Naughty child: a guide to action

November 26, 2013

 disobedient child
 One of the most common phrases that parents use when speaking of her children: "I do not understand why he / she behaves! ". Such emotions Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code  Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code
   usually causes a naughty child. My parents do not really understand the reasons for the bad behavior of the child, whom they tried to raise the birth good and obedient. However, nothing happens without a reason - and children do not go against the will of parents just like that. What are the causes of unruly behavior, and how to cope with a child who stubbornly wants to do things his own way?


Reason №1. A child checks the strength of the parents

Not literally, of course. The main task of the child and the adult - to understand how the world works, and learn how to interact with it so get what you need and want. Features a child for study of the world and produce a desired enormously dependent on their parents, and so he is constantly trying to find the limits of what is permitted and the limits of patience of people, from which depends for its prosperity. Throw a fork, a spoon, a plate on the floor and see what would happen; refuse food and see what would happen; refuse to go to sleep, run away from his mother during a walk: it all - how to verify the strength of the parents. He probes you to understand that the more you let him, and which will have to stop.

What to do? Set clear rules and restrictions, and follow them religiously. It is impossible today to allow the child to violate the ban, and tomorrow be punished for the same offense. He should be fully aware that the rules are always alone. The presence of such rules is not only the parents makes life safer, but also helps the child to become more confident - oddly enough, the lack of defined boundaries in life leads to insecurity in children and sometimes to serious psychological problems.


Reason №2. Different levels of expectations in school and at home

Consistency is extremely important for the child to feel comfortable and confident. If he notices that the school he is required is much greater than at home, or vice versa, and, consequently, in its home and school behavior and personality evaluated differently, this can lead to severe stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
 , One manifestation of which is the naughty behavior.

To conduct has improved, it is necessary to eliminate the contradictions .  Talk to your child's class teacher and find out exactly how it communicates with the children how to resolve conflicts, what to expect from them, how to encourage and punishes .  Explain what methods of discipline do you use .  As the teacher is unlikely to be radically change their behavior (after all, he had many disciples, and a great experience, and probably in large part of his working methods), you will need to change .  Try the house to use the same methods used by the teacher - perhaps in slightly different forms, adapted to the home environment .  It is not necessary to copy the teacher; Your challenge is that the child did not have the feeling that in school and at home he is treated as two completely different people .  It should be noted that such measures are necessary only if the level of expectations in school and at home, as well as educational methods really are very different .


Reason №3. The child does not understand the rules, or the parents of the requirements of the unreasonable demands

Sometimes, children want too much. Making demands and setting the rules, you should always take into account the age and level of development of the child. For example, it is wrong to require a two-year child removed from his room, and expect it to fully handle the job. At this age, your child will need help and guidance of parents.

Parents should read books on child development, to get an idea of ​​what and at what age it should be able to do. Furthermore, the ability of great importance. If a child is not given the mathematics is not required of him that he received on this subject, and five participated in the Mathematical Olympiads.


Reason №4. The child seeks independence

Since about two years, children are becoming more independent, and at the same age problems start because of disobedience. The child wants to decide when he sleep, eat, get dressed, brush your teeth How to brush your teeth: interesting facts  How to brush your teeth: interesting facts
   - A natural phenomenon, although it is very unpleasant for parents.

Give your child as many opportunities to make decisions independently. Ask him where he wants to go for a walk, he cook some porridge, along with him, choose the clothes in the store, and so on. Thus, the child is at least partly to satisfy his need to show independence, and it would be less reason to rebel.


Reason №5. The child is sick, hungry, tired, or he wants to sleep

If a child misbehaves, first of all, you need to make sure that he feels good. Maybe he did not get enough sleep on a regular basis and gets tired - you should pay attention to its schedule and may slightly reduce the burden on the child.


Reason №6. The child does not have enough information and experience

When a child first enters the road, he did not know that you need to first look at both sides to make sure that no cars, and only then move on. All this he must explain to the parents. The same is required in many other situations. The child should be repeated several times, how to behave in a given situation, before he will remember this and will act accordingly. Explain the rules of conduct should be relaxed; If you shout at the child, all that he will understand - it is what you are angry, and the words to it simply does not reach. Be sure explains their demands: a "no, no" in answer to the question whether it is possible to climb a tree, a child may be perceived as normal parental whim. But if you explain to him that he could fall and be seriously injured, the attitude to the ban will be different.


Reason №7. Baby copy the behavior of parents

If parents are constantly swear, do not reckon with opinion and do not fulfill the requests of each other, the child probably will behave well. Pay attention to your own behavior before calling the child naughty.

Article Tags:
  • child psychology

Educational toys: what to choose

November 25, 2013

  • Educational toys: what to choose
  • Purchase

 educational toys
 Educational toys help the child will explore the world and discover a variety of abilities. They give him the opportunity to not only play, but also to use the skills on which he was able in his young age.



For the development of the child cubes are almost as important as multivitamins - for physical health. Playing with blocks, children not only develop the skills of large and small motor skills - at the same time they learn many other things, from the basic laws of physics and the basic concepts of mathematics, to solve organizational and other problems. According to specialists, the children who play with a lot of cubes in a school are higher grades in math than those who prefer other childhood toys. At different ages children play with blocks in different ways, but in any case, these games are very useful.

Children under two years of virtually no building of cubes - they are more successful in their scatter and collected in piles, and sometimes put two or three cubes on each other. However, in this age, they get an idea of ​​the weight, stability and balance, although there may still not be aware of such words. And, of course, playing with the child quickly learns cubes law that the planet can not disobey the - the law of terrestrial gravity. Children learn well, that all can be built to break - and often destroying the buildings out of blocks that have built their older brothers and sisters. This can lead to trouble, but that's how children learn.

For three years the child usually begins to put blocks both vertically and horizontally, but is doing so without a specific purpose .  Finally, after three years, children begin to really build cubes - they can try to construct buildings that are seen in the city center, in the cinema, or doing something on his own architectural plan .  Now the child is beginning to understand that more designs need a good foundation, and three dice better not to try to put four, and even more - five dice .  Children over four years starting to build a building with windows - they make a discovery that, if you put two cubes at a certain distance from each other, the top can be put another way, that the structure will not collapse, and get a wall with a window or door .  Thus, over time, the design of the dice are becoming more complex .  It is not necessary to prompt the child exactly how to build what he wants; the most that you can do - is to build a building, when he is asleep or busy with something else, and to give himself to think about exactly how it is built, and why not drop .

Cubes with letters - also a great toy with which a child can memorize the letters, without making any effort. Children over four years can not just add words such bricks, but also to build a building, the walls of which are made up of different words - it is not easy, but very useful task for a young architect.



Designer - this is another toy, already familiar to generations. Like the classic plastic Lego and more complex metal designers, details of which are held together by bolts and nuts, well develop creative thinking, the ability to planning and analysis, and along with fine motor skills. Young children - aged up to three years - you should buy the designers with major details that the child can not swallow. The older the child becomes, the more difficult it should become designers; find the time that construct something together with your child, and be sure to praise him, to keep his interest.


Children Microscopes

Your child will certainly be interesting and definitely - very useful - to know how to look like the usual things at high magnification. Children are happy to consider under the microscope not only water and other substances, which are home to a variety of micro-organisms, but also their own skin, fabric, grass, flowers, and much more. If you have forgotten that studied in school biology classes, it's time to brush up on your knowledge so that you can answer the questions of a child who is required to appear.

At the microscope cost to give your child a textbook on biology, designed especially for children 4-6 years. In these books is available, without complicated terminology presents the basic concepts of biology - thanks to such information, the child will be easier to understand what he sees when he looks into a microscope. Children microscope stimulates intellectual development, but also improves the creative abilities - from an early age the child starts to think beyond what is available to the naked human eye, and it promotes unconventional thinking. Alternatively, you can give a child with binoculars or a magnifying glass - they also help to see what is not usually visible to the eye.


Glasses for kapstekinga

These are special glasses, which make up pyramids of different heights. Kapstekingom assembly called the pyramids of these glasses on speed. This game improves coordination, motor skills, promotes the development of analytical thinking. If you play to kapsteking speed, your child will learn to think quickly and make decisions under tight time constraints - a skill that will be useful at any age. Kapstekinga can be used for conventional plastic cups, provided that they have at least 9-12 pieces, and they are all the same size.
