mother.

"Ball", "go", "no", "cocoa". These are the words most often heard from the kid who makes the first steps, and only masters in the world. In dvadtsatimesyachnogo Austin have another favorite word he learned to pronounce almost faultlessly, and that word - "candy." Not only that, he became addicted to sweets - he knows how to get them. His mother came in a sticky situation - it gave Austin and his three-year sister Avery candy every time they had to wear, to put on and calm the word, get something done. This technique of "persuasion" gives quick results, but after a while you run into a problem - the child will flatly refuse to do anything without proper encouragement. Any mom knows that it is impossible to do so, but an hour when you can not calm the child, in the course are all means.

As a consequence, women often do not think we coped with his "work" and considers himself a bad mother. She shares her problems with her friends, which gives temporary relief and helps to draw conclusions for the future. But even frank conversations with girlfriends on "how difficult it is to be a mom," are not able to remove the unpleasant aftertaste of failure. Home -use specific problematic situations to find out what will help you change for the better, as advised by psychologists.


I do not let my daughter sleep during the day - under any circumstances

Trying to put the baby to bed after dinner, Natasha turned into a real war .  Over the years, her mother struggled long and hard to teach her to sleep and calm afternoon Natasha at least an hour .  But the little girl did not give up without a fight, she was crying, screaming, suchila legs and even once fidgeted so strongly that overturned cradle .  Then one day my mother Natasha discovered that if the girl does not sleep during the day, it is easier to put in the evening .  However, after dinner, when Natasha started to act up, she had a hard time .  If the girl began to fall asleep, she immediately woke her tickling or loud music, even though she knew that Natasha would not hurt to sleep to regain strength .  But as a result of manipulation by the evening Natasha was emptied from exhaustion, and seven in the evening obediently went to sleep, after which her mother could finally do their own thing: read, browse email, social networking and watch your favorite TV series .

Do not blame yourself: Children over three years old do not need a day dream, experts say. Furthermore, some children under three years also can dispense with naps, if after their evening hard pack. Children under six years of age must go to bed no later than half past eight in the evening. So if you have an active toddler, put him to sleep during the day it is not necessary.

How to rectify the situation: when a child comes out of the so-called "sleeping area", get it for classes that do not require a lot of energy, such as painting or drawing table games (you can also read it out loud). At this time, the baby's body is resting and his mind works. If the baby falls asleep in the stroller or car during the day, there is nothing wrong to gently wake him up. And what to do in the event that if the baby does not get the required 11-13 hours of sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
   per day (according to statistics, children are "underserved" an average of three to four hours of sleep a night, as sleep less than nine hours)? Experts recommend to put him ahead of time, for example, eight, and seven o'clock in the evening to make up for "shortage."


I sent a sick child to school

Rather than wait for the full recovery of the child, Natasha's mother sent the girl to school, where she was soon summoned from the fact that Natasha fell ill in the classroom (the temperature of a child approaching 38 degrees). A woman in a panic rushed to the pediatrician, who scolded her for negligence - it turns out, the child must stay in bed (or, at least, at home) during the day, after sleeping temperature and the disease has receded.

Do not blame yourself, let's face it, most small children are ill very often. And sometimes it's hard to see a child ill, or simply upset about something. If you do not let the child to school every time he sniffling, he did not come home. Just try to do everything in your power.

How to rectify the situation if your child has a high fever, vomiting, or other symptoms suggestive of viral infection, such as strep throat, he should stay at home. If, after taking antibiotics Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?  Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
   within 24 hours of the child has become better, and dangerous symptoms have disappeared, perhaps should no longer miss classes (if your child feels fine). Even if some of the symptoms are still present, the child is unlikely to infect their classmates.
