Pacifier - more harm than good
October 31, 2010
- Pacifier - more harm than good
- How to choose
Most children sucking reflex is well developed, and there's nothing you can do. Many children suck his thumb in the womb, so do not expect them to get rid of this habit. Besides the fact that sucking power directly associated with it and has a calming effect. Therefore, without a pacifier it is very difficult to do, especially in the first months of life. Parents need to understand that it is an essential attribute of a child as diapers, diapers and sliders. However, they must decide whether to use a pacifier, or not, carefully weighing all the "pros" and "cons".
In some cases, pacifier - the only way to calm your baby between feedings. Pediatricians are the following advantages of a pacifier:
- nipple helps to calm a restless baby. Some children are simply physically can not calm down, if not busy sucking.
- nipple for a while distracted child. The nipple can be useful during the vaccination, blood sampling for tests or other unpleasant procedures for the baby.
- teat helps the baby to sleep. If the baby can not sleep and long tossing and turning, the nipple will help him to quickly calm down and fall asleep.
- nipple can ease the discomfort of the child during air travel. A small child can not protect the ears reflexively at a pressure drop, swallowing or yawning, so the nipple is very useful in such cases.
- nipple helps reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome - the cause has not yet been found
(SIDS). The researchers found an association between pacifier use during sleep
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and reduced risk of SIDS.
- You can get rid of the pacifiers. When it comes time to give up the use of pacifiers, you can throw it away. Get rid of this habit is much more difficult if the child prefers to suck his thumb.
Of course, the habit of sucking a pacifier has disadvantages, in particular:
- pacifier use may interfere with breast-feeding. Breastfeeding is different from sucking pacifiers or bottles, and some children are very sensitive to these differences. Studies show that the use of pacifiers at an early age due to the decrease in the period of breastfeeding, though it is unclear whether the problems are caused by breastfeeding nipple, or, conversely, the nipple is their decision.
- the child can be formed dependent on pacifiers. If the baby can not sleep without a pacifier at night, he can often wake up and cry when the pacifier falls out of his mouth.
- pacifier use may increase the risk of infection of the middle ear. However, the probability of infection of the middle ear, usually the most reduced in the first six months of life, which is exactly that, when a high risk of sudden infant death syndrome, and the child needs most pacifier.
- prolonged use of pacifiers can lead to dental problems. Irregular use of pacifiers in the first years of life is not a problem with your teeth or gums, but constant use of pacifiers can lead to the fact that the child's upper front teeth forward or bulge will grow properly.
Terms of Use dummy
If you decide to still give your baby a pacifier, consider these tips:
- Wait until you set the mode of breastfeeding
Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!
. Be patient. Formation of the feeding regime may take several weeks or more. When breastfeeding Pediatrics recommends giving your baby a pacifier not earlier than 4-6 weeks of age.
- Do not use a pacifier as a panacea for all ills. Sometimes it is enough to turn a crying child or lull him to calm down. Let your baby a pacifier only after feeding or between feedings. Do not let your child suck on a pacifier during the day.
- Choose orthodontic silicone pacifier. It is less susceptible to deformation. Do not buy pacifiers, consisting of two parts - if the dummy will break and fall into the throat of a child, it can suffocate. Choose the most suitable model, please be a dozen pieces for the future, to the nipple has always been on hand - just in case.
- Give your child choices. If a kid does not show any interest to the pacifier, try to interest him again later - or just forget about it. If the nipple falls from the mouth of the child, while he sleeps, and he is not responding, do not insert the pacifier back.
- Keep the pacifier clean. Before you offer your child a pacifier, thoroughly wash it. Infants (under six months), the immune system is not yet completely formed, so the nipples should be boiled or sterilized. For children older than 6 months is enough to wash the teats with soap and hot water. Resist the temptation to "wash" the pacifier in your own mouth - so you just pass the child more germs.
- Not sweetening nipple. Do not dip a pacifier in the wet sugar or honey.
- Observe security measures. Often change the nipples, pacifiers, use suitable child age (when the baby grows up, buy a pacifier bigger), check whether firmly hold all the details whether her cracks and damage.
Recommendations pediatricians
To reduce the risk of SIDS, pediatricians recommend giving the baby a pacifier at bedtime, up to a year. However, when the child gets older, the risks of using teats begin to outweigh the benefits. Although the majority of children on their own refuse nipples aged two to four years, some need help to get rid of this habit.
Use the following methods to wean him from the nipples:
- Children under the age of six months. Instead of giving your child a pacifier perepelenayte him to shake hands, sing a lullaby
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, Turn softly, soothing music and make it a gentle massage.
- Children aged six months to a year and a half. Use outdoor games, toys, favorite objects (such as a blanket) - in short, everything that can distract the child from the desire to take a pacifier in her mouth.
- Children over one and a half years. You can arrange a special ceremony "farewell" to the nipple (when the baby is her "buries" or he throws), or exchange it for a toy.
Slings: Precautions and warnings
March 26, 2012
Safe use of funds to carry children always depends on the user. Your child's safety should always come first.
Always observe the following safety instructions.
- Slings designed for infants and children weighing up to 20 kilograms. However, restrictions may also apply to your body. Do not try to wear a sling to the child that you can not be on hand. If your child was born prematurely or had breathing problems, you'd better consult with your doctor about babywearing. Pediatricians do not recommend using slings for carrying premature and sick children, as well as to carry the baby lying in a pose. Such children should be worn in an upright position.
- In any device that is used to carry the baby, the baby must feel like in the hands of parents. It is not necessary to place a child in a sling with the rings in a position which does not resemble the situation in the hands of the mother.
- Sling must always fit snugly to the child's body.
- Never cover the baby's face with a cloth sling.
- Newborns and infants may be at risk of positional asphyxia. The baby's head must be constantly maintained, and the neck should be kept straight. If your child wheezes or worried, change its position in the sling.
- The sling baby should be in a position where you could kiss him on the forehead. This does not apply to cases where you are breast-feeding. There is a possibility that the baby can choke during breastfeeding
Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!
, So please do not rely on intuition and regularly check your child's breathing, when you breastfeed. The nose of the child should not be pressed to the mother's breast. This applies to breastfeeding in all situations, not just in a sling. If you tie the sling properly, you can not see the faces of children. One must be very careful when you are breast-feeding in sling.
- Never use the device for transporting a child in a special child seat. Slings must not be used as a car seat when riding a bike and other vehicles.
- When a child is in a sling, do not engage in activities that could harm your baby. For example, when you're working with heavy equipment, exercise, or a busy business, during which a child can fall out of the sling.
- Do not walk with your baby in a sling or near an open flame hearth heat, as the fabric material of the sling is neither fire resistant nor fire retardant. However, the same applies to your child.
- Watch out for a long strap, it is better to wrap up in a cloth sling or throw over your shoulder or wrap around the ring in the sling in order not to stumble and not get entangled in the straps.
Apart from all these precautions, it is also important to remember that the slings for children are an excellent tool that can give you significant help in everyday life, they just need to be used with caution. Babywearing can be compared to riding a bicycle: you want to be safe while you enjoy the ride, but do not let the thought of danger to prevent you to enjoy.