- Scoliosis - why develop diseases of the spine
- Prevention and Treatment
What is the prevention and treatment of scoliosis
There is a correlation between the effectiveness of prevention, treatment, and the person's age. Tangible results can be seen when the full range of necessary measures carried out, starting with childhood or adolescence. Many experts believe that after twenty years of conservative treatment is ineffective, so we can talk only about the restorative and supportive therapy.
To increase the effectiveness of treatment should pay special attention to diet. Meals for scoliosis should be diverse and contain a sufficient amount of vegetables, fruits and minerals. It promotes normal processes of bone metabolism, improves the condition of intervertebral discs and vertebral bodies. It is recommended to increase the intake of those foods that contain vitamins C, B (B1, B2, B6, B12), as well as vitamins A and D. It is necessary to include in the daily diet of protein foods:
- Meat (chicken, lamb low-fat varieties)
- fish (halibut, tuna, salmon)
- nuts (peanuts)
- legumes (beans, peas)
- dairy products (cheese)
Be sure to take into account contraindications for scoliosis. Oily, smoked, salted food should be minimized or completely eliminated from the diet.
The normal state of the spine contributes to compliance with the rules of healthy sleep
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. Each patient who is faced with this disease, should know how to sleep in scoliosis. Improper posture during sleep can cause circulatory disorders, joint capsules stretch, so it is advisable to pick up a special orthopedic pillow, and sleep in a certain position. If a person can not buy an orthopedic pillow, it is important to know the rules, how to sleep on a conventional pillow. Pillows should not be very low or very high, it is not recommended to sleep without a pillow.
Funds for the correction of spinal deformity
For most parents it is very important question of how to correct scoliosis. The backup capabilities of the body of childhood allow conservative methods of treatment to achieve correction of scoliosis of the spine only condition is to start treatment in a strictly defined period of time. The most effective treatment is a corset for the spine for scoliosis. Corset used in different types of scoliosis, as they have a single biomechanism of pathological changes in the spinal column.
Wearing a corset to create a calm and stillness in the vertebral column that are experiencing excessive load. The basis of the corset is a rigid locking device that fits snugly to the body, which provides good immobilisation or immobility. The material from which made corsets have hypoallergenic properties, so even prolonged contact material does not cause allergic reactions on the skin.
If your child has a pronounced curvature of the spine, it is recommended to wear a bandage from scoliosis. The bandage can be removed only during bathing or showering. Sports (except contact sports) are not a contraindication to wear a bandage. A child wearing a bandage stops only at an age when ending processes of growth: for girls is the age of fifteen years, boys around the age of seventeen.
Questions rehabilitation therapy or rehabilitation
Methods of physical therapy (or therapy) is given primary importance in the complex of measures aimed at the treatment of scoliosis
Scoliosis: treatment and prevention
. Rehabilitation for scoliosis involves performing not only restorative, general developmental exercises, and breathing exercises. This allows the complex to achieve positive results for the restoration of spinal deformity. The program of physical rehabilitation should be included physiotherapy, swimming, reflexology
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Types of scoliosis of the spine different variety, which is determined by the nature of the clinical disease, the origin, shape and curvature of the other indicators. The amount of care is determined by the specific form of the disease. When it comes to floating forms, the effective remedy is a posture corrector
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. This type of scoliosis is most favorable for not progressing, so does not lead to serious changes in the spinal column. Posture Corrector for scoliosis causes the muscle tone in the state, which is the main mechanism for correcting posture. Correctors can wear, both adults and children, and the children is determined by the length of time which must be worn equalizer.
If scoliosis therapy was initiated in the first stage of the disease, then we can expect a full recovery. The most difficult to treat the changes that have progressive course and cause gross deformation or alter the function of adjacent organs. Respond to the question of how to determine the degree of scoliosis, can only be conducted on the basis of X-ray examination. Based on these results the doctor can assess the extent of violations of the angle of curvature. This indicator is the most important, its result determines the suitability of a conscript for military service.
Scoliosis and the army do not contradict each other, as in scoliosis can be served. Contraindications for service is an expression of spinal curvature, when the angle of curvature exceeds the allowable value, and more than eleven degrees. This corresponds to the second, third and fourth degree of scoliosis. Recruits diagnosed with scoliosis of the first degree, are not exempted from service and are subject to appeal. How to determine the degree of scoliosis and his answer to that question draft board gets after studying the X-ray images of the recruit. If confirmed by the presence of second-degree scoliosis, then the question of postponement can not be taken out the conclusion that the recruit can not bear the service (or is "unfit").
According to the existing classification, recruits, who are exempt from service in connection with the second degree of scoliosis and above constitute conscription category B. This category shall not be re-medical examination after a certain period of time. For a number of other diseases medical examination is possible within six months.
Marina Solovyov