The development of a child's speech - the stages of language acquisition

November 19, 2013

 the development of a child's speech
 The development of a child's speech begins in the first year after his birth, and this process continues throughout life. In the first twelve months of life, children develop the skills necessary for the further development of speech. In the first three years of life children understand much more than they can say.

In the development of speech, the child not only to learn to communicate and express their feelings, but also to understand the feelings of others, to solve the problems faced by them, to develop and maintain relationships. The ability to understand it and use it in everyday life is the most important step to literacy development of reading and writing skills in the future.


How can you help develop a child's speech

The best way to help your child develop faster and better speech - to communicate with them as often as possible.

  • Talk with your child and treat him as an equal partner in communication

This should be done in the first year of his life. When a small child makes some sounds, babbles, making hand gestures or just looking at you - he communicates with you. When you finish talking, pause, and wait until the child responds. Try to answer him the likeness of the sounds that he produces - you will notice that it will make your communication more lively. There are different opinions about whether to use an adult in dealing with young children babble imitation. Currently, experts believe that this can be done from time to time - such "conversations" bring a lot of fun for both children and adults. But, of course, do not forget to communicate with your child and normal, "adult" human language.

  • Do not disregard the gestures and words

When the baby is a little older, it will turn to others with the help of gestures and words (or sounds resembling words); be sure to react to them. For example, if the child shakes his head, treat it as a failure. If it points to a toy, he will likely want to tell you that he likes her, and he wants to play with it. Give him the toy and see what will happen next: perhaps the child will try to tell you something else. At an early stage of development of speech it is not only the content of the communication process, but also the fact that there is a communication - that the child pay attention to him and his answer ready to listen. Children who grow up without parents, in institutions (or in families with not too attentive parents), it often develops slowly, precisely because they lack communication and positive reinforcement.

  • Talk about what's going on

Tell me baby, why and where you go, what you do, you see, and so on. Use as many different words. It does not matter as long as the child understands not all - is now his memory, like a sponge, it absorbs what he sees and hears, and all this in the future will be crucial for its further development.

  • Read your child books

First, you can show your child pictures in books and tell what they depict, and listen to what he thinks about the child (in whatever way he or expressed). Then read on, and links to read a story that happens in your life. Do not limit a dozen children's books that you have at home - buy or take new books in the library, the child receives as many fresh impressions.

  • Supports the initiative of the child

If a child begins to talk himself, support him, and did not deviate from the topic, even if you have to repeat several times the same thing.

  • Repeat and complement what the child says

For example, if he says, "Apple", tell him: "Do you want an apple? Do you want a red apple? I want a red apple. Let both of us eat on a red apple. " So the child will easily learn grammar and learn new words.

  • Encourage your child stories

When a child begins to talk about his games, how was your day in kindergarten and so on, listen and encourage him. Sami asked him to tell how he spent the day with his offer to make plans for the weekend, and after a joint visit together to discuss what you have seen and learned.


How is it

  • 3-12 months

During this period, the baby laughing, playing with sounds and begins to communicate with gestures. Babble - a very important stage in language development of the child in the first year; children can babble, mimicking the people around it, or simply expressing their attitude to what is happening around.

  • 12-18 months

At this time, the children usually say first words - maybe not very clear, but they give them the correct value (called mom - mom, dad - dad, cat - a cat, and so on). To eighteen months in the dictionary of the child usually has about fifty words. If the child is not twelve months babbles and does not use gestures, you must talk to your doctor.

  • from 18 months to 2 years

By the end of the second year of life, children's vocabulary increases to approximately 300 words, and the child begins to put the words in short sentences. His speech has become clear enough for the parents, and he knows almost everything that is said to him.

  • 2-3 years

The child says more long and complex sentences and pronounce words the right thing. At this age, children often play and talk at the same time. This three year old child is usually clear enough even for strangers; for parents to understand it is not difficult.

  • 35 years

A preschooler can pronounce fairly long speech, and often - on abstract themes. His vocabulary is growing rapidly, he says, most of the words correctly, using the basic rules of grammar, and experimenting with more complex sentences.

Article Tags:
  • child development

Smart kid: develop fine motor skills

November 25, 2013

  • Smart kid: develop fine motor skills
  • Exercises

 smart kid develop fine motor skills
 Gross motor skills - walking, running, jumping, and so on - in children usually develop very actively: so much so that sometimes some parents want to have their kids were a little less energy. Fine motor skills are no less important for the full development - these include, first of all, the various movements of the fingers and brush: drawing, writing, and so on.


How to stimulate the development of fine motor skills

Everyone who dealt with small children, and had heard the words "I myself! "I know that children usually do not have to ask twice, they agreed to try something new. Of course, the child did not get everything at once, but it must be given the opportunity to try. This applies to simple daily tasks, many of which perfectly develops fine motor skills - without any special exercises.


Scatter toys and collect toys

Both of these activities help develop fine motor skills. In both cases, the child takes and throws (or gently puts) toy - as a rule, children are rarely overturned a box of toys, all at once tumbling to the floor. Typically, the child pulls toys from the shelves and out of the box on its own initiative, as he began to put their often need a little help from adults. Ask your child not only to remove toys, and to do it according to certain rules: for example, put a great toy in one box, and small - to another. Allow him to take small toys - for fine motor skills is the most useful.

If the child is scattered plastic beads or other small items, ask them to collect them in a box with tweezers. It's funny, it is not too easy (even an adult could not immediately turn), and is very useful for fine motor skills.


Separate putting things

Buttons, zippers and other fasteners on clothing are a great "trainer" for the development of fine motor skills. Allow your child to dress and undress yourself and buy yourself or sew clothes for his favorite toys - let him dress up in their fun. If a child is really like to dress up to provide at his disposal as many things with which it is easy to handle - old dresses, jackets with big buttons, scarves, and so on. To lock the buttons and zippers, tying scarves - all this helps to improve the coordination of movements of the fingers.



Children aged between 12 and 18 months is usually the first attempt to draw something or to write on paper or other surfaces. The child, who turned a half or two years, may have to please the parents drawings, which show the vertical and horizontal lines, and sometimes circles. Praise the child and provide him with material for further creative growth as well as for the development of fine motor skills. Buy as many as possible of paper - the best, large-format, crayons and pencils. You can even paste over the wall in the children's white wallpaper and allow the child to draw them - after all, there is little that restricts creativity as angry cries of the parents when the child first tries to paint on the wallpaper (and try almost everything).

Do not forget about drawing his fingers for the development of fine motor skills to keep the tool (pencil) and manipulate them less important than the ability to coordinate to move directly to the fingers and hands.



The children are very well developed kinesthetic perception of the channel, and can be used to develop fine motor skills. Buy baby plasticine, show him what to do with it, and do not forget to regularly praise the fruits of his work. No need to tell the child that these cats what he is blind, does not happen in nature: first, fine motor skills develop in a child only, which means that the hand is not perfectly obey him; Second, the child perceives the world differently, and not the fact that his perception of the less true than yours. The task of parents - only to encourage creativity of children; the direction they choose themselves.

If you're going to bake something, ask the child blind from cookie dough. Finally, on the beach, you can build sand castles, or to put the tower of stones - they are also developing fine motor skills.


The Glass Bead Game

Buy in-store a large multi-colored beads and sprinkle it on a tray with high edges. Put on the table a few cups and have a child expanded beads of different colors in different cups. You can do this race - then you will need two sets of beads, two trays and two times more cups. When a child plays the game, some of the older must see to it that he does not swallow the beads.


Playing with clothespins

For this game you need a cardboard box (for example, a shoe), and clothespins. Problem children - attach as many pegs to the edges of the box. From your point of view, it may seem easy, but for a child who has developed fine motor skills are not very good, is not easy. That game was even more useful and interesting, glue the edges of the box small round stickers inscribed with different letters on them, and write the same letters on the clothespin. The child will have to attach clothespins so that the letters on them coincide with the letters on the stickers.


Bolts and nuts

Buy a few nuts and bolts of different sizes, and ask your child to fasten the nuts to the bolts, and then - to unscrew them. This exercise effectively develop fine motor skills and coordination.


Pictures of beans

You will need a thick paper or cardboard, glue, a pencil and beans of various shapes and colors (beans, red lentils, green lentils, chickpeas, and so on). Encourage your child to draw on paper, man, house, tree, or something else, and then lay out the pattern beans, and carefully glue them. Beans can be used instead of nuts, nut shells, wood chips, bumps and more.
